Silent Lover
Yu Er is so adorable and kind,Our Jun tyrant became softer and more tolerant towards Yu Er.I m rrly excited about that,I m gonna read the Chinese novel of this manga
Yours to Claim
Awww I luv this so much,the uke was having wild imagination and the seme looks quite nice to our jooin whelp hopefully he is nice,I have hope and faith in them
Cat in a Cardboard Box
This is so cute,our little tiger is so cute and needy and our mc better never leave him
Woahhh the concept changed that is quite fresh to read
Keeper of the Pearl
This shit was funny as hell and I love the story I almost forgot that it was omegaverse
A Night to Remember Webtoon
Woahhhh the plot twist
This Ending
This would forever be my favourite manhwa.I have cried ten times reading this manga throughout the whole story.The regrets and slowly slowing faith at each other really hurts my heart.Especially those words in their mind and the diary part got me crying so much.If we were together again would you change or not ?A person’s change is really miserable.Starting to lose your own self and not recognise the old you. This story was really well written and the plot the angst hurts my heart so much.
Not for the Faint of Heart
I rrly love this story UwU I cried so much at the last chapter ughhh my heart and I cried when they met again
Don't Pick Up the Soap