See you later, Mermaid
This is so sweet and fluffy.At first I was kind of confused but then our author cleared up the confusion for is a well written story
Salad Days (Tang LiuZang) Webtoon
Jinyi and jiang Shen is so cute together,uwu my heart dropped all of the UwU.This is one of my favourite manga ,the art is gorgeous,smooth.The characters are portrayed clearly
Wish Me Love
At first, it was hard for me to read the manga because it was my first time to encounter homophobic mc. However, the story and character development was great yijin apologized and became genuine to his feelings. Joohyuk on the other side has pulled up all these with yijin, always loved him.It was truly pleasant to see yijin falling more for joohyuk one day by one day.It is a well written story
Karasugaoka Don't be shy!! 2
Awww this was rrly cute and fluffy
Biting the Tiger
Pls don’t break up because he is with you and he is in danger,you gotta stay with him and protect him at all costs
Mr. 100% Perfect
Yeah I know I tend to show my perfect side to everyone i treat everyone nicely always be kind to everyone the perfect image to everyone but then I don’t really treat myself the same way I treat others oh yeah thank god that the woo in and his boyfriend made up to each other and the second couple tho the story is pretty relatable
High School Lala Love
Awwww that was so cute and wholesome finally they confessed to each other I m in joy tears
Part-time Lovers
Those memes got me cracking,Yall I am gonna take the black hair hot dude with me
Cupid ni Rakurai
This is just too cute and sweet
Yasashii Kare to Fukigen Kitsune no Renai Jijou