Cuddle: Kemonohito Omegaverse
Takara no Biidoro
Papa no Sukinahito
Sayonara Game (minaduki Yuu)
Sutenaide My Hero
Shh, the baby is sleeping
Uke always loved his childhood friend. When he found out his wife died and he got injured and can no longer play soccer he hurried to help. Uke offered all the help he could to the seme he liked. Over time the seme realized his feelings for Uke but thought Uke was already dating his president. Seme asked Uke to fake date each other for a month and he make up his mind. After time and talking it one Uke confessed first then seme and they seemed happy together in love.
My Pretty Pink Secret
Seme liked Uke since HS and finally pounced on him. Uke ran away and thought he’d never see him again. Seme goes to same school as Uke and started to approach him. Seme touched Uke (nips) with no consent. Uke started to feel his body change and get feelings for seme. Eventually they both got jealous and Uke confessed. They went all the way and both have confessed.
Dos Obake Ga Nekasetekurenai
Uke has always had trouble with love. Suddenly he was haunted by a ghost who pounced on him when ever he could but the ghost also cleaning and took care of him. Eventually a person who looked exactly like the ghost showed up. Uke chased him down and. Found out I was him and the ghost was created from his desires for the Uke. They both confessed eventually and started dating. The Ukes neighbor also had a ghost problem a childhood friend who he always cared for. Eventually they both confessed and moved in together. Uke and seme dated happily having a few problems. Ukes brother came and stayed for a while and disapproved of seme. But they overcame it with trust even Uke missed seme so much his ghost when to visit him. The neighbor moved out and the person who moved in happened to be seme. Now they can live happily. Semes ghost came to visit Uke when ever he missed him their entire relationship. Last extra is about the ghost getting it on. Interesting idea with the ghost cute story.
It Felt Good from the First Touch