Musunde Aite
Seme is a worker at a daycare and a child’s uncle (uke) regularly picks her up. Seme has had a crush on him for the longest and suddenly the child suggested the two should go to the festival together. While at the festival they can closer and when the fireworks went off one confessed. Seme accepted it all even though he didn’t hear any of it. They later went back to a room Uke revealed he liked it rough and seme thrown off at first dived in and shows him a night and also fisting. They are happily together.
Clap Your Hands
Playboy student is never satisfied of any of his girlfriends. His friend makes fun of him and suggest that as long as he feels good, he’d probably do it with a man. You know they end up one of their houses and our prep and getting ready to test it out. However, Playboy couldn’t get it up so they switched roles. While at his friend just couldn’t stop and they both seemed into it. Later on his friend, finally confessed his crush, but she dumped him, and he was stocked up and needed his help to release it all. Even though he was reluctant he gave in and is now dangerous scheme because they might both be into it too much.
Team Kuroda