usotsuki na tsugai
Omega is useless since he never got his hear but his twin is the ultimate omega with both genders and while at a pairing (family sells off omega for money for their omega shelter). The rich and powerful alpha that was there to meet the twin decided the omega would be him paring. Alpha asked omega to faking being his pairing and he’ll take care of him for life. Omega agreed and they started their life together slowly the omega fell for the alpha even through witnessing abuse from his family and his insecurity since he knew he their were just pretending and that the alpha hated omegas (tramatic past with bff). Even so he still started to fall for him and alpha seemed to slowly warm up at a party his twin also attending he didn’t know that it was a trap and this twin was forcing his heat to come to break them apart. However it didn’t work and the alpha confessed to him and they paired and shortly after the they got married. Twin upset he messed his relationship with his brother doesn’t know how to fix it. His partner in crime (alphas cousin - also an alpha). Started to court him and slowly twin started to have feelings for him however he was already set to be married off and the alpha was being denied since their family name always got an omega. Before he was about to leave alpha showed up and confessed once more and revealed he left his family to be with him. Omega accepted him and they happily paired and go married where he also announced his pregnancy. (Back to first couple) omega is learning at a cooking academy and had a little falling out with alpha who quickly dispelled all of it. We also learn that omegas teacher is his father who gave birth to the twins ( honestly came out of no where and little explanation but they all accepted it so easily)… After skipping his heat for two months to prep for a big buffet he was selected for while they finally got to connect again omega was declared pregnant. Shorty after the twin gave birth omega gave birth to. Boy… 2 yrs later omega gave birth to a girl… 2yrs later twins boy is an alpha … not much after we learn omegas boy is also alpha. (It really did just jump time like that). since the alpha created the next line he had to meet with the president who wanted to take him in as the heir but alpha greatly refused and they all went home (honestly solved pretty easily)… 2 yrs later omegas girl was announced omega and his family came to take her since its law that any omegas will be taken in and cared for by them (then subsequently also married off). Just omega and daughter went but the son skipped school to save him sister and while doing so he met an omega who was staying there. Alpha came the rescue with a devised plan ready and it was accepted and they were free to go at a family. The daughter grew attached to the kid omega and they visited regularly. …6 yrs later Young omega got his heat and the son came to rescue him and pronounced hed mate him (… haha I was scared when this happens *sweats*). However son didn’t fully pair with omega (they didn’t do anything phew) sadly he had to be sent off to his engagement. … 10 yrs later omega is still with his mate but has never gotten pregnant once so he was disowned but is still being used. He was invited to a party for the foundation of the omega society thing. He only went to catch a glimpse of his childhood friend. Once he didn’t he tried to quickly get away but ended up running into the son who swooped him up since he was falling into a heat. Alpha son declared his love for him and revealed they are paired but not fully. While trying to run away omega got alpha injured and agreed to living with him for a month. They spend the month together just touching bodied (omega refused more since he was ‘paired’ Already good for him). Omega slowly started to fall for alpha again even though he didn’t want to he went to a party with alpha where he got jealous and then the alphas omega bff came and the omega got jealous. Near the end of their time omega new he fell to far for him but with the message from his pair he knew he had to let go. When he met up with his pair he was confronted and pushed down but alpha came to rescue and set him free with a crazy deal made and won alpha successfully freed omega and they finally got to officially pair and shortly after got married. My god ik I wrote a lot but they story was everywhere and has 3 couples phew. Story was pretty cute first alpha was a dick but he has a reason behind it so… I guess he gets a pass. Kinda wish we saw more of the twins story but oh well. Also can we talk about these omegas non existent spins like ~ what is going on what kinda flexibly do they have my god… anyways last couple was cutest but I was very worried when the 12 yr old was taking bout mating the 4 yr older omega haha crazyyyhy thank god id didn’t happen but I was still worried…. Heh
Tsurenai Kemono ni Kamitsukitai
Omega fox is the miniature of a white tiger alpha. Don’t make a hide the fact that he is in omega and is pretending to be a beta. One day, the the miniature gets into heat while the alpha is around and decides to help the alpha since he’s his manager. a few days later, the alpha goes into rut in the omega helps again. Well, that happens the other confesses that he likes him with the mega pushes it aside that’s it’s due to his rut. The mega start saving feelings for alpha but bushes aside since he’s lower than him and he doesn’t wanna seem like the fox that seduced the alpha. As they get closer and closer alpha, declared them to be destined partners but since they’ll make a couldn’t smell the alpha he declined. As time goes on, and I get to know each other more suddenly the alpha mother comes to the picture and she is not approving of the foxes. Due to this, the miniature decides to step down and let someone else take his position. They spend a month apart and suddenly Omega gets a call from Alpha asking for help. When they finally meet again, parable relieved to see each other in Omega finally decides to accept his feelings and confesses. Before they become mates, make it decides that he needs to get the mother’s approval before hand. The day they confront the mother, she actually decides to accept them. The president of the company except them as well (Omegas uncle). They finally become mates. Also, during this alpha, tell the story about how they met when they were younger (typical story). typical story about alpha falling in love with Omega Omega doesn’t feel worthy of alpha, etc.
The Omega Takes a Husband
Omega Grandson of the president of the Yakuza is next in line to be leader. But he needs to marry and producing heir. He goes through many marriage. Interviews but always retaliates until one interview where he got drugged and went into heat. He was saved by his subordinate (childhood for a right hand. Man). and kissing him due to the smell, He gave off, and he knew that was his destined partner. The next day, however, he couldn’t remember nothing, and told his subordinate to find the man his destined partner. later the day. After calling his support to get him more inhibitors. He realized that he was the one and confronted him. However, the subordinate (alpha) kept pushing him away and telling him he wasn’t good enough, but this anchored the omega and caused a gap in their relationship. After it is occurred. The alpha realize his mistake and try to rationalize everything, but he couldn’t stop the jealousy he had. At the next marriage interview with the biggest gang things went wrong. Outfit. As soon as he could went to help Omega, but Omega had everything handled, but found out he was drug again. I’ll try his best to calm down and ends up, confessing to him. They went to leave, and finally agree to get married and become mates. They are happily married together. AHHH SO CUTEEE I loved this. Gotta love a feisty omega and calming alpha.