Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love
Freeloading and woman hopper seme just got dumped in a cafe but got curious about another couple’s conversation. He offered to help him forget their worries together. These spent a steamy night together but there send awoke he was alone. He couldn’t stop thinking of him and while searching for a place to stay he got sick from the rain. He decided to go to the doctors and it happened to be his one night stand (Uke). He decided not to let the chance go and told Uke to nurse him back to health and he did so. He was take in and they lived peaceful for a few weeks until on day after a sudden date they didn’t sleep together Uke suddenly had overtime constantly. While out seme ran into Uke with another man and rushed him away and pushed himself on him. After he regretted it miserably and just wanted Uke back realizing he was in love with him. He ran into him again while Uke was with another man and after confronting him again Uke finally confessed to his addiction to sex. Seme decided to accept and help him if he only used him. They once again lived together and seme was happy waiting for him to fall for him back but he kept feeling insecure since the cause of ukes addiction is an unrequited love isn’t his best friend. He constantly tells him to get over him causing a gap in their relationship to the point where once Uke finally accepted him he pushed his insecurities and Uke kicked him out. Seme regretted it and didn’t realize his mistake till later and ran back he apologized profusely and after talking it out Uke accepted him. They are happily together and Uke is healing and seme is changing his ways and even got a job. SO CUTEE !! I love the karma Seme got but he finally got the feeling reciprocated after realizing his flaws and fixing them ahhh. And Uke while they are doing it
Romantic Pornography