Hitotsu Shikanai Mono
Keep the cash
momichupa oppabu osu time
Yes guy (Uke) was jobless and his ‘only’ friend (seme) knew someone who had a job available. However it was I know that is was a job at a sex shop. Uke got used to the job and send visited him. Uke pounced in seme and they had a physical relationship whenever seme visited Uke at work. They continued to develop their relationship. With a few hurtles in the way and both of them finding out their are jealous people. Eventually they confess and seme surprises Uke with matching rings. They date happily. (2) Gluttonous Uke was found by one of the employed at the shop who offered him a job with him. Uke enjoyed his only job except that he wasn’t allowed to finish and was pent up due to all the booba sucking. He was unable to find a partner who would accept his job and time Available and ended up begging the ‘boy’ of the shop (seme) (one who runs the shop with the owner/manger is away). However he reused but Uke persisted and eventually seen gave in. They continued their friends with benefits relationship. Till eventually it seemed like Uke was going to lose seme to another (even if seme wasn’t Ukes type). Uke began to beg for forgiveness but then it was revealed he had the wrong idea. Seme confronted Uke but Uke refused to confess so seme confessed first. They can no longer go without the other and began to official date afterwards. There is a sequel to this about the other employees which I enjoyed a bit more than these employees.
Send is traveling to collect folk stories while looking for a place to stay he was invited to stay at a brothel. He was going to decline but was curious about a male worker and ended up choosing him. He was caught but with his kindness the worker told him to run before he was caught forever. Once he escaped he couldn’t find any info on it. Was interesting very short.
Monetary Love