Student of monkey school, wanders a lot. On his way to feed a neighborhood cat one day he sees another person feeding him. As they met each other suddenly the student saw sparkles over him. When they were talking, he realized the other student went to the Dog school. He decided to keep his mouth shut since they went to rival schools who constantly fight. As they kept meeting more and more monkey student decided to confess to him wow Dog student didn’t accept the first eventually, he accepted him. As time went on eventually, Dog student found out that his BF went to his rival school and had to cut him off. Monkey student constantly searched for him, but I never find him so decided to join the fight. Both of the schools had planned. While at the fight, he tried his best to speak to him, but he ignore him until they find out the cat they were feeding got catnapped. They decided to force to get him back and they finally reunited and started dating us again. Monkey student declare to both of their leaders that they’re dating. They’re happily dating afterwards and don’t plan to let each other go.
AHH cute love the way they met!
Kasenjiki RomiJuri Kousou Kyoku