Hero was turned into stone while hunting down Medusa. When the hero about to be destroyed a lone elf from his group decided to take him in. He learned many things about the elf and learned that he’s just extremely shy and not an angry loner. One day after the elf came home drunk and enjoyed himself (cummed in his face lolol) on the hero. The hero suddenly turned into human the next day. While going to see the elf to tell him the good news he turned back into the stone again. They figured out that the elf’s semen is what turned the hero back into human. They decided to take a trip back to Medusa to undo the spell and ended up on another journey to get revenge for Medusa to become full human again. On the journey, the hero contemplated confessing to elf, and when he did, he was turned down because the elf was worried about outliving him. Eventually, they decide to get married (just skipped the whole relationship, but good for them). After the returning to Medusa and becoming human. They got married and had a very wholesome relationship really love each other very much and are very happy together… they’re also switches. THIS STORY IS SOOO CUTEEE sO WHOLESOME AND THE GREENEST OF grEEN FLAGS THEY ARE EHAHHH (≧∀≦)
Don't Mess With the Puppy!
Chiya's Just an Unstable Guy
Run Away, Assistant Manager Ha!
Inu Kitarinaba Haru Toukaraji
Ookami no Bonito
Transfer student going to college for architecture is new to Spain. It’s been a month since he’s transferred and it’s been slow and lonely since the population is mostly Beastmen. One day go out at a bakery. He gets help from a wolf police officer. The police officer makes a mark on the student as he’s the first friendly person he’s met. They ran into each other again later on, and the wolf decides to take him out. And he even licks him. is confused with the student as he doesn’t know if it’s a greeting custom or not. as they hung out more and got to know each other more the wolf pounced on him confess that he wanted him to be his mate. A bit reluctant student eventually gave in. I realized he has feelings for the wolf as well, and also realizes that the Wolf has been marking him. Eventually, the student get his courage and ask the wolf if they are dating and he happily confirmed it. After not long of dating the wolf suddenly proposes to the student. Thrown off the student doesn’t know how to answer and pushes it off, but when the wolf, asks him again another day, the student asks for sometime to think. As a student tries to rock his brain through the process, he sees the wolf chatting with some girls. I realize that he’s jealous and doesn’t want him to be with anyone else for him. Later on after they talk through, and he expressed his jealousy, he then also proposes to the wolf who happily agrees. Later on, they decide to take a trip to Japan to meet the students parents. Before the trip, however the wolf reluctantly tells the student that beastman are very possessive and always want their mate to be in their nest a.k.a. their home. However, the student happily acknowledges everything and tries to ease his worries. After me and the parents, though they are happily together and looking forward to the future. One shot side story- Photographer who has been taking pictures of a new up-and-coming model is always approached by him. The model is always asking him to be his and only his. The photographer getting a bit bored of taking photos over him wishes he could take photos of women as well. When he was expressing these feelings, a coworker overheard him and invited him to marriage party. After being at the party for a while of photographer sites and none of them are more beautiful than the model and leaves. While exiting, he is confronted by a model and is extremely confused as to why what he does is any of his business. after being dragged away by the model model explains that he’s been confessing to him every time they meet. Shot by his revelation, the photographer realizes that the model has been confessing to him for five years. Eventually, the photographer gives into the model and they sleep together. Afterwards, the photographer explains his confusion to the question that model has always been asking him. After thinking for a moment the model expresses that he also wants him to be his one and only photographer which the photographer accepts.
Seifuku x Kinniku