About street cats life’s. (1) Runaway cat was dragged by a house cat to become the districts new leader. House cat (Uke) can into heat for the first time but didn’t know how to relive himself he ran out his home and run into runaway cat (seme). Seme teaches him how to relive himself and they both start drifting toward each other and sharing about their backstories. Eventually they confess with the help of ukes brother. They both date happily.
(2) Orignal leader (Uke) of the district took in may strays (house car was one of them) but as they grew they left but one was always on him saying he’d become the future leader (seme). When seme finally grew he challenged Uke and won and pounced on him sleeping with him. Suddenly Uke disappeared and seme searched and searched for him. Seme found him eventually and relived ukes insecurities about being left alone. After going back to their own district they both went and thanked everyone who helped search (after seme go voted out of being leader). They found kittens on the way back and took them home. When they both returned the district residents set up a wedding for them and they both officially become mates living together with the kittens. This story is really cute! Would definitely re-read.
Hatsujou Kemono Biyori