Mercenary Enrollment
Shounen ️ ?/10 ️ NSFW? No ️ Worth reading? -- ️ Warnings: violence, death, torture, gangs A story about a 9 y/o who was in a plane accident with his parents, everyone thought he was dead but he survived though he lost his memories. All this time he was fighting to survive and became a skilled and famous mercenary, until he received a mission to rescue some people from the korean army. Then he was brought back tko korea and, after 10 years, he met his younger sister and grandpa again and tries to live a normal life of a high school student, which doesn't go too well. He keeps getting into fights and gets involved with the wrong people just to save his younger sister. It's a really good manwha but I hope the author doesn't try to fit romance in it, MC doesn't seem like someone who would want to get involved romantically with anyone, his only goal is to be happy with his family. + MC is hot and his sister too
Ilwon Dog
Poor MC x Rich ML - BL 7/10 NSFW? Yes Worth reading? Kinda Warnings: - Okay so this is a short story and it's good to read if you don't have anything else. It's... kinda sad honestly. I feel bad for the ML, he actually likes MC but he isn't liked back and is used for money and food. MC's an asshole honestly, like stop playing with people's feelings????? Also the end showing us that ML will still be used until MC gets tired made me pitty ML even more. Shame on you, MC.
Wild Idols
Idols! ️ 7/10 ️ NSFW? No ️ Worth reading? Yes ️ Warnings: Manipulation Would be a 9/10 if the ending wasn't so rushed, that was disappointing honestly. This could be better explored and better if it wasn't for the rushed ending... The beginning was really interesting though and caught attention. It isn't BL, but I still recommend since it's a good story.
Waterside Night