Plot: To break away from his existence as a NEET and staying at home all day, Endou Hiroshi starts work at a convenience store. There he meets an arrogant and rude co-worker, Yamai Kouhei, whom he just can't get along with. However, after seeing a different side of Yamai and getting to know him more, Endou's impression of him starts to change for the better. But, just as things seem to be going fine for Endou and his return to society, his past comes back to trouble him. (NEET = "Not in Education, Employment, or Training")
Anata wa Iyarashii Hito
Responsible, no-nonsense police officer Munakata is known for his exceptional skills and high arrest rate. His perfection is the the envy of all. But, Munakata has a secret he can't tell anyone: his body's filthy longing to be humiliated. Unable to repress his flagrant desires, he indulges in risky behavior whenever he's alone at night. When starry-eyed rookie officer Toru discovers his hero Munakata's secret, he opens the floodgates to forbidden pleasures... A steamy, sensual drama about a naughty submissive who finds a potential dom in his junior admirer...
Doku ni mo Naranai Propose
Dependent young office worker X wedding planner who hates love
Doushitemo Furetakunai