Across the Milky Way!
i… really really liked this. the story didn’t abstain from acknowledging and carrying through the consequences for shittiness, much is open-ended especially regarding the twins’ parents (we don’t know whether eunsang really forgave them as crying at this incredibly hard won apology is, well, to be expected) and june (because he didnt forgive eunsang per se he just resolved to get along with him /for eunho’s sake/ which is realistic and not cut and dry, it is a personal choice as to how you go forward in a relationship with your tormentors especially since in this case it’s out of love for a third party). this should really come first but i also loved the wake up calls: eunha is naturally empathetic and yet he didn’t cower and give eunsang a sanitised version, he had the decency and respect to—because of recognising eunsang’s hardships—confront eunsang straight out that he should stop using a bad past as an excuse to lighten his wrongs. ultimately eunha did that so as to allow eunsang the opening for growth, i believe subconsciously he couldn’t like eunsang shy away from hard truths to prevent getting better. and! and! i really love the parents actually looking within themselves to have the courage and humanity to say what we did was incredibly traumatising and unworthy!! it’s so rare to see abusive parental figures learning and this was a breath of (needed) fresh air. the father’s reaction was also expected and organic; with such violence enacted on his child he wont come to terms so fast, but he said he would reflect upon it signifying change in the future. you know ultimately eunsang is wrong, incredibly awful for what he has did and there is no changes that can be done for the past. abuse (physical abuse and neglect) as well as the burden of poverty (having to fend for himself/make an own income without having parental help) plus not able to be vulnerable with anyone is an explanation for his actions but it isn’t an excuse. however we have to think how that factors into impacting him as a vulnerable child. some people won’t forgive him and that’s okay, but i like that the story gives him the capacity for change and shows that people can change. and that needs support networks, he needed his brother and now his new boyfriend for it. he has a lot to work on and some things aren’t reparable but fuck yes do i believe that traumatised kids who lashed out with anger and hurt have the capacity to grow.
Our Sunny Days
Painter of the Night(Yahwacheop)
surprisingly amazingly well done. masterclass on writing, seriously
Sojou No Koi Wa Nido Haneru