Ice Man Webtoon
Voice of Love
Surprised myself in spending all night reading this. It wasn't bad, cute.
Pheromone Shower - Omegaverse Short Stories
Story 1, Chp 1-11: Mockingbird- what did I just read? Didn't like it. Story 2, Chp 12-22: Midnight Job- surprisingly enjoyed this (though I didn’t like the initial blackmail). Story 3, Chp 23-43: Like a Tidal Wave- I really enjoyed the story. It was defo more developed than the other stories. Though I wish we saw more of them as a family of 3. Update: Have yet to read the 2nd couple/story that starts at chp.12 and finishes chp.22. Update 2 (24/1/24): Okay wow, I’ve finally read story 2, it wasn’t a bad read.
Blood Link
9/7/21: completed chp.135. Surprised that I even read this and I'm enjoying it. Will wait for updates. Season 1 with dads ends chp.65 and season 2 with son starts chp.66. Chp.117 (season 2) was super cute. And so was chapter 118- a wedding chapter. Raws: 9/7/21: can't believe it's over, it honestly wasn't a bad read. But it did feel rushed occasionally and didn't make sense in some parts. 2/8/24: just finished bing re-reading this/ reading season 2 properly. It’s still as good as I remember. I really appreciate this comment: This is so wholesome ahhhh perfect. Not toxic... Jhaz002 July 13, 2024 4:07 pm This is so wholesome ahhhh perfect. Not toxic but just some struggles for each couples. Four generations. I love the ending that makes you wonder what'll happen next? I also love that each couple has different life choices like Bin and Gok lives eternal life, while their son will have a normal life span and grow old.. then Kakia and Ino whom one will live forever while the other has limited life span.. it gives me mixed emotions and makes me wonder how life would be like if you are in one of those situation. Would you rather live forever with the one u love and see your children die? Live a normal life? Or choose to witness the one you love die while you live eternally..
Nanohana Boys
S1 ends chp.28. S2 starts chp.34. Where do I begin. This manhwa was absolutely beautiful. I believe this is the first manhwa I've properly read to the end. And it It made me feel so many beautiful emotions and I really loved both characters, their friendship and growth was truly wonderful to read. I really liked how they positively influenced each other. And I loved the additions of other characters pov e.g. their teacher's, the younger sister Miu's, ect. Honestly would recommend. Edit: partly re-read and still has enjoyable as ever
Behind The desk
Chp.42 pg.4 was so funny. Not bad but I did skip over all the angsty bits.
Like That Winter Flower
A Shoulder to Cry On
Started reading this on a whim- was curious about the plot. However, I honestly hated the black haired guy and what he did. Also hate the red haired guy. But next thing you know I'm reading the whole manhwa trying to know what happens next. Update: chp19-20 made me forgive the dark haired guy. He properly apologised to pink haired guy and had the opportunity to tell the truth (even though pink haired guy carried on the lie). In chp22, pink haired guy summed up exactly how I felt about dark haired guy- everything he did before hasn't been wiped clear but now I understand why he did the things he did. Hope dark haired guy talks to/makes up with his adopted dad and aunt. Chp25: dark haired guy makes up with his adopted dad. Finished. It wasn't bad. But defo wish it was longer and explored their romantic relationship but oh well, not too fussed.
Oh! My Assistant Webtoon