That Time I Got Stuck to the Guy I Hate
The Holy Spirit Who Transgresses
@8 HOT AFFFFF, and also sad, gorgeous art 8 = granny is an old hag, pls, stfu I BEGGGG. the spirits told me you can shut up xoxo 9 = nahhhhh FUCK your granny and FCK you
Unchanged Man
Koi no Ghost
Lucky Paradise
@123 Update 123 = I beg. This is cute I guess, but I've had ENOUGH. JUST GIVE ME WOOJINS STORY WTF, WHY EVEN TELL US HE HAS A CRUSH ON SOMEONE JUST TO NEVER DO SHIT WITH ITTTTTTTT!!!! IM TIREDDDD OF WAITINH JIWOOOOO!!! AND WOOJINNN!! I LOVE WOOJIN OMG HES hot and smary and a good friend. I NEEDDDDDDD JIWOOO TO BAG A MAN OMFG I LOVE HIM! ICON. LEGEND. SHOWSTOPPING. DEATH DROPPING. KING. 32= BFFR taesoo. You're a grown man, speak tf up. You disgust me. You can be rude and violent towards others, but can even speak a word? BYE 33 = disgusting. Fy taesoo. What a shit back story. Chu woo deserves none of this 47 = BYEEEEE, JIWOO IS THEEEEEE ICON HAHAHA! ILY JIWOO, JIWOO ON YOP 48 = not me tearing up by jiwoos request, he's such a sweet brother 53-56 = THE WAY WOOJINS BACJSTORY ANDTHEIR FRIENDSHUO MADE ME CRYYYY !! WOOJIN, U ARE THE BEST 58+60 = realistic fights followed by realistic apologies, UGH ILYYYYYYYYYY 75-77 = THE ADRENALINEEEEEEE IN THESE CHAPTERS OMGGG, YESSS! AO SATISFYING! BPTH PEOPLE I HATEEEEEE GOT BEST UP?! AHHJHH 91 = I HATE this man, but I still shed a tear for him, icl. Especially knowing the last time he cried was when he lost his mom. He should've realized you can't be a pathetic middle schooler forever, and rather use people for sex then date and be honest. Sooooooo deserved! 93 = JIWOOOOOO!!!!! AHHH!!! THE PUPPYY OMFGG!!! AHGHGHAGHHHH! cried again 95 = CRYONG AGAONNNNNM PLSSSS SO HAPPY
The Night Sun
@29 Dont get how anyone can root for blue bro. Black monster is the worst, but blue bro is also a POS who fcks someones drunk off their ass, knowing they are recebtly traumatized. The only good ending is one where black hair monster GETS KILLED, and MC moves to a new city with money from a settlement and enjoys life. 5+6 = FUCK both of these brothers. One lies just to purposefully spite his older brother, DIRECTLY RUINING SHIT FOR MC! The othrr turns into a rapist. Both of you can jump off a cliff 17+18 = DONT like him doing with with him as hes drunk off his ass and even saying everythings spinning, like actually TF?! you asked how hes feeling and all he did was talking aboyt shit dpinning, syou THEN YOU JUMP HIM? 19 = ANNDDDD AS EXPECTED, THE MC AINT HAPPY WAKING UP FINDING OUT THEY FCKED. NO SHIT. HE WAS BEYONDDDD DRUNK. ISTGGGG EVERYONE HERE SUCKS 20 = W.T.F.!?!?!?!?!?! BRUHHHHHHHH BFRRRRRRRR. Authors, please, stop giving stories where EVERY MAN IS A RED FLAG. MY MC DESERVES BETTER JFC. HOW DID ALL THIS HAPPEN FROM HIM BEING A WAITER?! 28 = THEY PLANNED THIS?!?!?! BYEEEEEEE. BPTH OF YOU JUMP IN DHARK INFESTED WATER AND LIGHT YOURSELF ON FIRE AND DIE.
Snow Fairy
@extra FIN where can I find THIS type of love. The pictures through the eyes of one who loves you... BYEEE, NO TEARS LEFT TO CRY (jk there's MANY still dropping)
Good night, baby
@33 Amazing story. Very realistic charas. Insanely HOTTTT art
Cry Me a River