Guard Youth
@35 FIN A 9.5/10!! Just a bit sad that we never got them to officially date, and I still don't know what the reason was for Suho to nevr leave his apartment complex? Wish that had its own proper backstory. Still very cute, funny and sad read, well written! HILARIOUS + CREEPY SAD, I LOVE ITTTTTT!!!!!! 26 = WOWWWW, I DID NOT EXPECT THIS REVEAL?! W.T.F.!!! 27 = Hwartbreaking and INFURIATING chapter. As a parent, you should never stand up for a damn criminal. Idc if its a 13y old even, I'd throw you in priaon with no hesitation. Why would you even believe SUCH a dumb lie??? "He didnt mean to poor gasoline on your house, he just accidentally spilled it!", dont you wonder WHY he would take gasoline uo to a floor he doesnt even live on? God. SLAY FEMALE CHARA, TRUE BESTIE RIGHT THERE, READY TO KILL THOSE KIDS AAHHH!!! 28 = where tf are the parents of these people jfc 29+30 = absolutely DISGUSTINGGG KIDS! You deserve to rot in jail till you DIE. Alslo love the brothers communicating, ima cry The groupchat was scary and appalling though 31+32 = LMAOABIAA, he is back to losing his sanity again 33+34 = SOOOOOO CUTE! THE BONDING OF THE LIL BROTHER AND SUHO, THE LOVE GROWING BETWEEN THE OLDERBRO AND SUHO, AABHHH!!! YYAYAYAYAASSSSSH ANIIAH 35 = AAHHH SUCH A CUTE ENDING! EVERYONE COMING TOGETHER FOR SUHO UGHHHH I LOVEVEVEVE ITTTT T_T
Sekai wa Shippo de Dekiteiru
Yuurei Kesunde Tsukiatte Kudasai
@7 Very cool story about a physic students who can see ghostd and gets followed a lot X a physics student whos an exorcist! 4 = EXTREMELY dark and depressing and something I did not expect in a BL... 5 = super cute! 6 = Also INSANELY dark and scary wtf 7 = WHYYY?!?!? WHY IS THIS SO SAD IM CRYING!!
Bad Friend
@side 1 GOOODDDLLLYYYYY BL! HOLY SHITTT 10/10. PLISSS I NEED S2 NOW!! COMEDY, HOT STUFF, DRAMA, WELL WRITTEN ARCS, LIKABLE CHARACTERS, AAHHHH 6 = G.O.D.L.Y! WOOFWOOOFF BARKVATK WOOF BARK! LMAAOOOO 7+8 = OMYYY ;))) D R E A M S 9 = cry :( 10 = OHOHOHOOO 12 = MORE HOHOS; 27 to 30 = CRYINGGGG!!! YES HAON, GON DID IR FOR YOUUUU!!! YGHUGHUHH 44 = Gons father deserves the most painful death imaginable. Pathetic. YOU decided to marry her, without knowung her, cause you wanted to marry rich. Then her family treats you bad, whilst she treats you pretty good and even helps you, but you take it out on HER. Then fijd out her plan to dwstroy the family she is part of, THE FAMILY THAT US THE ACTUAL ONES BELITTLING YOU, and decide to kill HER?! And also want your own son dead, wow. 45 = WTFFF, SONG UNHAK THAT CREEP LEADER IS HIS PSYCHO DAD?!?! KILLLLLLLLLLLLL HIIIMMMMMMMMM 47 = LESBIAN BEAUTTYYYSSSSS KYAAAA 49-51 = OMGGG GONS CONFESSION, HAON TAKING THE LEAD, HOT SEXY TIME, UGHH AMAING CHAPTERS! and thennnn we find out haon is a dumbass again and not taking his medication and purposefully keeping poison in his body to help Gon fight his father later, bro. :( 53.= SNIFFF, FFS HAONNNN T_T 54 = our cryo mommy is a SLAYYYY! Standing up for Haon so he won't die there!!! God I love her 60-62 = omggGGG HIS DADDDD!!! AAHHHH! AND THE DEVIL IS DEAD!!! HAPPINESS Side 1 = ofc the author starts the side story withblood and drama LMAO
Absolutely Ruined Love
@28 ICONNNICCCCCCCCCC BEAT THEM HOMOPHOBES BISSHH!!!! Also t.w.I.n.s.?! Taejun = Seme, who is kinda mean Taeoh = Seme's alter, whos a perv Dongjae = Uke dumbass 6 = not this dumbass falling in love with a guy who stranded him for 5+ HOURS, didnt reply to messages and then insulted him, but is "kind" cause he gave him a hat (cus strangers were staring at him making the ML cry) and gave him his groceries. I wanna judge him, but I can relate to this dumbfuckery :') RIP bby, plis, up your standards 7 = NOT TWINS?! 8 = KYUAAAAA 10 = 13+14 = 17 = YESS!! TAE-OH SUPREMACYY MY POOR BABBYYY!!!!!!!!!! 18 = 19 = Origin story of Taejun and how he got DID. Beyond heartbreaking. Sicekning. The dad deserves to be in prison for life. 20 = Both parties are wrong here. Taejun SUCKS, speaks of Taeoh like a toy, and is unnecessarily rude to Dongjae. Whilst Dongjae is a dumbass who STILL has a crush on him for honestly NO proper reason at all as hes just been a consistent CUNT, but also unnecessarily went and "vented" to a guy who already rejected him. Jesus. 21 = real nice chapter! Shows both Dongjaes struggles with his feelings and Tae-Ohs with his identity, bless 23 = ok, not the biggest fan of Taejun through all this and prefer Taeoh, BUT his behaviour is 100% understandable especially after his dad fuxxing caused his DID by beating him to the brink of death for being gay! I love Taeoh but it seems they are merging, so I just want both of them to be happy both Taeoh and Taejun. Y'all deserve it. Sadly it had to be with a dumbass but I digress 24 to 26 = Idk. There wasnt much of a reason for Taejun to start liking Dongjae, and even the explanation doesnt make sense. I also feel sad for Taejun and Taeoh both, but more for Taejun cause what he experienced with tge abuse is BEYOND messed up. Idk, just sad its all sad 28 = its kind off a "happy ending" but also sad for Taejun sniff. Hope they become a happy trouple couple
Super Platonic
@4.5 FIN rating = -1000/10! D O G S H I T . 32y old can jump in a volcano or getting eaten by sharks. This was honestly just an INFURIATING read and so uncomfortable. We have a florest who's 32, who hires a worker who's 20, a guy. They have 0 special connection at all and the 32y old even treats the 20y old kinda meh-ish. Then his younger sister who's 21 asks him to go meet up with a guy she has been talking to online, who shares the same interest as her and who she might want to DATE with as they BOTH have romantic feelings for eachother, and asks her brother the 32y old to go in her stead cause she is sick and has something else to do and doesnt wanna cancel. The 32y old goes and finds out its his worker who's 20, but instead of fixing the misunderstanding and explaining he is NOT who he has been talking to and his sister is, he just keeps the lie going. Then the 20y old even CONFESSES to the 32y old, again, THINKING ITS WHO HE HAS BEEN TALKING TO ONLINE! Then the 32y old even lies to HIS OWN FUCKING SISTER and does NOT tell her that it is his worker who was the guy, and keeps LYING TO BOTH OF THEM?! This is just disgusting. He is a HORRIBLE piece of shit, who ruined the chance of a perfect relationship between his sister and the worker, who were BOTH interested in eachother, liked talking to eachother, had the same hobbies AND are a similar age. Yet he felt ''too awkward'' to admit he wasnt his sister, kept lying to EVERYONE involved, and then suddenly fell in love with the 20y old worker based on barely anything?! The only reason he ''fell in love'' with the worker, is essentially cause the 20y old worker kept being shy around him and paying attention to him. Whcih AGAIN was cause he STILL thought the 32y old was his online friend. Fuck off. This is such severe manipulation, unnecessary fucked up lies, and its not cute in the slightest. You ruined the potential of a health relationship between same aged people who actually were a perfect match, just cause you as a man in your LITERAL 30's, couldnt tell the truth even to your own SISTER and then fell in love cause someone gave yo attention. Attention that wasnt even meant for you. By far one of the most infuriating BL's ive EVER read, just by the sheer selfishness, manipulation and lies of it all. The 32y old and can jump into an active volcano, and his sister deserves 300x better then to be part of his shit family.
The Tyrant's Reign
@51 Very nice historical setting, very interesting with good pacing! 32 = NOOO!! NOT THE UGLY SHORT HAIR AGAINNN, WTF :( 33 to = WTF?! WTFFFF?!?!?!?! LEAVE THE UKE ALONE OMFG, THIS SEME IS SCUMMM! YOU STARVED HIM IN A LIGHTLESS ROOM OMG?! COME ON YEONGHWA THE ICONIC LOUD BOY, SAVE HIMMMM 43 = Sad. So sad. I feel bad for both of them... 45+46 = YEOMHWA?! EHAT HAPPRNED, WHY THE BLOODTHIRST DAMN 49 = welp, wasn't the whole point to prevent the seme from becoming a truant emperor who loses his mind, yet he is 100% on that path now and the uke just leaves lol 51 = YABUUU, SO SWEETTT! WHAT A PRECIOUS MAN
Boku no Omega yo Samenaide
@5 FIN Every single message in this is toxic garbage, just wow author, wow. Why even write a supposedly ''strong'' omega to begin with, and then turn him into every misogynistic stereotype in the world who secretly wanted to get raped and pregnant and be a ''real omega'' to begin with, all out of fucking nowhere? 1st message = Getting raped by the alpha is fine, even though the omega VERY EXPLICITLY said ''PLEASE, STOP, NO'', because ''its your fault you invited me over even tho you were 10% omega". Fucking die 2nd message = The doctor telling the omega he went from 10% omega 90% beta to 40% omega cause of getting raped by the alpha, and that he (the doctor) who literally is friends with the fcking alpha, thinks he should accept being an omega cause it will be better for his mental health and his happiness? It felt like the author was trying to compare this to transgender people, when this is SO different as you are trying to FORCE someone into accepting a new gender, like w t f?! Disgusting. 3rd message = It's fine for the alpha to admit he saw you from a balcony once being a kindergarten teacher, got jealous of a tiny toddler hugging you cause he comes from a household where his father was too busy to take care of him, and then stalked you and faked being homeless to get into your house and rape you. Meaning EVERYTHING was pre-planned. And then when your job calls you and tells you to quit your job cause of fake rumours of you ''seducing a parent'' and then tell you, that because you are an omega you should go give birth and quit your job, all cause of this asshole alpha ruining your life cause of a balcony experience. Then telling you its fine you just lost your job, the one you are passionate about. All because what? Oh, he didnt get too much attention from his dad as a kid, so he's ''childish and selfish and stupid'', which apparently justifies fucking rape, stalking, and ruining someone's life and career. A M A Z I N G oh and lets not forget the finale with the 4th bullshit message as a cherry on top = The omega who didnt show ANY interest in being an omega, suddenly falls in love with the alpha cause of rape. Then, in the very last chapter, says he must've become a kindergarten teacher cause he secretly without knowing it wanted to be a ''real omega'' and give birth himself but thought he couldnt so worked with kids instead. Seriously??? You create an omega who isnt a full omega, seems happy with his job and passionate, then make him get raped, put in a message that he has to accept his ''real gender as a full omega'' or will ruin his own life (even tho he had ZERO IISSUES UNTIL NOW!), and then suddenly making him baby obsessed and turn his whole passion for his career into a secret ''it was my dream all along!" bullshit. Literally implying that no one, even someone who was only 10% omega, could EVERRRR NOT wanna have their own children. So done. The author literally took so many misogynistic things women experience DAILY, and just switched it from a woman into an omega, and made it as disturbing and disgusting as possible. Pure. G.A.R.B.A.G.E. The fact that this even got approved and created is appalling.
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