Keeper of the Pearl
@49 FIN Its very cute! Im just dissapointed that the secretary x cousin story got nothing at all, even tho it was confirmed to be connected. I really expected a side story for them :( now its just sad AFFFF with the secretary remembering everything from their past lives and getting nothing. Sniff. 7+8 = DAMN bro LMAO. Our omega really just heard "president", made 300 assumptions and a revenge plan and executed it right away! And he forgot he banged the alpha seme?! LMAO. 13 = NOT THE PAINTING IM CRYINGHHGHGG 16-18 = UGHHH LEAVE TJEM WLONE STUPID COUSIN EW!!! PERIOD OUR OMEGA BEAT UR ASSSSSS YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYHA! TIME FOR HAPPINESS 19+20 = CUTEEEEE 21 = Rip. Father has stepped in oops 22 = BROO WRF LEAVE EM ALONE! DIEST THE COUSIN, NOW THIS TAN "FRIEND", ALL TRYING TO DESTROY JAE MOON OUR ALPHA TF?! 23-26 = WOOOHHH PREGGNANT SQUAD 27-29 = OMGGGG GIVE JIYEON A BREAK HE IS PREGNANT! AND OMFGGG NOT JAE MOON BROOO, MY POOR MOONIE 30 = Ryan the cousin is trash, wtf? Literally wtf even. At least he feels bad now that Jae Moon is DYING. I expected him to be part of the plan of tan guy but at least he wasn't so he light be redeemable. Also SLAY to our secretary for saving trash Ryan from that pedo 31-37 = SADDDD WTFFF IT WAS ALL A MISUDNEESTANDING NOOOO TT_TT 38+39 = STAPHHH IM CRYINGGGG UGAHAHSIBSBIBISNIS, SNIFF YESSS be happy plis. Also the babies are adorable. 40-43 = cute and sad and funny 44-48 = a 3rd kid, cute and emotional! But also SO risiculous LMAOOO. Jiyeon srriously got fcked in the ass by a dragon shaped dildo, and them dreams of a dragon being their baby, this author really fell into the depths od BL LMAO. 49 = SKIPPED TO THE FUTURE WITH ALL KIDS GROWN, CUTE!
Tsukiatte Nainoni Fuufu Yattemasu
Tonari no Sugar Boy
@5 FIN update = it was all cute, but the finale messed it up. The seme is 28 and the uke was never specified other then highschool student, but then saysHIMSELF he is still a kid and to wait for a graduation and that even noe he still isn't an official adult yet, heavily implying he is 17. Then the seme smirks and message him happy graduation knowing they can fck now?! Yuck. Their personalities are cute, and its super aodrable! But Why does the authir never tell us the ukes age, but does with the seme? authors who do this are weird. They say someone is in highschool, and prepping for college, but never actually say straight up "the character is 18"? He could be 17 and prepping, its not uncommon. For my own sanity I will assume he is 18, but dude. If you have enough time to clarify the seme being 28, you also had enough time to mention the other persons age, which is more important. So idk, its questionable. Cute art and such but questionable since all I can do is ASSUME he is 18 and not a pedo. 3 = jfc Akiba, that body SHEESSHH, no wonder Shima is SMITTEN. And the difference that hair makes is insane 4 = CUTEEE 5= ruined it all. Uke heavily implied to be a minor, seme who's almost fcking 30 smirking and grinning whilst texting a minor "congrats on your graduation", knowing he can now fck him? Ew. What a way to ruin it all
Run Away, Assistant Manager Ha!
@42 Hot + Sad I'd peobably give it an 8.5/10? Nice banging, cute, fun charas, character growth, buttt a little too boring for me to give it a 10/10! 1-4 = imagine having to sell yourself to a model for 6 MONTHS, just to get ONE photodhoot for your garbage company?! All whilst still eorking a 9-5 garbage office job.bruh. Also do find it unrealistic that a 30y old virgin who is on vacation, so easily gives away his virgnity without any insecurity or fear at all??? 5-8 = the seme kinda sucks. You already are making some low pay office worker fck you for 6 MONTHS just to get a photoshoot, and now also are using him outside his office hours to BE YOUR CHAUFFEUR?! jfc. The end of ch8 is just sad. He deserves rest, fck off. 9+10 = your kid srsly almost KILLED the uke, and you blame HIM?! insane trash, hope that dude loses his job and maybe life xoxo the some and his team were very sweet here 11+12 = cute shopping date and uke cries during sex cause he realizes he fell in love with a dude who just is enjoying the sex. Poor uke 13-16 = fashion show time! OUR UKE LOOKS GOODDD, and then its all ruined caude of the other models and the seme. Sad af for the uke. Atleast the seme feels bad but he doesnt even apologize and instead runs away whilst the uke cant even move cause his ankle is broken and he is in the hospital cause of a hit and run. Just sad. Give the uke a break 17-24 = they communicated, and now are dating! And like always authors break someones foot or arm, to the point of SURGERY and a cast, yet somehow think its fine to keep your leg DOEN the whole day and move your body in 100 ways for sex? Modt unrealistic shit ever. It hurts like hell + has to always be elevated 25+26 = cute dating and cute boquet 27-29 = cute, and uke is standing up for himselfat work 30-35 = people at ukes work are spreading rumours, idk what yet. But they are devils so probs bs. The uke is a fcking idiot for standing uo for his boss tho, he literally abuses his power + let his kid almost KILL YOU. Have some self respect. AND LO AND BEHOLD THAT SAME MAN IS NOW TRYING TO FRAME YOU FOR SOMEONE ELSES EMBEZZELMENT! But OUR BOY WONNNN YAASSS!!!!!! SLAYYYY!!! FIRED THOSE RATTSSSSSSSSSS YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY 36-40 = The uke gets tied up by the stalker, but he beats that hoe up with a PAN! ICONICCCCC!!! then they start living together and its all happy breezy easy peasy. 41+42 = 7yr time skip, uke got an ear piercing + is a head marketer at a comoany that DOESNT suck! and seme is the CEO of the same company and quit modelling, SLAY
Once Upon the Gates of Hell
@4 1 = AWWWW, the artifact Levi made :') and of course sapphir doesn't mind no taste in food, cause at least he can eat now and now be poisoned which must be 300x worse 3 = yasssSSS LEVIII U DID ITT!! YASSS SNIFF!!! SO CUTE OM DEDDD! that old man can die tho ew wtf 3.5 = UGHHH SO CUTEEE T_T!!!! 4 = SAD AF > DARK AF > COOL AF > CUTE AF > SAD AF AGAIN RIP HANS
Ripe When the Flowers Bloom
@36 (dropped by scan group T_T, it has 47ch +3 side chapters and is finished. Pleasseee someone pick it up) SOOOOOOO GOOIOODDDDD!!!!!! Flower eating creatures x human KYAAA. And for anyone worried about Sungwoo the high schoolers age, he was 19 and now 20 in the story and not underage luckily! 3 = cute! 4-9 = UGHH OMG SO CUTEEEEEE!!! and sad about the dying?! Wtf. 10-12 = UGH ADORABLE DATE, AND NOW LIVING TOGETHER YESSS! and that guy is obviously related to Leo and trash ew. Leave sung woo alone, he has leo! thx 13-17 = So Leo did lie about dying if he doesn't eat sungwoos flowers, but that's it. They are really the 1st he ever enjoyed + he didn't erase sungwoos memory as he should've. Slay Leo! Also FCK YOU KARL! POS!!! 18-21 = WTFFFF SUNGWOO IS AN ANGEELLLL TT_TT!!! 22-25 = ?!?! WTF LEO?! LMAOOOO. SUNGWOO THINKING HE ISMATURE, WHEN LEO JUST IS READY TO KIDNAP HIM IF NECESSARY HVIJJBMJB 26-28 = YAAAYYY!!! YAYAYAY BARKBARK happy 29-32 = oop, Lucas the rat found our vampire Yoojin, but atleast he is trying to not hurt Yoojin. Slay Lucas. Also Sungwoos dad is insane bro?! A HUG IS NOT ENOUGH TO ALMOST BEAT SOMEONE UP WTF?! SEEK HELP! "A hug from a stranger surprised me haha!' BISH TF?! Glad the mom has a BRAIN. 33-36 = So partners od different species can weave their life together, so they both live and die at the same age? That is genius and cute. AND THE DRUNKNESSS OF SUNGWOO AAHHH ADORABLE! Its also obvious how sung woo likes it when Leo obsesses over him HAAH perfect match!
My Suha
@side 30 DROPPING THE SIDE STORIES An 8/10! Update @116 = Suha grew throughout the story and became WAY more likable, and Jiwoon is just precious. The last few chapters I especially loved, especially where Suha sets his boundary with Jiwoon asaying what he did wrong BUT he will give him another chance because its obvious Jiwoon meant no harm at all and reality never did much harm. And how Suha acknowledges how what might work for him, doesnt work for everyone, abd apologizes in tears to Jiwoon for advicing him to meet his POS sperm donors aka "parents". Just a bit shicked about THAT being the ending? Felt abrupt. Current = Its not a bad story, but the entire part about Suha refusing to believe someone's confession and assuming its cause they just like his body makes NO sense. He said himself he only has sexual relations with people and never goes out on dates or the like to find romance, so if you are banging everyone from day 1, but also think anyone who confesses to you after banging you is a liar, then how tf would you EVER get in a relationship?! MAKE IS MAKE SENSE. Dumb AF. 44 = WTF author, this was damn unnecessary. 45+46 = Saved Suha + confess + sadness 52+53 = CUTE! + sexy time 57 = Sad past of blue hair ML daddy, and how the president woman is a demon 58+59 = LIVE TOGETHA 60 to 63 = Red and Grey DEVILS are ready to drug Suha, so done. BUT SUHA COMING WITH THE SASS!!! SLAY, SLAP HIM! Also Suha STILL being an obnoxious hoe and moving in with blue daddy Jiwoon whilst telling his friend he plans to move out after his hand is healed? BITCH? bye. Go due in river han if you dont start communicating for ONCE, YOU ARE 30 BRUH 65 to 67 = RED DEMON DRUGGED BLUE DADDY JIWOON TF?! DIE. And now Suha thinks its better to CHEAT ON JIWOON AND LEAVE HIM ALONE ALL DRUGGED UP, EVEN WHEN HE IS BEGGING HIM TO STAY, then to allow red demon to call the demon president woman? I get that you care about Jiwoons mistreatment in his family, but literally kissing red demon in front of Jiwoon and then going with him whilst he begs you not to go is painful and disgusting. But alright, at least he's "sacrificing" himself (even tho Jiwoon said its not needed), BUT HELLYE SUHA BIT RED DEMONS TONGUE AND MADE HIM BLEED AND RAN!!! HAHAHA! But also LO AND BEHOLD! JIWOO WAS ABOUT TO GET RAPED BY 2 DUDES CAUSE HE WAS LEFT ALONE! JFC I hope red demon and demon president woman both DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! YOU ABUSIVE TRASH "GRANDMA" AND SCUM OF EARTH SOCIOPATH RED CUNT. 68 to 71 = HOT SEXXX, this time with the RIGHT people, jiwoon x suha. But poor Jiwoon keeps feeling insecure, which is 100% normal when you're dating a guy who moves in with you but then tells a friend he will move out later and took 8 years to even accept dating and kissed his ex in front if you leaving you drugged and alone, but I digress. 72 to 78 = GG Jiwoon became paranoid. Please babe, move to another country and leave your family! Also we get glimpses of super sad Jiwoon past AGAIN. And GG Jiwoon went psycho mode and stole Suhas phone and hid it. And stalks Suha when he goes out. BUT THERE IS HOT CAR SEX IN CH. 77! Now he moves them both to a new place and tells the guards to not let Suha go outside if they see him try to leave, saying he's his sick brother. Bruh. 79 = sad Jieoon past AGAINNN, the devil president grandma still being the devil woo! Also seems Jiwoons parents are still alive, BUT WTF?! TRASHHH FATHER! JUST RAN AWAY AND NEVER CAME BACK FOR HIS KID WOW. 85+86 = cute ish 87-91 = Darkness hello my old friend. Sigh. Dohyeok is back, jfc. Suha shouldve just thrown the boiling eater on his face! But a SLAYYY from Jiwoon, getting the cops! And I get why Suhas friend is sus of Jiwoon, but if you knew wtf Dohyeok has done to Suha, you would be glad 92+93 = hot! And cute! And sad 94+95 = Jiwoons father and mother have 0% pity from me. Literally deserve DEATH. He left his own fcking child with his abusive insane mother, who HE HIMSELF is afraid of, and doesn't even check up on his well being ONCE?! You should be D.E.A.D. I will personally come shoot your brains out. And of course the grandma aswell but we knew that 96+97 = Sigh, Jiwoon clearly is losing it and being possessive over Suha, but you can't even hate him for it. He hasn't harmed Suha or any of his friends, treats him well, and is just afraid of being thrown away by LITERALLY the 1 person in the world he has. 98-102 = Suha finds out about Jiwoon hiding his phone and lying about stuff and leaves :( I feel bad for Suha, but knowing everything Jiwoon went through just... Ugh. Sadly Suha knows none of it so of course he won't understand his behaviour 103-105 = Crying nonstop for Jiwoon, the amount of blatant physical and mental ABUSE he had to go through, wow... And its still ongoing. This is sickening. And FUCK Siwoo, Suhas friend. He seems so overjoyed about Jiwoon looking like he is a corpse, fy 106-111 = SO MANY TEARSS UGHH! but I'm glad Suha tried to understand Jiwoon whilst still setting a boundary whilst also telling him to stop seeing himself as somehow defect and it was the people around him, not him! PERIODDD 112+113 = HOT BABABNGINGGG! UGHHH HAPPY AND HOT 114- = They are back together, and again Suha does tell him to not do this stuff again and calls him out, whilst accepting he meant no harm and YYAYA socute. Now Suha is learning about his DISGUSTIBG RAT ASS GARBAGE "parents" Who abandoned him and let him be abused for DECADES without even ONCE trying to contact him. Absolutely DISGUSTING how the 1x he met his mom, she didn't even mention being sorry or anything, just came to give Jiwoon a keyvard to a house they didn't want. Literally should he in JAIL for child negligence. Suha then convinces Jiwoon to meet his parents in real life to return the key card they pushed on him, so he does And all they do is gaslight him. Wow. Their excuses are also so manipulative holy fck. There was a "misunderstanding" cause Jiwoons mom had to leave cause the grandma said so, and that the grandma would "harm her biological family". Um last I checked your biological TODDLER SON is ALSO your biological family. And the father supposedly thought the grandma would care for him cause she was "insistent on keeping you"? Hello? The grandma LITERALLY told you to RETURN WITH YOUR WIFE AND CARE FOR JIWOON, but you REFUSED and decided to NEVER see your child ever again. Lets also not forget you are the literal SON of this woman, the grandma, and hated her enough to refuse to return home EVEN WITH YOUR WIFE to be able to be with your son. So believing that same woman would be a perfect care taker for YOUR SON, is ludicrous. The level of gaslighting and manipulation is insane. Literal narcistuc eople who even after DECADESSSS, refuse to acknowledge they deserve to be dead. They even got 2 FULLY GROWN KIDS and STILL never thought to go apologize to Jiwoon and build a bond, when they 1000% had that chance as the mother once found him just to give a keycard of a house they dont want to him, that the grandma gave em. Literally, Y'all should be drowned in lava after being tortured for 1 week minimum But of course Suha is precious, and afterwards apologizes in TEARS for telling Jiwoon to see his parents. LOVE THISSS! He even acknowledges how he felt this way because his father passed away when he was young so he couldn't imagine not wanting to see family, but if he knew this crap he wouldn't have told him to do it. That's how you know someone is an ACTUAL good person, acknowledging how what would be helpful to THEM, would not persee help another person, and apologize. Sniff what a precious man T_T SO HAPPY FOR THESE 2 PRECIOUS TRAUMATIZED BBYS, WHO BOTH HAVE A LOT OF EMPATHY. Kinda sad how this is the end tho. Hope we get extra chapters :( 117 = EXTRA CHAPTERS! sadly its about Dohyeok and Siwoo. But I'm excited anyways as its seems Siwoo is gonna DESTROY him! HAHA. side 3 = POOR SUHA WTFF!! UGHH, SIWOO GO KILLLLLL HIM! siwoo slay period, didnt like you before but what an icon and sweetie. Also he looks WAYYYYY BETTER with short hair, and the white looks amazing! Hope he goes back to that side 4 = DISGUSTING backstory about Duha, but also cant understand how ANYONE would think a guy loves them when they openly force you into sex with strangers at orgy parties + fck others infront od you and ignore your existence? Babe, plis, wtf Side 5 = welp. Sadly, the rich stay rich, even if you put a dildo up his ass and humiliate him. Sigh. DoHyeok, you will eat fresh turds by the end of this Side 13-15 = not me being so uncomfortable I actually feel bad for dohyeok, jesus. Side 16-18 = The author is just fcked up. This all is SO unnecessary, especially side18! This was just DISGUSTING and FOUL. Dohyeok is a villain, who ALREADY lost EVERYTHING. So how tf is any of this supposed to be justified?! Let alone the fact that he is being assaulted and raped by a FRIEND of Suha's, Siwoo who is NOT a victim, AND NOW HIS OWN "FRIENDS" WHO ARE VILLAINS THEMSELVES?! how TF is this supposed to make the readers feel "justice" of any kind when none of this has to do with any real victim, aka Suha. He is now just another victim, this is fcking disgusting. Side 18-30 = its not even good. This is just getting even more depressing, and dohyeok is a victim but still also a perp and also unlikable. I'm dropping it
Ashita wa Docchi Da!