chii's manga / #comedy(340)

The Villainess Who Steals the Heroine's Heart

Complete | Fujii Kasai | 2022 released
2023-02-27 22:39 marked

@2 The world deserves more. 2 = DAMNNN GIRL, 3m from the prince only?! Sad. MAY THE LESBIANS SAVE YOUUU

Hetare to Bakatare

Complete | Akiyoshi | 2019 released
2023-03-08 16:24 marked

@5 FIN LOVEEEE IT! ADORABLE AF! but this 100% is NOT smut, and NOT yaoi but shounen ai lmao. Still happy I read it! 10/10!

Cultivator x Contract Spirit

Ongoing | Chao Fan | 2000 released

@105 GODDLLLYYY! EVERY SINGLE COUPLE IS ICONIC, but most are also sad in some way T_T Blue hair cultivator = Xie Fox = Zhi Yi Hot dragon = Bai di Iconic money hungry BFF = Zhi You! Red hair fox = Jasmine Blue/purple hair fox = Lan Xie's Shifu = Bei Feng Shifu's love = Ah-Yun/Yunjin aka Yun Shifu's master = Zhen Ling Green RATTTT = Qing Lu Ginger friend of green = Hong Hot dark Wolf prince = Fusa Hot AF silver wolf = Li Rong Hot AFFFF white lion = Leo 3+4= THE AUDACITTYYY OF THIS GREEN RATTT!!! YI DESERVES BETTER, AND NOW HAS SOMEONE BETTER, XIE FOR THE WINNN 6 = Bai Di is grogeoussss, dragon icon 7-10 = KYYAAAA, XIE IS SO ICONICCC!! BE HAPPY TOGETHR FOREVER YI AND XIEEEE 11-13 = That mom was insanely negligent jfc, trash. I feel so sad for Azhen his sister though, she loved Xie :( Bei Feng really gave him an amazing opportunity though aand saved his sister, iconic Shifu 14 = NOOOO, THE END OF THE CHAPTET WITH SHIFU'S BACKSTORY AND WHY HE DOESNT TRY TO LOOK YOUNG, IM CRYING NOOOOOOO 15+16 = SNIFFFF, SO LONELY YI ENDED UP OPENING XIE UP TO LOVE HE NEVER RECEIVED FROM HIS PARENTS SNIFFFFFF 16.5 = Die is an icon, even as snow white! BUT HOW DARE YOU NOT SHOW THE KISS AUTHOR OMG T_T 17-21 = YAAYY, YI CAN HELP XIE CULTOVATE?! UGHHH CUTE! ALSO LOVE THEM LIVING TOGETHERRRR AAAHHHHH 22+23 = SNIFFF! Xie seeing Azhen again and his mom! SNIFFF BLESS. 24-28 = the audacity of this green haired RAT to return, and then openly tell EVERYONE THERE that Yi has the power to redistribute Qi Energy?! DIE. NOW EVERYONE KNOWS CAUSE Y'ALL SPREAD RUMOURS, WOW! And dam it, why does Yi not believe humans and beasts can be in love :( SADDDD 29-34 = these cultivators are asses, but YAY! YI STANDS UP FOR XIE, THEN XIE STANDS UP FOR YI, ICONICCC!!! BEAT THEM UP XIEEEE! And Hong genuinely feels bad for spreading the rumours so he is now a cutie. also LOVE zhi you following Xie whilst he was beating up the ratty cultivators, on orders of Shifu to prevent deaths LMAO 35-37.5 = KYAAAA, xie finally figured out his emotions thanks to our icon Zhi You! Now Yi is next MUAHAHAH. And I hate green rat, but jesus, I didnt expect his spirit yo be DEAD?! T_T on a good note, XIE AS A LEOPARD SPIRIT IS SOOOO ICONIC OMGGG!! 38-40 = Fusa, you are hot as hell, but plis, go away. Yi isnt your wife, he has a contract with Xie, L E A V E 40.5 = OMGGG, ZHI YOU GOT A FACEEE!!!!! HOT DAMAMANNNNNN DADDYYY! AND HE MIGHT END UP WITH JASMINEE YESSSSSS!!!!, 41+42 = RATTTTTTT Fusa, RATTT!!! li rong atleast beat him up with Bai Di! 43-47 = Fusa, suck ASSS. And Zhiyi please set proper boundaries omg. Poor Xie! And Zhi You is ICONIC with the beautiful lantern he made for Xie <3 48-52 = Zhiyi, you have fully dissappintrd me. Fy. Xie has spent years with you and you listen to a shitty wolf? Wow. Sigh. Atleast my ship of Rong x Fusa seems real 52.5 = WTF ZHI YOU'S BACKSTORY IS SO SADDDD T_T. BUT YAY TO XIE AND ZHI YOU BEING FRIENDSSS 53-62 = CRIEE AO HARD I GOT A MIGRAINE! EVEN FUSA FELT BAD, MYGOD XIE OMGGG!! BUT YAYYY finally they together snifd T_T 63-76 = STAPHHH, FUSA AND LI RONGS BACKSTORIES ARR BOTH SAD WTFF!! Fusa being a half human hatrd by both his parents, Li being from a loeer class clan who all treat him like shit for standing up for hismelf?! UGH. FUSA, GO DATE LI ALRRADY OMFG. But also love how Fusa saved Li, and how Li used his powers to beat em up 77+78 = how DAREEEEE YOU TELL LI RONG TO STAY BEHINND?!?!?! THE AUDACCITTYYY FUSA, AUDACITYYY!! HALLELUJAH TO LI RONG THROWING A TABLE AT YOUR ASS 79-81 = LMAOOO li Rong is SOOO iconic. Throwing a table at fusa, then throwing a HUGE rock in the river whilst cursibg?! KING BEHAVIOUR! And YAY to Zhiyi and Li being friends, CUTE 82-84 = HAHAHA YESSS LI, BEAT FUSA'S ASSS!!!! But also yay to fusa finally listening. Also love how Fusa, Xie and Zhiyi all feel awkward cause they know Fusa heard Li's confession HHAAHHA! And YAY TO LI X ZHIYE! SO CUTE FRIENDSHIP! 85-87 = WHY ARE YOU REJECTING FUSA, PLEASE LI, BE TOGETHER R AAAHHH!! And RIP Xie, Zhiyi does not hold back when it comes to supporting his new bff Li HAHA. And YAYYY to Li kissing Fusa on the cheek KYAAA! AND OMG LI AND FUSA ANS THE REINCARNATIONS OF FUSA'S DEAD GRANDPA AND HIS HUMAN LOVER?!?!!?!?!?! UGHHH BARKKBARKKKKKKKKK 88 = CAWWWCAAWCAWWW LMAOAHSOSJAIB, DU YUE IS A LEGEND HAHAH! 89 = KYAAA, PLEASE GIVE US LEO X BAI DI!! LEO IS SOOOO HOT, I'VE BEEN WAITONG TO SEE MORE OF HIMMMM!! and ugh Li x Fusa is SO CUTE 90 = STAPHHH IM CRYINGGGGGGG!!! FUSA AND LI TALKING TO THEIR CHILD VERSIONS, IM BAWLING MY EYES OUTTTTTT T_T!!!!!!!! <33333 93-96 =BRUH THAT DEER CLAN ARE PSYCHOS WTF?! THEY WERENT EVEN ON YOUR ROAD BRO! Insane! Yun supremacy at least, a nice Deer. And I love how Zhen Ling was ready to kill the deer clan to get Bei Fang his precious student back! <3 97-100;= DAMNN YUN?! THE CHIEFTAINS CHILD?!?!? DAMNN ICON!!! I LOVEEE his Deer form! Also WTF, Zhen Ling is HELLA SUS! SO HE KNEW BAI FENG MIGHT DIE AND JUST WANTED AN EXCUSE TO ATTACK THE DEER CLAN?!?!?!?! 100-104 = WTFFF?!?!?!? ZHEN LING KILLEEDDDD YUN'S MOTHER?!?!? AND THEN HAS THE AUDACITYYYY TO ACT LIKE THE HUMANS AND HIM ARE THE VICTIMS AND HIDE THE TRUTH?!?!!?!? DIEEEEEEEEE!! I HOPE BAI FENG KILLS HIS MASTER HIMSELFFFF

Everyone Stand Up! Boys Love Private High School

Complete | HAREKAWA Shinta | 2000 released
2023-03-15 23:49 marked

@vol2 5.5 FIN Fun, cute, hot, funny

Dear Door

Complete | Pluto | 2000 released
2019-12-15 14:30 marked

@extra 33 FIN 8.5/10! Not higher because I didn't like all char as and didn't understand a lot of it NGL, but its good anyways. Just wish there was more to the main story :( also wish we got more with the kids when they were small, but its nice! MAIN 59 = Jude blank is H O T 60+61 =cute gay koala HAHA 64 = sad. 78+79 = CRIED THEN SCREAMED HAPPY YAYHH, HIS NEW BODY IS SO HOT 85 = psycho angel x psycho demon? Ship 104+ = IM FACKING SORRY?!?!?! BLACKKK HAAIIRRR?!?!?!? KYAAAAAAAA SAATAAANNNN BAARRKKK. And Jude is so iconic 105+106 = sociopathic romance 107-109 = STAPPPHHH, UNICORN ANGEL X DOG WOLF DEMON IS THE CUTESTTSTSTSTSSTSTSTTS UGHH OMAGAWDD 112 = yasss super confused but yasss!! And Jude is still an icon 115 = YESSSSSSSSS, UNICORN ANGEL AZANIEL X DOGGIE DEMON BEN YESYESYESSYEYEYSSESSYEYSS!! 117 = so the sociopath angel fell for our sociopath demon rat and now got even stronger?! Bro. 118 = LMAOSOS AZANIEL IS HILARIOUS AND HIS BRAIN IS NOW DEFILED LMAO 119 = sheehs they might be a sociopath couple of 2 people I HATE, but they slay together oop 120-122 = YAYYY live our ML boy! Also Megatron is PSYCHOTICC WTFFFF BROOOO 124+125 = WTF AUTHOR, THIS IS BS! SID WAS AN ASS, BUT SRSLY?! HE GOT ABUSED PHYSICALLY AND EMOTKONALLY BY METATRON, MANIPULATDED, AND THEN STILL CHOSES TO SAVE OUR MAJESTY SATAN AND DIESSS!?!?!?!?!? FYYY!! CRYING SO HARD 127 = bro ate his own angels, turning himself into a devil in the eyes of god and died. Also what a useless "god" to allow all this to go on, until metatron dared eat angels?! Bruh. 128+129 = Y'ALL KILLLEEDDDD OUR FUCKING JOOONN!??!? WTFF!! AND MICHAEL IS AN IDIOT, LETS GO BACK TO GOD?!?!?! THE GOD WHO ALLOWED METATRON TO DESTROY THE WORLDDDD AND KILL INNOCENT HUMANS ANGELS AND DEMONS AND TORTURED YOU FOR ETERNITY!??!!? FUCCCC THESE 2 CHAPTERS WTFFFFFF NOOOO, IM CHOKING ON TEARS 130 = YAY to all the happy endings, BUT BRO 1 DECADE BEFORE HE SAW JOON AGAIN?!?!?! PAIN. BUT YAY EXTRA START Xtra 1 = UGHHH A MARRIAGE ONAGAGAWDD SO CUTE OMAGWDDD JS!! CAIN X JOON FOREVERRR Xtra 2+3 = YAASS HONEYMOON FOR HOTTUES Xtra 4-6 = OMG BABBIESS KYAAA!! BUT ALSO POOR LILITH, HR LIL BRO MEPHI GETS TO LAZE AROUND WITH JOON WHILST SHE GETS THE FATHER WHO IS READY TO BEAT U UP CAIN?! LMAOAIBSS. Xtra 8+9 = Mephi in a cute star baby costume KYA! But also OMG SIDDDD, AND SID HAS A MOUSE THAT IS METATRON?! AND BOTH ARE REINCARNATED SO NO SOCIOPATHS ANYMOREEE OMGGG, so happy! And damn grown lillith is HOTTT Xtra 10-12 = YASSSS LILIITTHHHH, GET THAT HUMAN FRIEND AND SAVE HERRRR Xtra 13 = girl wtf, Lillith only lived with cain and joon for 5 years then spent 8 years in the human realm?! Rude! She also looked awful at the end ith the red lipstick and black outfit oop, BUT MEPHI THO?! DAMNNN HOTTTTTTT DAMNNNJ!!! I NEED A RELATIONSHIP FOR HIM, NOWWWW! HOTTEST CHARA! Xtra 14-16 = ofcourse are hottie Mephisto becomes an idol! But I want him with his FAMILY! And ong Ben x Azaniel UGHHH, AZANIEL YOU PERV ILY!!! And Ben being the biggest simp for Cain, relatable and iconic Xtra 17 = Jude is still an iconic rat <3 Xtra 17-20 = KYAAAA Ben x jin young whilst Aaron and azaniel know nothing cause of a room?! YES 21 = UGHHH Baby mephi and Lilith are adorns! But also DAMN SID IS CONTROLLING TF OUT OF METATRONS ASSS xtra 23-25 = MIKA X SATAN OMG SNIFFSNIFF Xtra 29-32 = movie actoe cain and joon are in troubleee, but also hot af Xtra 33 = CUTEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! KYAAAAA

Please Bully Me Miss Villainess!

Ongoing | Chise, Ciwei Mao Yuedu | 2000 released
2023-03-20 13:30 marked

@64 13+14 = HOW THEY MET OMG SO CUTEEEEE UGHUAGAJAUAHISIJSIBS!!!!! 24+25 = elsa ans evie keep growing stronger, HAHAHAH 29-33 = NOOOO, OUR YURI KNIGHT GARTH HELPEE YOU, AND YOU RUIN IT ALL INSTEAD EVIE?! T_T 34 = YAAAYYY LOVE PREVAILS 37+38 = KYAAA, A HIDDEN HELPER WHO HELPS EVIE?! YESSS, HELP THE GAYSSSS 40-42 = LESBIAN DRAGON RIDING ON A CYTE SPHYNX?! AND DAHLIA ENDS UP BEING A GORGEOUSSSS DEMON?!?!?! YASSS 44-46 = demon king faye revealed to be a loli demon QUEEN! YASSS 48-52 = YASSSSS, EVIE DRINKA ELSAS BLOODDD HAHAH! and sadly gets stopped 54-56 = FINNAALLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! 59+60 = ANNIE AND FAYE, BFFS FOR LIFEEEE 61 = I KNEW ITTT, OUR HERO IS FUTURE ELSA?! 62-64 = SHE WENT BACK TO THE PAST OMG!!! new arcccc. And that knight is rude as hell to a child Evie, also hypocritical calling Evie spoiled whilst working for the literal crown prince the most naecistuc and spoiled person in the nation

Trapping the Foxy Doctor

Ongoing | 芝士棒,六十一分漫画工作室, 困饭 | 2000 released
2023-03-21 13:41 marked

@40 LOVE UTTTT!! PSYHIATRIST CROSS DRESSING STREAMER X DOCTOR AND STREAMER FAN 10-14 = these kids can DIE! the guy pushed her off a flight of stairs because he is pissed that the girl he liked as a kid for her singing voice, now is mute?! SRSLY?! SOCIOPATH! and teh two faced bitches who saw him do it, acted like they worried for her, but then try and beat her up cause her mom found out about him pushing her?! Y'ALL DESERVE D E A T H! Let alone the hypocriscy of getting mad at the victim for "tattling" instead od talking to the guy, when the guy THREW HER OFF A FLIGHT OF STAIRS TO "PROOF THAT SHE IS MUTE"!!!! 21+22 = LMAAOOO THE PETTINESS OF DR.LI 23-25 = SO CUTEEEEE 29-31 = CUTEEEEEE!! and the writing and erasing thing vs writing in a treasure chest is cool, if you can do it. 33 = LMAOAIBSS WHAT AN IDIOT 36-38 = KYAAAAA!! ZHI X LI, FOR L I F E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 39+40 = sTAPHHH, DR.LI NEING JEALOUS OMGGG!!! I also headcanon Li as the top as we have no idea whos who, KYAAA

Imokusa Reijou desu ga Akuyaku Reisoku wo Tasuketara Kiniiraremashita

Ongoing | Sakura Ageha,Nanaura Narina | 2022 released
2023-03-24 21:03 marked


The Zombie And The Vampire

Ongoing | 申申菌 | 2019 released
2023-03-26 12:06 marked

@119 It suddenly skipped from 48 to hundreds? Tf? Very confusing way of changing the ch numbers but ok 4 = R.I.P. Jiojio. 6 = JFC WHAT A SAD DEATH! but YAY to the bunny hopping bridal carry and cute coffin moment 7 = may father kitty take us all 8-10 = A human appears and can see our cutie zombie and vampire be a couple without being one HAHA! then he gets some free treasures, all whilst we see our zombie kept Jiojio in a HUGE secret room! SNIFF WHAT A CUTIE 11 = what a kind human, becoming a delivery driver for the supernatural gays! 12+13 = Our zombie is GORGEOUS, and he even bumbles up warm tea from a cocktail for our vampie to stay healthy?! Amazing! 14+15 = Our vampire is apparently now the uncle of almost every other vampire, cause father kitty cat bit him YAY! And turns out his now sister vampire the legend herself is the woman who accidentally killed our zombie Prince omg. But YAY to cute romance between Zombie and vampie again 16 = The sister vampire takes father kitty for a few days, SO ZOMBIE AND VAMP ARE ALONE KYAA! ZOMBIE STRIKES FIRST! 17-19 = asshole daoist appears 20-23 = RAT daoist tries to kill our zombie!! AND STABS HIM WTF! then vampire and father kitty attack, but only manage to turn the daoist into a cat head. Luckily our zombie is already dead so he didn't die and now is happily getting air blown into him with kisses from our vampire! And the daoist cat head needs the kiss of true love to turn back, turns out our tomb raider super kind human delivery driver is it! Our delivery driver deserves better then a SCAM ARTIST 24 = Not zombie needing a ticket to get into his brothers tomb! And also poor delivery driver tomb raider boi not believing he is the Daoists destined partner... Sigh, my poor bby stuck with this rat. 25-28 = we meet our zombies brother! Who fought together for who should NOT get the throne as they both hate it HAHA. Then its revealed his brother died just 2 weeks after our zombie did, because he missed his brother ad was mourning in his OWN tomb and ALSO got killed by the sister vampire accidentally closing the door! mygOD. At least our father kitty revived the brother who can now use his apple tablet that he got from the daoist to be less bored. 29 = the daoist makes gay figurines HELLYE. AND HEGAVE A DIAMOND RING TO OUR SWEET HUMAN TOMB RAIDER?! OMYYY SEEMS HE ACCEPTED THEIR FAITH, UNLIKE TOMB BOI! 34+35 = cute daoist x tomb raider. ABD THIS VAMPIRE LADY SHOULD STOP KILLING THESE BROTHERS WTF, SHE LOCKS OUR CROWN PRINCE BROTHER UO AGAINNN 36 = yes, pls stay away from doors forever, sister lady 37+38 = our vampire son, the son of the sister, I'll call him Blondie is jealous for all the love and tries to find it. AND YAY cause he has the hotel care taker who is obsessed with his hair NUAHAHAH, AND ITS A WEREWOLF! CUTEED 45- = even daoist and tomb raider turned small, and daoist lost his memories damn! And they were childhood friends?! HAHAH 103-107 = oue blondie vampire grandchild goes and watches over father kitty who is being taken care of by father wolf, and meets his wolfie boi! And wolfie boi turns into a CUTE PUPPYYY KYAAA ause of the full moon!! And then blondie turns into a bat, because wolfie wants something to hug as he sleeps, and they nap AAHH SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEE!!! 108-111 = FATHER KITTY WAKES UP AND TURNS INTO A HUMAN TO GRAB FOOD?!?!?! AND FATHER WOLF DOES ASWELL TO STOP HIM OMY! Attractive~ we also find out even father wolf knows the zombie princes! He got "saved" by them during the hunt, the hunt where they were both trying to FAIL on purpose to not be the crown prince lmao. 112-114 = our small Wolfie and Blondie officially wanna date but the families say NO, so Blondie pulls Wolfie to go to father Kitty and father wolf to beg them to allow them to date. AND BABAM they get caught with father kitty sitting on father wolfiws lap. GAY LIFEEEE 115 = LMAOOO our zombie and vamp being amd at father Kitty for not telling them he could turn into a human HAHA 118 = yay for peace! And yay for PUPPY X BAT YAYAYAY, our bat boy woth his gem covered wings, iconic. 119 = LMAOOO not this insect wanting to kill our main vamp boy for being pretty

Ashita wa Docchi Da!

Ongoing | Yamamoto Kotetsuko | 2015 released
2015-06-25 22:06 marked

@35 30.5 = ICONIC EXTRA chapter LMAO