Special Civil Servant
@41 1000000/10 slay 11 = YES. YESSSSS. Teared up a bit. Slay king 16 = the wall drawing... CRYING 23-25 = wow. Enraging! Hope he eats YOU guys instead <3 27 = oh F off. I HATE obnoxious charas like this fat dude. Just die. 30 = YOU WILL?! YOU WANNA SEE THE ABYSS?!?!? U RATTT!! you are hot but I hope Eden KILLS YOUR ASS. Now I get why he never wants to talk to his dad, trash 34+35 = LMAAOOOOOO THE WAY I CACKLED AT CH35. THE SWITCH UP OF THE DIRECTOR, TO IMMEDIATE SLAUGHTER JESUS LMAOOO 37-39 = sad AFFFF. my poor eden :'(
The Male Leads Trapped in My House
@30 Very interesting reincarnation romance story, with zombies. A bit too many chapters spent on just preparing icl, but its finally picking up! With AMASING ART
The Count’s Secret Maid
@28 Didn't love the charas at the start, but now its getting good and sad AF. The art is INSANELY beautiful omfg. Vincent is a work of art. 9 = the sleazeball has sleazeballed his way in 12 = SLAY VINCEBT SLAYYY!! nay Ethan, nay. 15-17 = nahhhh leaving a blind man who can barely walk alone in the forest to retrieve a stupid shawl? JEEZZZ LMAO 20 = OMFGGGG VINCENTS SMILEN OMYYYGGIOFDOODODODODODOODODODOOFOFOFO GRAHHHHH 21+22 = that smile was for YOU girl, not for violet. But I also think its a bit unfair. Violet has loved him for years, and genuinely cares for Vincent, I believe she would've taken good care for him and stuck by his side if she knew about his condition before :(
The Shaman's Blade
@25 4 = rail me Jin. 5 = FINALLYYY. REALISM LMAO. HOW WILL HE CARRY THAT SWORD PLSSS LET BFR 14-16 = EAT IT UPPPP OMGGGGGG DLAAYYAAYYA OMGGG.DRAGOONN RAWR 18 = JA is a lil shit of a god, but also bless for saving mommy. But damn,JIN DID ALL THAT FOR YOU AND YOU STILL TREAT HIM LIKE A DOG. 20 = hope glasses kid gets pummeled. What in the creepy obnoxious harassment fck. Just ew. He better not be a recurring character.
Secretary Jin's Confinement Diary
@46.5 FIN 4* cause the plot was confusing here and there and ended a bit abruptly AMAZINGGGG! consensual s&m. Just a bit sad it ended so quick aftrr the reveal. I wanted many chapters kf them being lovey dovey banging 14+15 = OMG FINALLY SOME JUICY PROGRESS OMGGGGG 23 = so he isn't the secretary from the original??? So confused lmao 28-31 = FINALLYYYYYYY 34-37 = YESSS CYTENESS 39+40 = sooooo it was a dream about the future, but its very obvious the ML also experienced it all. But now they both act like its their first tike meeting?
Lee Seop's Romance