@33 Amazing story. Very realistic charas. Insanely HOTTTT art
Ayashii Iyashi no Yakumo-san
@20 Where my shy but insanely hot man at??? Tf 9 = Its a cyte story, but I am CACKLINGGGG at this girl using his highschool picture as her fcking WALLPAPER?! AND HIM NOT CARING?! PLSSS THATS SOOOOO WWIRD LMAO 15 = LEAVE UR HAIR DOWN MORE MY BBBBYYYYY I BEGGGGG OMFGGG.HAIR DOWN AND EYES OPEN?! GRAAHHHH
Showered With Love
@8 Why is everyone so hot. Also, why does the tentacle baby wanna fck his "dad"?!
Gig of the Day
@30 4+5 = LMAOOOO NOT THE MISUNDERSTANDINGGSSSS.He desdass acts like a thug tho, who wouldn't have thought it?! 6+7 = MY CYTIEEEEEEE, you better gt the love you deserve! 8-11 = the seme ain't no angel but I'm SOOOOOOO thankful he didn't leave, my precious puppy doesn't deserve that. 13-15 = cried :((..... The end of ch15, saying he hopes he can bring joy to the ML someday... I wanna die 17-19 = I will stab you in the eye and watch you bleed out you pos ML xoxo. Rat bitch. PLSSSS AUTHOR LET OUR PUPPY STAND UP FOR HIMSELF, JUST LIKE HE STOOD UP FOR HIMSELF AGAINST THIGS AND THAT HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT 21-25 = he deals with his dad and then gets raped whilst drunk? Bruh 27-30 = let my baby live the high life forever.bitch. KILL HIS DAD + THE OLD LADY "LANDLORD" + THE THUGS, KILL EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Into The Thrill
@28 (offixial) Omfg... The tension?! Crazy. Art? Crazy. Story? Pretty interesting unsolved case. But the TENSION is keeping me here, the author knows how to make you want more. 2 = MC ATEEEEE that stepmom up. Hypocrittttttt 4+ 5 = you confessed to a man, and he says "take your clothes off for me"??? LMAOOO NAHHH. MC clocked the stupidity of it, yikes. Also cackled at MC looking at the ML and the woman, and saying he would've thrown the drink in his face AAHHHH 8-10 = nahhhh, Fckkkkkkkkk MC's dad. This is insane. The american ML is hot but a sex addict weirdo, the guy he lives with now is 100% insane and ML is sus af. UGH 12 = This is sus af. Why would MC's sunbae lie indeed, but ML looks so confident wtf.... 13-15 = SPICY!! MC shows more emotion now and his morals are poppinggggg out 18-20 = I GOT GOOSEBUMPS, OMG THE WRITING AAHHHH WOWWWWW. SPICYYYY 21+24 = the start. IT HAS STARTEDDDD GRAAHHHH!!! 25+26 = STOP COCKBLOCKING HIMMMM OMFGGG!!!!!! AAHHHHHH
Red String Quests
@7 Very sad about who tops vs bottoms, bit THE ARTTTTT AND THE COMEDYYYYYY AHHHHHH!!! the autjor ate. 2= VERY sad about who was top vs bottom, but its still as funny as ever + cute. Our MC is CUTEEEE and our ML is CUTEEEEE 3 = that sucky sun seeme VERYYYYY happy about the quest.... Maybe you misunderstood the sun xoxo. Tho i wojld too cus wtf 5 = My POOR CHILD, DEALING WITH THIS DUMBASS ML AAHHH, THE SUM BURNT HIS IQ OFF
In Good Faith
@6 FIN this author loves making very fcked up short stories, andvery sad long stories. Jeez. The art never dissapoints tho!
Shadowless Night
@80 Insanely well written story. VERY unique 3 = bawling my eyes out. Calix.... 4 = roselyn :( love her. I wonder why she wants to protect the prince of white knight so bad 7+8 = Ricardo the prince is ass rn, but I'm sure it will be explained later. PERIOD TO ROSE FOR BEATING THAT PRICK BLONDIE LMAO 9 = UGHHH RAYMOND ILY! Hart and Leticia are cute! hope they will learn well from Rose. ALSO FCK RICARDO, YOU CUNT ASS "PRINCE" DIE 14 = DIAZ IS SO CUTEEEEEE 17+18 = YESSSSS,ANOTHER SHADOW!! MACARON IS SO PRETTY WTFFFFF, hope she can be in human form mainly someday 20-22 = sure. make the villain HOT AF AGAINNNN!!! AAGHHHH, HAKKAB OMFGGGGGGGGGGG DESTROY ME ZADDY!!! 23+24 = Diaz + Hakkab on top. Hot ties rise up. FCK ricardo 32-34 = DAMNNN THE LORE IS LOREING!!!will shadows be descendants of the moon goddess? 35 = ILY psycho hakkab xoxo 37+38 = MY BABBBEEEEEE OF ALL BABESSSS CALIXXXX IS BACKKKKK!!! 42-45 = so Ricardo knows, omy. The father ruined Ricardo's life and still can't side with him??? Confused. CALIX IS STILL MY PRECIOUS GOD HIMSELF AAHHHH!!! 58-60 = CALIX SAVING THE DAY AGAINNNNNN!!!! MA MANNNNNN GRAHHHHHH 61-62 = Ricardo is down BAD, but also cute for the jewelry LMAO. Ganze needs to escape Hakkab, also GANZE IS SO HOTTTT AAHHH!! and doesn't give a FCKKK! Period. And my calix.... My precious precious calix. SUCH A SISCON I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 63-64 = WHY IS MY BABY DIEZ CRYING?!?!? NOOO, BE HAPPY! ILL MARRY U, after I marry calix 65+66 = PICK HAKKAABBBB!!! RICARDO WILL BE FINE W HIS PATHETIC FOREHEAD PECKS LMAO. I feel bad for Hesa the kiddo tho 67+68 = OMFGGGGGGGG?!?!?!? the author didn't leaveANY crumbs when drawing Ricardo here... Wow. W.o.w. bye bye hakkab, hollow ricardo 77-79 = I still love you my diez. Just maybe stop stabbing people and burning people....
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess
@162 (s4 end) 1000000/10 story. The author knows how to weite depression. CH 66 = PERFECTIOM ITSELF!!! IMMACULATE! SHOW STOPPING! CANT GET BETTER THEN THIS LMAO!!! 1000/10 READ THIS CHAPTER AGAIN. ITS SO GOOD. THE FL DESTROYING SOME BITCHES AT A TEA PARTY, LMAOAUVSSON. I M M A C U L A T E CH 73 = SUPER SAS BACKSTORY OF THE BLONDE CROWN PRINCE KALISTO, MY BAE. BUT ALSO INTERESTING ENDING TO THE CHAPTER, VERY UNIQUE MINDSET FOR A YOUNG 10Y OLD BOY, I LIKE IT. GOOD WRITING CH 85 = VERY EMOTIONAL CHAPTER, GREAT WRITING 92+93 = ECLIS IS SO HOT UGH. But damn I feel bad for him. He's bee training in the rain, going insane, you give him a necklace, scream for weird reasons and then just leave?! Sigh. Euclid deserves bettrr 94 to 96 = Ohgod, I completely forgot about all this. Poor Penelope. But the duke was real sweet and I LOVE how he talked shit about the blue hairer RAT of a "brother" 97 to 101 = I feel SO bad for Eclis, but then again Penelope might DIE so, oof. But also Kallisto is SO HOT! Killing all people who framed her, THATS A DADDY MOVE! No shit he will brag about, as deserved! And hes so sweet, teases her, gives her the mine, and also shows sad emotions about his own dad. UGHH ILY KALLISTO 102 to 105 = I feel SOOOOOOOO bad for Eclis our silver haired bby. Mygod. And this blue haired rat brother can go choke. Slave OE not, Eclis is 1000% better then you, and above you in every sense of the word you pathetic pig. 110+111 = Penelope thinks she was invited on a date and instead she goes help.orphans lmao, still sweet but sad 112-115 = Raon the magician lion mask kid goes missing and Penelope tries to find him! She saves them by somehow using magic cause of the game system, and Vinter suspects her cause it feels like demonic power. But he later has bloodshot eyes and clealey feels awful and apologizes, and seems like he has to suspect everyone in his life as a wizard so gG. Very sad. Now they go to try and save Raon together. We also find out that the people kidnapping kids want to bring the world back to the time of the Leila people or something who are evil assholes, that magicians got rid of and saved the world. But these asshoels created a curse, so the moment they got sealed away the world history changed peoples memories into thinking MAGICIANS are the evil ones. Ugh. 116- = KALLISTO OUR DADDDYYYYYYY saves Penelope in the cave whilst she got separated from Vinter. AHHH love him. Vinter joins and they see a woman kiss a man and literally TURNS HIM INTO ASH WTF! they go and try to save raon whilst Penelope is being useless to the side cause of fear. And now finally after Kallisto gave her a pep talk, she goes and tries to save Raon! 120 = LMAOOO not kallisto being shocked AF! AND IM SORRYYY?"?!?!?!?!?!? WTFF?!?!?! YVONEE?!?!?!?!? nah. Burn, you actual MURDERING MONSTER! D.I.E. 121+122 = Kallisto has me on Chokehold. Stop being so majestically hot and UGH, HIM ACTUALLY BELIEVING SHE DOESNT UNDERSTAND HER MAGIC, INSTEAD OF DOUBTING HER?!?!?! SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY TRUSTS YOU?! UGHHH amazing. Sniff 130-132 = UGH so good! But also sad, he should accept its love ffs 134 = girl please, eclis is losing his mind and will go on a rampage for sure 135 = FCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK YOU ECLISE! FCK. YOU. YOU DEVILLLLLLLLLL 151+152 = wanan throw uo from crying so hard. Omfh..... The bacjstory of the father and oenelope omg 156-158 = wow.... The author really knows how to hit where it hurts. Cried so hard. The betrayal, the anger, the tiredness, my poor penelope... 160-162 = s4 END. Poor kalisto and penelope
An Inferior Relationship