The half-demon dragon knight is obsessed with the Markgraf
Turning a Crazy Dog Into a Young Master
@28 2+3 = CERES IS SO HOT ANDDD CUTEEEE! And Dia is a perfect match for him. Kind but also will scream in your face 4 = ALREADY POISON?! pls. And Ceres throwing candlelights at a bird is way too funny 6+7 = got experimentee on, trainer to be insanely sensitive to sound, and then put into WAR?! pls, no wonder he went insane. Glad Dia acknowledges this! 9 = we got a glimpse of Ceres his past and its sadddd, but i love how honest he is LMAO 11 = YESSS dobt clean it all 13+14 = PERIOD BISH! HES HUMAN! STOP TORTURING HIM! 16+17 = MY BBY BOY CERES CAN SLEEEPPP! CRYINGGGG! and that childrens room is adorable 21+22 = Halt better start worshipping Ceres, cause our boy deserces the WORLD 25 = GIRL WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM LEAVE TF?! ATLEAST FIGHT BACK A LITTLE! THEY LITT PUT A BAG OVER HIS HEAD
With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
@18 END SUCH A GOOD STORY! Sadly also pretty short, but amazing villainess story with raw emotions. Love it! Solid 8/10 3-5 = GET WRECKED VIVIANA! Alexandra for the win. Zenaida is also so pretty, glad she's getting engaged 9 = I LOVE THE ROYAL FAMILY! The king apologizing, the queen being rightfully mad, and Gerald the precious boy getting what he deserves! 11.5 = KYAAAA THE EXYRA OF GERALD BLUSHING OMGGGG love him 13+14 = GERALDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! OMGGGGGF UGHGAUHAVYAHIA 15 = I like how the author still shows how much this hurt Alexandra, I teared up seeing her cry
The One Within the Villainess
@20 10/10 GOD LEVEL STORYYYYYY AAAHHHHHHU!!!!!!!!!!! 2 = This was infuriating to read. I am so glad Remy will avenge Emi. DEATH TO ALL OF YOU SCUMBAGS, ESPECIALLY PINA! 3 = Remy is am icon, an insane one 5 = BAWLED MY EYES OUT 8 = I LOVE that a girl broke up with her SHIT fiance and left herSHIT family all for Remilia, after researching herself! YES! Also Angel the demon lord is SO HOT, I get why Pina wants him. Have fun crying Pina HHAHAHA 9-12 = Full arc of the demon realm and saving them. CRIED. Love Angel SO MUCH UGH
For My Abandoned Love
@86 GOD LEVEL STORYYYTT AAHHHH! LOVE ITTTT!!!!!!! 11+12 = LEAVE OUR MAN ALONE JFC! CAEL ISNT PART OF YOUR PATHETIC THREEWAY BS ANYMORE, GO AWAY! 18-22 = AHHHHH OMGGG AAHHH!!! YESS HESTIAAA, GET YOUR MAN! THO U ARENT NOTICING UGHHH!! GRAAAHHHH!!!! CCXCAAAAEEEEELLLUUUUUSSSSS!!! Also LOVE Uros so much, he is an amazing caretaker, genuinely cares for Caerus, and also helps Hestia. KING. 26-28 = NOT ME CRYING AT HESTIAS WORDS TO CAELUS! also relating to her thirst omg he is GODLY 33-35 = our queen Hestia FINALLT CAN OPRNLY FANGITLLLL! THX DHIT PRINCE! HAHAHAHA 39-43 = AAHHHHHHH Hestia and Caelus KILLEDDD ME! And diana sucks so bad wtf, making basically the mom of the prince Helios leave cause you refuse to work together?! I hope Hestia somehow comes in contact with Merope and works with her, i wanna see more of her! 51-53 = AHHHHHHHHH CAELUS OMGGG! YESSSS STAND UP FOR YOUR WIFEYYYY 55 s1 end = you are SO DEAD Diana 59+60 = SCREAMEDDDD!!! SCREAME DMY LUNGS OUT OMGGG, LOVE CAELS REACTION AT THE END HAHAHA.AND BLUSHING GAAHHHH 61-63 = WTF FOR PSYCHO IS DIANA?! I cant wait for her TO DIE. 67-70 = AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! YESSSS GRAAHHH 71-73 = COME ON. I dont love Helios, but jeez he deserves better, cause wtf. Diana is lunatic of all lunatics, glad he FINALLY stood his ground 79-81 = KYAAAAAA!!! CAEL BRAGGING ABOUT HIS WIFEY KYYAAAAAAA 82+83 = UGHHHHHHHH PLLSLSLLSLSS CAELLL MY HEARTT!!! also get some braincells Helios and divirce
A Flowery Path for the Devastated Male Lead
@64 FIN update = The ending wasn't THAT great honestly. A lot of missing information, plot holes, and it felt rushed :( but its still 5* because of the absolute beauty of the art + beauty of the COMEDY HILARIOUS, AMAZING, LOVE IT 2+3 = I LOVEEEE HOW UNHINGED THE FL IS OMGGGG! LMAO. And the ML is a shy blushing man?! LOVE 19 = PLSSSS I LOVEEEEE CEBERI THE BROTHER HAHAAH 20+21 = NOT THE FALL OF YHE STAIRSSSS, AND I CRIED LIKE HER AT THE END LMAO 36+37 = UGHHH I LOVE CEBERI! AND LAUN X ARMI IS SO CUTE OMGGGGGGGG STOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJBUJBS 41+42 = KYAAAAA MY BBY LUAN IS SAVING OUR MAANNNNN GRAH GRAH GRAHHH 44+45 = omggggg FINALLLYYYYYYYY MYY BBBYYYYYYYYYYUU!!!! AAHAHHHH!!!!!! 47 = FCKKKK YEEE, give my ceberi more spotlight 54-56 = MY BBBYYY IS SO HAPPU OMGGG. N THE RE-PROPOSAL??!!? STAPHHH 57+58 = LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO 100000/10 CHAPTER! ATE THE PRINCESS UP! CRYING FROM LAUGHTER 60-64 = ENDING. it felt rushed. The reveal wants that insane, and felt like it left much to be desired. Plus, it was rushed as hell. But we got a cute ending!
The Way That Knight Lives As a Lady
@129 s2 end Luci = FL, before death Estelle Khalid = white hair guy who betrayee her Zedekiah/Zed = Knight commander ML green hair Temir = crown prince dogshit Eozif/Zif = 2nd prince, blonde hair Florence = blonde "bully" noble who seems sweet 8-10 = QUEENNNN LUCI GOES STAB STABBB!! Its also very clear who khalid is, its the white hair rat bastard that Zedekiah/Zede the ML rightfully hates! 12-16 = Luci realizing she judged women too much in her past, but still acknowlefhing its a sexist world is nice. The vrown prince Temar is mediocrely hot, but holyfuck, telling your gf to TRY AND DIE TO PROVE SHE LIKES YOU?! DIE! glwd Luci smashed his balls 18-20 = Luci finally saw Khalid and lost it, rightfully so. Having such a weka body sucks, but kissing Zede?! I feel bad for him 21-23 = Eozif is a lil rat for testing Luci, but also nice cause she got to piss Khalid off! GET WRECKED 25+26 = seeing your mom die, followed by your dad trying to kill themselves, wtf... No wonder she got such a weak sense of self and would jump in water for a mans love. 32-34 = SO KHALID IS GOOD?! I AM SO CONFUSEDDDDD!!! If he is innocent, I kinda wnatLuci to end with him as they are childhood friends, UGH 35-37 = GOD I NEED TO KNOW WTF THE TRUTH IS ABOUT KHALIDDDD!!! COME ONNNJ!! 39 = UGHHHHHH Khalid is hot af, and her chilshood friend, BUT ZEDEKIAH IS SOOOO AMAZING PLSSSS!!!! AAHHHH HE IS SO CUTE, WANTING TO MAKE UP AND APOLOGIZE OMFGGG i love you Zed 42-45 = Florences tea part starts, and holyshit. Khalid has no hope, even if he faking it, he is SCUM OF QLL SCUM! ZED FOR LIFE! Luci x Zed for life. 48-51 = UGHHH I LOVEEEER FLORENCEEEEEE!!!!!!! YAAYYYYY 52-54 = I hope florence and Zif end up together! I LOVE the 2nd princeZif, he's smart af, same with florence. 55+56 = PLSSS all the misunderstandings are a mess LMAO. Zed and Luci are too funny 61-64 = Luci aka Estelle saving not just herselr but also THE HORSE?! BEAUTIFUL!!! Zif the prince is smart af still, figuring her identity out slowly but surely, and florence is an icon legend kween. And Zed ofcourse remains hottie and so sweet. Luci's dad sucks tho, wtf even. 65-67 = YESSS OIZEF IS INTO FLORENCEEEE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Also that play was insane wtf, Zed is an icon, andi feel sad for his love being one sided right now. But it adds up. 69-73 = Khalid getting mad cause Luci thought he was Zed, Oazif and Florence saving her, Oazif wanting Luci's aka Estelle's nation to become independent and wanting her to manipulate Zed?! LUCI BEING HONEST TO ZED ABOUT IT ALL UGHHHH!! KWEENNNN 74+75 = OH HELLLLLL NAH! FLORENCE RIGHTSSS! Love the story but wish Luci tried to learn how to wield a sword 76-78 = NOT THE ATTEMPTED RAPE WTFFFF!!! Glad AND SAD that Florence ended up having sex with Eozif to help herself escape the crown prince 80-82 = WTF?!?!?! KHALID KNEWWWWW LUCI WAS ESTELLE, AND DID KILL HER, ALL CAUSE HE WANTED HER TO HIMSELF IT SEEMS?!?!?! WTFF! Ngl he's obsessive behaviour looked hot, the art makes it hard to hate him, yet I STILL DO!! 85 = Eozif better hurry up and treat florence with more LOVEEE, but im glad hes helping her 87-90 = Lucis dad can DIEEEEEE! JUST DIE. Khalid is UNHINGED AND DISGUSTING! I actually felt nausea us reading this, from anger. I do hope she stops thinking badly of Zed however, as she also killed a LOT of his comrades, and also let many of hr own people die too in war, yet Zed still talks respectfully about Estelle through all this. Come on. 91-98 = Khalid is SO hot but still F off. I am SO GLAD Oezif finallyyyyy is showing his real personality and strength, and I hope Florence realizes he is not in love with Luci but likes HER, and just is trying to figure out the truth about luci aka Estelle. Love how Luci stood upf or herself and did NOT accept Khalid's brooch, and ENJOYED HR BEING WOREIED FOR ZED KYAAAAA!!! BUT am not a fan of her knowing her old comrades were the one who tried to hurt him, and now her, and she still let them go?! UGH. They better leave zed alone.HE DIDNT EVEN FCKING KILL YOUR BOSS ESTELLE BYE 99 = Eozif exposes Luci and openly says I know you're estelleeee! 100-106 = GOD I LOVEEEEEEEEE FLORENCE! she rightfully called luci out, though she was harsh on her,and now her and eozif can get closer YYAAAYYY HIHIHI 108 = of course luci had to be drunk UGH, SO HAPPY FOR ZED THO 109+110= They arrived in Ersha and we finally learn the truth, why the war started, and what Estelle really did... She was a pawn to the king,knowing full well he ABUSED and KILLED the princess of Jansgar that was sent there to marry, which is why the war started! Yet she stood by the ABUSIVE KING?! She never questioned whether all the supposed "evil nobles" actually were guilty and did whatever the king wanted, its sick. I definitely understand Khalid more now, there was no other way of stopping her. She was destroying her OWN people, who would've been better off without that shit king, and WANT the war to end. Who KNEW the murdered nobles were innocent, god. This changes a lot. This author is amazing at writing flawed characters, and showing nobody is really a saviour in everyone's eyes. She truly believed she was doing it for her country, cause she was naive and never questioned anything, sigh 111-114 = GOD Estelle SUCKED! Literally a blatant pawn to the king who refuses to THINK CRITICALLY! She was so strong but really sucked ugh. I also still hate how the author never made her even TRY to relearn swordsmanship in secret in her new body as Luci 115 = ZED AND LUCI FINALLYYYYYY CONFESS TO EACHOTHER!!! LUCI TO HIM I MEAN! He also says he agrees Estelle was naive and part of why their nation Ersha fell down, but he is also right in saying you can't blame HER a commoner female knight for everything just cause she was strong. She never could've ended the war herself fully, though she 100% played a big part still. 116+117 = She killed her dad ugh, but she stilllooks up to estelle in some ways. Khalid being from the royal bloodline and the tyrant king trying to KILL HIM for years, adding to Estelle being a naive dumbass lapdog of the king, explains why he killed her even more. Anyway, loved the seeing the cute rwbce between 2 women at a balllll!!! 118-120 = So Estelles mother was the half-sister of Lucis mother! I also feel bad for Khalid, he was SO obviously into estelle, and he probably was hoping to stop her from being a crazy murdeeous knight lapdog, and possibly wife her up when he might become a prince.He honestly wasnt a bad guy at all, UGH. But he still is creepily obsessed with her and assaulted her... 121-129 = ARE U FCKING KIDDING ME?! THEY ABDUCT LUCI AKA ESTELLE, FIND OUT ITS HER, THEN SLAP HER IN THE FACE AND DRUG HER, TO USE HER AS BAIT TO KILL THE MAN THEY KNOW SHE LOVES AND EVEN AFTEE SHE CALLS THEM OIT FOR BEING TRASH AND HAVING NO JUSTIFICATIOJ FOR KILLING ZED, AND NOW ZED DRINKS POISON?!?!?!?! FYYYYY!!!! Y'ALL ARE WORSE THEN FCKING KHALID! HE ATLEAST HAD REASONS! FYYYYYY
Exclusive maid of the evil empress
@69 STAN PARESA, STAN THE CROWN PRINCE, STAN THE EMPRESS, STAN JOHANNA OF OROGOS, AAHHHHHH 5 = PLSSSS Im shipping Paresa x the EMPRESS andddd paresa x the ceown prince AHHH. GORGEOUS 13-15 = THE EMPEROR BEING HOT AF, NOT TOO MUCH OLDER THEN HER, THEM TRULY BEING IN LOVE, AND NOW PARESA HELPING THE EMPRESS GET THE RESPECT SHE NEEDS FROM OTHER NOBLWSSS!?!?!? UGHHHHH so happy 16+17 = WTFFFF, POOR EMPRESS!!! BUT U HAVE PARESAAAA UGHH, shed a lil tear ngl 19-21 = AHHH I LOVE PARESA LMAO, NOT HER ALMOST THREATENING THE CROWN PRINCE HAHAHA! LOVE HERRR! AND CALLING HIS ASS OUT FOR NEGLECTING THE EMPRESS, PERIODDD!!! So happy the crown prince apologized to our empress, and I LOVE COUNTESS BUSCHE! green queen 22 = LMAOAAOOAUBS THE PRINCE FELL SO HARD FOR OUR GIRLIE PARESA PLSSS, POOR KNIGHT HAVING TO DEAL WITH SUCH A DUMBASS PRINCE AS A BOSS 24 = already guessed that the duchess is abusing the empress cause she was friends with the dead empress, but jesus, wanting the prince to REVIVE his OWN dead mom?! Mygoddd. The prince is nice tho for calling his stepmom aka the current empress his mom. 26 = UGHH YESSS I LOVE ITT! PARESA IS RELATABLE, NOT KNOWING THE PRINCESNQME LMAO SAME. AND HIS KNIGHT CLAUDE REMAINS HOT AND FUNNY AFFF, ugh I LOVE CLAUDE 29+30 = JOHANNA IS SOOOO PRETTYY! AND SHE SUPPORTS PARESA X CROWN PRINCE KYAAA, Johanna stans rise up. and paresa UGH FINALLYYY BLUSH MOREEEE 33-37= so Johanna knows the beloga princess, Rivera, of Paresa's nation, who she ran away from, but is helping paresa as a ftiend YAY. BUT NOW A KNIGHT OF BELONNA IS HERE AAHHH, she's hot AF, but seems like bsd news for Paresa 39-41 = Ceres caught Paresa, OH SHI-. All during A LOVE ART EXHIBITION BY THE PRINCE?! PLSSSS THIS PRINCE IS TOO FUNNY HAHAHA! LOVE HIM. Anyway, RUTOLD WHO IS SHOWN IN CH40 IS SO FCKING HOT OMGGGG I HOPE WE SEE HIM LATER AS A BELOGA KNIGHY 46 = PLSSSSS SAY HIS NAMEEEE AAHHH PARESA PLS 47-49 = THAT PAINTING WAS SOOOO CUTE OMGGGGG!!! UGHHH the prince keeps stealing MY heart 50+51 = THE EMPRESSES EX LOVER IS A HOT AF BLACK HAIRED RAVEN LIKE MAN WHO BLUSHES AND IS WORRIED FOR HER?! COME ONNNN LEAVETHAT CUNT EMPEROR! HIS ONLY GOOD PART IS HIS FACE AND MONEY, WHICH ENOX ALSO HAS! HE LITT IS NEGLECTING YOU FOF A D.E.C.A.D.E. 55+56 = POISONING SOMEONES FCKING DAD?! BRUHHH! The author better NOT end this story with countess eres LIVING, and give her some bullshit sob story. This cannever bejustified, fcking vile 57-60 = Seems Enox is woeking with the VILLAIN so he cant be trusted? SAD. I WANT THE EMPRESS TO FINALLY HAVE A GOOD MAN WHO DDOESNT NEGLECT HER FFSSS!! i hope she gets divorce, the emperors behaviour cannot be pushed away even if he at the end admits his sister was evil, cause its BEEN 10 FCKING YRS!! ugh 61-64 = THTS IT?! BRUH. So Eres the villainess has been doing all this to the empress, and hating the emperor, all cause her bestie died, but it wasnt even after giving birth, and SHE chose to give birth and wanted the prince to be born, wtf? If Andreas the crown prince hadnt been born, cause the emperor said no, no fcking way she wouldve been jappy about that. SHE wanted her son to be born, and then passed away 6 YEARS later COMW ON! HOW CAN YOU HOLD THAT AGAINST ANYONE WTFFF. AND NOW SHE HAS EVIL POWERS?! ew 66+67 = FINALLYYYY THE KIDS OF THE CURRWNT EMPRESS AND EMPEROR! THEY ARE SOOOOO CUTEEE UGHHHHH!!!!!! and omgggg I cant wqit for the princess of belonna to comeeee! With johanna pur iconic princess of orogos HAHA
I'm the Heiress of a Villainous Household