Tale of the Yellow Dragon
@70 FIN Beautiful, but a bit confusing at times for me lol. Solid 8/10!!! The ending was beautiful but also made me mad thinking how many years passed wttfff!! 62 - 70 = BAWLLEDDDDD MY EYS OUT WTF AUTHOR WTF FOR ENDINV
Cradle of Imae
@62 FINISHED 8.5/10. would've been higher but the ending was mediocre tbh, everything was sad except the main couples part. And their part made the LEAST sense and it felt like the author just threw a random fix against the villain in, even tho we spent 60 chapters for this moment. Wasted tbh. But its a nice story, just overly sad Imae = Blonde ML bby! Ryujin = Black haired ML Wudo = BAE BLUE HAIR DEMON BBY SIDE CHARA Daesun = SNEK DREAM DEMON DADDDYYYYY!!!!!! general Kangchul = Hot but sad demon general Hojung = GORGEOU demon general with blue eyes and foz Taerying = the villain-ish, white hair half demon geusendae = TRUE VILLAIN DEMON! 12 = Imae... My precious. And Ryujin relating, so sad 16+17 = so sad but beautiful, hope the kids live a long life! FUCK that village, except the 2 parents who were sas 29+30 = Hwan and Bohyun making me cry... WHY DID U DO THIS TO ME AUTHOR WTF!!! 33 = AHHH Wudo is back ans SO HOT!And my Daesun ZADDY is here 40+41 = The past of humans x demons. Of course, humans being the true evil. Sad AF. Bless you Kangchul. 44+45 = Ohgod, drama and sadness 46 = Daesun x Wudo past, wtf happened, I feel so bad for Daesun :( be happi ma snek 54+55 = Bawling my eyes out cause of Daesun 58 to 62 = BAWLLEEDDDD my eyes out! They all deserved better. Disgusted! And how DARE you not give Daesung his memories! ITS SAD ON SAD WTF!
The Art of Taming A Tiger
@side 4 FIN 1100000000/10 STORY! WHY DID IT EVER END IM SO SAS ONFG!!! IMA CRY STOP INSANELELEYYYY GOOD ACTION HORROR BL Beomjin = blue hair hot tie exorcist Yeonjae = light brown haired unlucky ML who's stuck with the bell lmao Goongbaek =Tiger cat ratty mc rat tiger Yoongyoong = previous ghost.. Rip Ligong = SUPER CUTE AND HOT DRAGON SEA PRINCE AAHHH! Yeom-Oh/Yoomin = Yeonjaes brother sniff Yeom-Ra = POS boss of the underworld king So-byol = fake old grandpa who turns out to he a dark hair 3-5 = SUCH A SWEET GHOST!!! LET HIM STAY YOU BRATTY CAT "TIGER"! Sniff, goodbye Yoongyoong... <3 14 = STAN LIGONG 16 to 18 = MY HEARTTTT, IM BAWLING!!! WHY DID YOU SACRIFICE YOURSELF WHYYY!! Bless you Ligong, for letting gramps know... Sad AF but okay 19 to 22 = LMAOAOAIBASNKS hilarious misundeestanding, also close conyact HEHE 23 = the truth about the bell is revealed! And his brother NEVER EXISTED?! 27 to 30 = we learn of the TRUTH about Yeonjaes brother, who isn't really his brother, and its heartbreaking but so sweet... And Beomjin made a deal with a POS grimreaper YeomRa boss of undeeworld ahout idk what. We also get some history between Yoomin and Yeomra revealed, and a CONFESSION BETWEEN THE MLS KYAAA 33 to 41 = BEAUTIFULLY written past of Beomjin, ans INSANELY sad. Bawled my eyes out SEVERAL times... 43 = LMAOOO Goongbaek is TRAUMATIZED 44 to 48 = Yeonjaes friend has ghost issues and they find out some idols ans celebs are foxes, not ghosts, and find the real ghost. Veey sad story AGAIN, cried wooh 49+50 = more past about what happenee to Yoomin! 51 to 60 = the curse saga 61 + 62 = TONSNOF CUTE COUPLENESS!! 69 to 83 = BAWLLEEDDDD MY EYES OUT! WTF! YEOM-OH, YOON, OMG!!! T_T. I even feel a bit bad for yeomra the villain. He genuinely had no other way to save you other then allow Yoon, but Yeomoh didn't believe him. But wow, Toons death broke me :( So sad.... 84 to 86 = BACK TO COMEDY! some cute weirdo old man deity thing is here, and Jin and Jae are ready to beat him up, but they can get money so they will be nice LMAO 87-91 = So our old man is NOT our odl man deity, but some daek haired weirdo with similar powers to Beomjin potentially?!?!?! DAMN. ALSO HILARIOUS HOW YEONJAE KEPT SLAPPING HIM LMAOSNIS. AND HE IS REVEALED TO BE KING SO-BYOL?! 92- Yeonjae, beomjin and Goongbaek go to the UNDERWORLD! All AGAINST what Yeomoh told them to do LMAO 95+96 = LMAOAUBSSOJ CRYING 98+99 = funny 100-103 = WANNA DIEEEEE, BAWLING MY EYES OUT!!! 104 = UGHHH BEAUTIFUL, BUT WHY DID IT ENDDD STOPPP, WE NEED MORE CHAPTERS WTF IMA PUKE CRY DIE! sidw 4 END = UGHH I NEED MOREEEE! I NEED ONE FOR THE BROTHERRRR HE DESERVES LOVE TOOOOOO
Mistress at a secret base
@6.1 FIN BEAUTIFUL! JUST BEAUTIFULLLL!! I cried the whole way through, but still was happy and loving every second. CHEERS TO 2 PEOPLE ESCAPING THEIR SADNESS TOGETHER IN HEALTHY WAYS!!!!
Knock Me Out
Ruby Red wo Kamikudaku
@6.5 GOD LEVEL OMEGAVERSEEE!! I LOVVEEE ITTT AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I hope the super cute Alpha Kana me gets a side story! SUPERRR UNIQUE OMEGAVERSE! the omega can visibly SEE peoples pheremones in the form of crystals!
@8 This is NOT compelted! Wrongfully marked as such. REALLLYYY hot and good BL with chimeras, one being a Sea rabbit (clownfish x rabbit) and the other a Lion! I love it but jesus its become DARK. The rabbit family is DISGUSTING, and I had hope for the horse fiance, but instead he became a disgustin guy who almost raped rabbit. wtf. 8 = KYAAA!! PEOPOSAALALALLL!! and touma the rapist horse ends up with our ML's precious brother. Still pissed at horse face but fine.
Rix Vanus