Hatsukoi Kids Sitter
@3 Perfection. Adorable fluff.
Far from Romance
@5.5 FIN perfect, just perfect. We all need a Luis
Bokura no Tsuzuki
Our Sunny Days
@18 Single army dad x young head of town whos kind of a dick! With cute kidsss 8 = you old monster man" 9= WOOHH OLD MAN WAS NICE?! yeehae! 11+12 = SOOOOOOOOO SAD LIKE ACTUALLY WTF?! DONT BE LONELY BBY, U DESERVE BETTER
Half of Me
@62 Body switch story between a highschool kid who almost ended up killing the ML Heechan with his suicide attempt x Heechan an adult who hates unnecessary drama and now is stuck in this kids body. It isn't the usual body switch tho, where both people switch. Instead Heechan remains in his own body for half a day, then switches to the kids body for half a day. The kid is dormant in his own mind. 1 to 7 = Why does this have the adorable tag? Its already sad and frustrating. The kid is trash. If you wanna die, at the LEAST try NOT to get other people involved and traumatize them in the process?! Dont go into TRAFFIC where OTHERS might die CAUSE OF YOUR ATTEMPT or at the LEAST if they survive, get PTSD! Ridiculous. But its interesting seeing a body switch between an older man who was succeeding in life now going into a HS body! Excited 8 = Its a unique plot, but F off. If this boy really was a decent "kind boy", he wouldn't have chosen one of the worst ways to die that gives PTSD and trauma to OTHER people as they ate forced to kill you or potentially kill themselves. F right off. 10 = The ML finally starts going to the kids school, whilst in the kids body to try and figure out what caused this kid to try and die, and hoepfully get him to wake up his soul 11 to 14 = NAH. The ML saying the reason the kids getting bullied is cause of HIMSELF?! nahnah. You can be mad about his disgustingly selfish chouce of trying to off himself IN TRAFFIC causing OTHERD to potentially die. But lets not act like bullying is the victims fault bye. 15 = LMAOAJSSO, NOT THE BULLIES BEING SO CONFUSED HAHA! Be a proud moron! 16 to 19 = LITERALLY CRYING TJROUGH THESE CHAPTERS LMAOOI! but also mygoddd this kid really fell for his gym teacher?! I mean he hot, but how bad is your crush to feel like you will faint and die on the spot jesjs 20 = LMAOAISBS I LOVE THIS! Heechan (ML) is SO oblivious and had 0 fucks to give, AMAZING! Poor Namsoo HAHAH 21 = LMAOOO I LOVE NAMSOO! 1000/10 CHARA HAHA! THEY BETTER END UP TOGETHER! 22 = NOOO NAMSOOO!!!! DONT GIVE UP! HEECHAN WILL GET WITH YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! 23 = NPT THE FIGHTING WITH THE TEACHER LNAOAOSN, iconic. and nah, That class president will burn alive someday. Thx. Now go follow them and ruin their lives uwu 25 = ginger dude was being annoying ngl, but SLAY heechan, SLAY! 28-30 = OH HELLL NOO, BUDDHA RAT, he will get you, hard. You can't escape Dog Buddha. 32 = 100$ JUST FOR YOU TO BETRAAYYYY US?! sick BEAST. just a dog, there is no Buddha! 69 = ITS ALL COMING TPGETHER. W.T.F?!?!?!?!! WTFFFFF!!!!! these reveals are insane. 70 = CRYING AAGINNNN. POOR TAEKIN OMG
I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
@124 official 132 unofficial Slayage. PEREZ IS GODDDD, AND THE FATHRR CH 68 = very emotional and precious 69 = Perez (ML, red eye beauty) surprised Tia with a HUGE library that have all kinds of books on herbs so that he can help Tia find info on the last ingredient they need to cure her father! She expected a tea party but ITS PEREZ, MY PRECIOUS, IM CRYINGGGGG 72+73 = CRYING SO HARD I WANNA THROW UP, PEREZ IS A GOD! BEST ML EVER!!! HE DESERVES THE WORLD! AND TIA'S FATHER IS SAVED OMG PLS AUTHOR LET THIS BE THE END OF HIS PAIN 75+76 = YESSSSOUR DADDY IS STANDING UP FOR HIMSELF NOW THAT HE CAME BACK FROM HIS SICKNESSSSSS YYEEEHHHHAAAWWWWWWWWWWW 87+88 = THE DIAMOND BROOCH FOR OURFUTURE KING PEREZ, IS GORGEOUSSSSS!!!! SLAAYYYY!!!!! 91-93 = ruining her dress to expose her necklace was GENIUS! JUSTICE FOR SHANNET! 100 = goddamn that was creepy with the birds 105-112 = usually find debutant ball plots boring, but DAMN THIS WAS AMAZING! I was squeeling from cuteness, love Perez and Tia together, and love the head maid! 113 = I LOVE THESE EAST PEOPLE! LOVE HOW DIRECT AND HONEST THEY ARE, ICONS! hope we see more of the east 114-117 = NOOOO NOT THE ACADEMY! I expected this tho, he was acting weird with Tia 118-124 = WHO TF WOULD PUT THIS MONSTER IN A POSITION OF POWER WTFFFF???? BUT HELLYEAAAAAA OUR AUNTIE WON! FEMALE LEADER FOR THE WINNNNNN 125 = 6 yes time skip! 126-132 = our boy returned! I really dodng expect him to test clarihan of the Pellet union tho?! I'm also betting my left lung on Perez owning the business that is buying wood and buying more then Pellet union each time. Perez our genius is becoming a HUSTLEF
Vanitas no Shuki
@61 AMAZINGGG, and the anime is 10000% worth watching. Just sad hoe little chapters themanga has, and no news about a new season of anime yet. Also insanely beautiful art. 60 = AWWWW Domi and Vanitas bonding over Noe being an idiot whow precious is 1000/10
I Stan the Prince
@78 Amazing. Angela and Rayburn are perfection, Mano is precious AF, and Frederick and Garnet both deserve piece. FL = Angela ML = 1st prince Rayburn ML twin sister = Hoya ML knight = Mano Crown prince = Frederick Crown prince's fiancee = princess garnet Crown prince's aid = Bourbon (apparently a woman) Paparazzi = Blen 9-14 = AHHHH I LOVR MANO, HE is SOOOOO CUTE, SLEEPING UNDER THE TREE! i also hope the paparazzi helps them,cause those drawings of the prince 100% would help his image. 15+16 = OMG THE DNSCING TOGETHER STAPHHHHHHHHH 17-23 = FINALLY THE BALL! That princess sucks ASS! She thinks way too highly of herself and ignores boundaries. I do pity her as her fiancee doesnt even pay a single mind to her, but you canr evenblame thecrown prince as he was forced to engage her. Our hottie prince looks hot AF tho! And our hilarious girlie arrivee like a clown HAHA. I was shocked by Mano's actions but he regrets it, so its fine. BUT MY GOD THE DANCING SCENE IN CH23 ALMOST MADE ME CRYYYY 24+25 = im glad the author is making it clear the crown prince isnt evil, its just his POS uncle who controls his life. The fact that nobody has ever even offered to take a stroll with him through a normal street outside of the castles, is sad. But I hope our princey doesnt misunderstood this ajd think our girlie is a betraying spy. 26-30 = I hope this is all a jokr cause WTF?! HOYA BETTER NOT BETRAY RAYBURN, OUR FCKING PRINCE!!!! BISH! I also feel so sad for frederick the crown prince, seriously, his aid needs to step up and actually openly ask him if hes alright and show he cares for him. 31-35 = OMGGG RAYBURN REMEMBERS OUR GIRLIEEE ANGELA UGHH. Crying. Also like frederick, but he needs to leave Angela our girlie alone, SHE IS RAYBURNS!!! You go be with your fiancee, or bourbon. 36-40 = RELEASING A FAKE 2ND BOOK?! FOUL BEHAVIOUR! AND ONGGG RAYBURN ATE THEM UPPPP! Suck it losers, war has begun 41 = OMGGGG THE HAND OMGGG THE HAND KISSS OMGGG 42-45 = RAYBURN NOOO, WHY DOES HE HAVE TO GO ON AN EXPEDITION OMGGG. I CRIED AT THE END! FREDERICK SMILING SO BEAUTIFULLY, ENJOYING LIFE FOR ONCE. RAYBURN TAKING HIS HEADPIECE OFF SO ANGELA CAN SEE HIM IN THE CROWD, STOPPPP!!" . Now I HOPE Hoya is good and not evil, and helps the princess, whos fanfic novel has now been fakely translated as a betraying letter. Fckoff. 46-51 = I REALLLLYYY DONT GET HOYA. STOP TRYING TO KILL ANGELA FFS!!!!!!! Mano id also getting so many beautiful drawings of his hotness, as deserved. And Garnet is slowlg becoming a fav, hope our girlie escapes, or frederick actually gives her a chance. 52-54 = Rayburn needs to be nicer to frederick! But YAYYY to Bourbon FINALLY reaching out to frederivk and properly helping him! And Garnet made it to Vestia her own country, hallelujah to her. I would've rather died then live the way she did, being engaged for years to a man who gives no shits about you in a country that hated you and now betrays you by lying that you are a spy. Insane. Glad she escaped! 55-58 = drama with the vestian royal family, and GARNET FINALLY SEES HER FAMILY. 8 YEARSSS! POOR GIRL! But also poor Mano mygod. BUT ALSO MY GODDDD THE ANGELA X RAYBURN SCENESSSS, PLSSSS 59-65 = GARNETS FANFIC WAS ABOIT FREDERICKKK?!?!?! COME ONNN, TRUST HER, OMGGG. SHE JUST EMBARESSED HERSELF AND SAVED BOTH COUNTRIED, KYAAA. But also Mano almost dying by the chancellor, then bourbon, then frederick hurting himself to save bourbon, my god. What a sad set of chapters, all just for him to arrive late to bed and not sleep next to garnet cause he just almost died, but she takes it as rejection and aays mean shit. LIKE COME ONNN UGHH, sad. Glad my babe Mano is alive. 66+67 = LOVELLYYY CHAPTERS! just exploring the city, garnwt being happy, frederick being sad but recovering and having proper FREEDOM without the chancellor uncle now, YAY 68-72 = PUKING MY GUTS OUT FROM CUTENESSSSS OMFGGG! THE WHOLE BAND TOGETHER, GARNET, FREDERICK, RAYBURN, ANGELA ALL AS MANO AND BOURBON WATCHHH. AND THEN THE BALL WITH BOTH COUPLES DANCING SOOOOOO BEAUTIFULLY OMFGG THE ARTTT?!?!?! ANDDD THE MAZEEEE SCENEEESSSSS BETWEEN RAYBURN X ANGELA IS TO DIE FOR PLSSS!!! 63-78 = creep mesdenger from weird nation who is obsessed with Frederick? The brother of Garnet asks Angela to MARRY, like wtf ?! I didnt expect the boatrider escorting them to be a snake handling kidnapper, i thought it was Rayburn lol. Also POOR MANO FELL OFF A WATERFALL TRYING TO SAVE ANGELA, PLSSS. And on a last note, Garnet probably means well and is worried for Angela, but fck off. Being by your or Fredericks side isnt any safer, at all. So many backstabbing freaks are there, and the biggest supporter of Frederick was his psycho uncle who rightfully has been thrown out, but makes his group weaker. Sticking with our babes Rayburn is better
BL Game no Shujinkou no Otouto de Aru Koto ni Ki ga Tsukimashita
@22 SOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEE! 10.5 = MA BEBBEEEE GRAAHHHHHHH SASAKI DOING THE LORSS WORKKKKK 15 = YA FCKED UP. the fujoshi detector knows all. 17 = MY FCKING CHILDDDD KAEDE OMFH Y E S S S S SS S S S S S S S S. S S 18 = natsuhi is UGLY AFFFFFFF. Butttt I kinda like him, Ugh. I'm sorry kaede and janitor and class pres... The ugliest man present is kind of DEVOURING. THO KAEDE DEVOURS MOST AYY AYY BEAT TYAT ASS 20-22 = sad for my bebe :(( but Natsuhi doe seem like a better fit personality wise. PLS CUT HIS UGLY ASS HAIE THO, I BEGGGG AUTHOR I BEGGGGGGGG,!!!!!!!!!
Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shika Nai!