Broo This one was depressing af and normally would have given it 3 Stars because of how the Seme treated the Uke and the story was definitely unexpected, but still gave it 5 because the story was unique and not every story has a happy ending.
Our Companionship
Pretty sure this was originally a yaoi... Just with heavily censored scenes from a different source. The seme in this definitely reminds me of another seme I've before, I just can't quite remember who. And tbh the uke was adorable.
Mayday mayday mayday!
I enjoyed this, though I did feel bad for everything the mc had to go through. There was a time when all of the "suitors" in this annoyed me, but Vasily proved to be the best for the mc at the very end. The red-head and purple-haired were trash as one r*ped him & sought to kill him and the other was cheating on his wife + used mc as bait. BUT I LOVE CHRIS. He's so handsome. I hope he finds his own man soon.
Roses and Champagne
DAMNNNN THE PLOT THICKENS Edit ch. 41: WTFF CAESAR HOW COULD U? Ah heck no. My boy Lee Won doesn't deserve that crap. COMMUNICATION IS IMPORTANT. Edit #2: My heart is breaking after chapter 42... Y'all thought this was a mostly cute and fluffy manga with some violence? Naw. Ch. 39+ just declines and becomes a lot more dark My bby Lee Won deserves better. I will never forgive Caesar, idc if they do end up together. I'M ROOTING FOR LEE WON'S DAD WOOT WOOT SAVE LEE WON Edit # whocares: Oops well Ceasar got what was coming to him. But I still hate the cousin too so. Edit # ch. 47: WTF now the author just playing with us Ch. 48: Idek what I want to feel anymore. Can't forgive Caesar, still hate the cousin. Lee won wtf are you doing? LMAO WHERE'S THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TAG? Edit# after side story: WHAT A TIME. The side sorry to this was spicy and thrilling and toxic AF??
One-Way Romance
TW: A LOT OF RAPE. Like, that's all this is. Two seme brothers drug, capture, & seriously mess up uke. White hair is main seme and seems to have a thing for uke. Doesn't help that the semes are my type. Poor reporter T_T Let him go home pls. He got two hot guys around him but he still gonna need therapy after this. •́ __ ,•̀ Edit: Lmao nevermind they'll never allow him to have therapy. Oof. He'll never escape now. I feel like the author tried to make a smut that was a messed up comedy and a psychological at the same time without taking it seriously. Edit: they should've just left it as ended instead of making side stories. The side stories are so much worse and so is the art.
Park Hanhoo's Manager
This for sure has to be a favorite of mine. The characters and plot were so investing and satisfying that I was hooked. I enjoyed the mystery and comedy, as well as the suspense and uncertainty since I don't really read mystery and revenge stories. Chansol's character journey was so intriguing and well-developed, which made him by far my favorite character in this. He's so precious and relatable, which is also why I love him. Hanhoo's character kinda remained similar to how he was in the beginning, but that's totally fine because he's a well-rounded character and it just works for him. Too bad it's a shounen ai, but thank you sm author for giving us that (censored, but nonetheless) intimate scene in the special. YOU BET I'MA REREAD THIS.
A Kiss for Each Face
Dangg this was a treat to read. The seme was so hot and so was the smut. The ukes back story was very sad tbh. :( My heart. But the ending was perfect omg. I wish there were extras.
Santa (Taeyangshin)
LMAO WHAT This was messed up. Definitely a short psychological
The Mountain Bird Cries at Dawn