Meh634 caught in 720p's manga / #mafia(14)

The Mountain Bird Cries at Dawn

Complete | Amam | 2000 released

This was so funny, I loved the mafia members. Their reactions when Yamoto said he'd marry Yoru and the dad just said "okay" was priceless. The sex scenes were pretty sexy too ngl. I loved the relationship with Yamato and his dad because I love stories with these kind of Yakuza dad's, and I'm glad Yamato got to see his mom again and stayed on good terms with her and her new husband/boyfriend (I forgot which one).


Complete | Ra-yuan | 2000 released

Broo This one was depressing af and normally would have given it 3 Stars because of how the Seme treated the Uke and the story was definitely unexpected, but still gave it 5 because the story was unique and not every story has a happy ending.

Our Companionship

Complete | ken,ant studio | 2019 released

Pretty sure this was originally a yaoi... Just with heavily censored scenes from a different source. The seme in this definitely reminds me of another seme I've before, I just can't quite remember who. And tbh the uke was adorable.

Mayday mayday mayday!

Complete | Gwendoline,Hyesung | 2000 released

I enjoyed this, though I did feel bad for everything the mc had to go through. There was a time when all of the "suitors" in this annoyed me, but Vasily proved to be the best for the mc at the very end. The red-head and purple-haired were trash as one r*ped him & sought to kill him and the other was cheating on his wife + used mc as bait. BUT I LOVE CHRIS. He's so handsome. I hope he finds his own man soon.

Roses and Champagne

Ongoing | Zig , fat | 2019 released

DAMNNNN THE PLOT THICKENS Edit ch. 41: WTFF CAESAR HOW COULD U? Ah heck no. My boy Lee Won doesn't deserve that crap. COMMUNICATION IS IMPORTANT. Edit #2: My heart is breaking after chapter 42... Y'all thought this was a mostly cute and fluffy manga with some violence? Naw. Ch. 39+ just declines and becomes a lot more dark My bby Lee Won deserves better. I will never forgive Caesar, idc if they do end up together. I'M ROOTING FOR LEE WON'S DAD WOOT WOOT SAVE LEE WON Edit # whocares: Oops well Ceasar got what was coming to him. But I still hate the cousin too so. Edit # ch. 47: WTF now the author just playing with us Ch. 48: Idek what I want to feel anymore. Can't forgive Caesar, still hate the cousin. Lee won wtf are you doing? LMAO WHERE'S THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TAG? Edit# after side story: WHAT A TIME. The side sorry to this was spicy and thrilling and toxic AF??

One-Way Romance

Complete | Tae-shik | 2000 released

TW: A LOT OF RAPE. Like, that's all this is. Two seme brothers drug, capture, & seriously mess up uke. White hair is main seme and seems to have a thing for uke. Doesn't help that the semes are my type. Poor reporter T_T Let him go home pls. He got two hot guys around him but he still gonna need therapy after this. •́ __ ,•̀ Edit: Lmao nevermind they'll never allow him to have therapy. Oof. He'll never escape now. I feel like the author tried to make a smut that was a messed up comedy and a psychological at the same time without taking it seriously. Edit: they should've just left it as ended instead of making side stories. The side stories are so much worse and so is the art.

Park Hanhoo's Manager

Complete | KIM TAC | 2000 released

This for sure has to be a favorite of mine. The characters and plot were so investing and satisfying that I was hooked. I enjoyed the mystery and comedy, as well as the suspense and uncertainty since I don't really read mystery and revenge stories. Chansol's character journey was so intriguing and well-developed, which made him by far my favorite character in this. He's so precious and relatable, which is also why I love him. Hanhoo's character kinda remained similar to how he was in the beginning, but that's totally fine because he's a well-rounded character and it just works for him. Too bad it's a shounen ai, but thank you sm author for giving us that (censored, but nonetheless) intimate scene in the special. YOU BET I'MA REREAD THIS.

A Kiss for Each Face

Complete | Yanase seno (柳瀬せの) | 2019 released

Dangg this was a treat to read. The seme was so hot and so was the smut. The ukes back story was very sad tbh. :( My heart. But the ending was perfect omg. I wish there were extras.

Santa (Taeyangshin)

Ongoing | Taeyangshin , 태양신 | 2000 released
2022-11-07 06:26 marked

LMAO WHAT This was messed up. Definitely a short psychological