The One Within the Villainess
Goddess’s Way of Attacking Tigers
Hyeon-yo is definitely Moha’s sweetheart’s soul, Yeomho.
Twilight Poem
EVERYONE, BEFOR EYOU READ THE MANHWA, I SUGGEST READING THE NOVEL. WHY IS THAT? You may ask, well its because the plot in the manhwa has beem reduced to npthing but trash. Up till the middle chapters, everything was going fine, and then suddenly, it all beca,e so rushed because of the following reasons: ○there were so many questions left unanswered. ○ so many plot holes, to the point it wasn't making any sense. ○ everything felt so forced Apparently, the manhwa's plot had been changed from the novel so much because a lot of staff hated their employer. There were workplace abuse, and everyone basically hated the author so they quit, and since there were signifficantly less people working on the manhwa, what could have been a masterpiece is no more. Anyway, i love the story itself, the manhwa just ruins it. Just read the novel for better experience in general. Questions will be answered in the novel, and no dumb time skips that dont even make any sense. Lol. I swear, the manhwa ruins the story. Nice art tho. Ahahahahhaha
For Better or For Worse