Form of Sympathy
Seems super interesting. I'm excited to see where this one goes Also, can they be a switch? Please make them a switch
Your wish is my command
I'm conflicted about this. We've learned that Chiwoo's and Hwan's feelings are mutual, but the way Hwan basically fucked Chiwoo while he was asleep rubbed me the wrong way. He didn't know Chiwoo was into him too, he didn't know the guy would probably like it since he was thirsting for him too. What Hwan did was rape. I don't like that. Also, the cute purple-haired guy that has a crush on Chiwoo seems like a much better choice. Update: Fuck this shit. I loved Make Me Bark from the same author, but this is absolute trash with pretty artwork. God. It doesn't get better, it only gets worse. Chiwoo, run! 2nd Update: Chiwoo realizes how fucked up everything is, how toxic, insane, and possessive Hwan is, and breaks up with him. Literally the best possible ending and why I'm raising my rating.
Vargoth's Magical Toys
Super cute, and I ADORE how consensual Arte is. Honestly, this would be an amazing story if it weren't for the fact that Eunwoo looks like a middle school kid (sometimes a really young highschooler). Even his "uniform" that he later gets is literally inspired after outfits for small kids. I know he's TECHNICALLY 21, but let's face it, he wasn't designed to look like one. I don't know if it was purposeful or not. Maybe the author was going for the "innocent uke" look and didn't realize they drew an actual child instead. I'll give them a benefit of doubt. But it's still off-putting and ruining an otherwhise-great story :( I can tolerate it most of the time, but the sex scenes make me absolutely disgusted, so I just skim over them really fast. Btw, I seriously hope we'll see Eunwoo become more competent, because it's clear that it's killing his confidence. And Arte needs to realize that constantly babying him won't actually help Eunwoo, it's doing the exact opposite.
BJ alex