At the End of the Road
I cannot say much right now, cause I feel like crying, because this has ended. I do not need much plot anymore. It would be enough to just see more scenes of those to interact. Those are just 2D pictures, but the author made it so that you felt like they were alive or something. I loved this story. Thank you for this beautiful peace of art!
My Starry Sky
Simply a masterpiece. Just wow. It is not perfect. But a masterpiece is not perfect it is wholesome, it is just...just....a freackin masterpiece! Read it! Love it! Buy it! Just wow wow
Neon Sign Amber
Very realistic and cute! Loved this refreshing story!
Kamisama no Uroko
OH DEAR LORD!!!! This is so perfect omg! Like the totally sweet and considerate partner during the day to day life, who does not force his expextations and feelings on you nd just want to love you, and than the totally hot sexy bomb in bed! DUUUUUDEEE GIMME MOREEEE the art is so beautiful. I wish she would do full colour webtoons. i swear she has such a talent...urgh
Smells Like Green Spirit
It was so interesting seeing myself and my views change I mean we all grow up with these internalized ideas from society. So when I first was introduced to homosexuality I was confused. It did not make sense to me and I thought it was wrong, because god created men and women on purpose. But the more I grew older and met people and understood my feelings and to differenciate between what is really me and the voices of strange people repeating in my mind, I realized, how wrong our world is. I thought I was already very open and understanding for our dear people who suffer through this kind of hell on earth, but my heart broke so much at this. Especially for Kiri....I am crying for him and people like him who live a false identity just to make others happy and to safe themselfes from being completely isolated or even harmed. I am so so sorry...
Blue Lust
This was very realistic! Loved the development and the prologue was sooooo beautiful! YAY! I wish there would have been one for Noboru as well ;(
Oku made Furetemo Ii desu ka
So sweeet!
Suddenly Became a Princess One Day
dang cannot believe it has been 5 years and that it ended OMG. Goddammit.... and I was looking forward to athy and lucas too aahhh
A Guy Like You