The Serious Case of Mr. Leonhard's Dysfunction
Pretending to Sleep Can't Stop Him...
Let's Eat!
It's a somewhat toxic relationship of a good looking guy who likes an insecure cute chubby girl. They're childhood friends, who have mutually liked each other since they were kids. But the guy expressed his feelings in a toxic way by calling her piggy and helping/feeding her in a convoluted way. He also says she "owes him sex" for saving her from another toxic person. And although he accepts her for her self, he doesn't necessarily help build her self esteem in a way that she understands his feelings. His friends especially don't help because they judge her for her size. She's also at fault too for not taking his words seriously, and disregarding his words for food. The story honestly had potential, but the relationship was more irritating than anything else.
Kaerimichi de Koi ni Madou