Star x Fanboy
I love StarXFanboy it has literally been my life line and I'm so sad that it's over.I've been with it since episode 1 and I love it now just as much I did then.It's so cute and I totally recommend it.
Story of Our Lives
I loved this book! It was one of the first Lezhin's books I read and I immediately fell in love with the book, the characters, and the plot! I would 100% recommend it!
Don't forget that I like you
This comic was so cute. I loved it and it was relatable. Going through the struggles of life all whilst you have to deal with your crush seems like something a lot of people could relate to. I was drawn to the story, though I've seen that kind of story before, it made me like it even more. I loved the characters and the plot as a whole. I would read again it was so wholesome!!
Man on the Screen
This comic was so great. Honestly, I hate the fact that it was so short but regardless I still liked it. The characters were relatable and all in all funny. I would recommend and would read more from this artist.
Inner Beauty
I loved this! The characters all hit me the right way and the plot was honestly just the best thing ever. I thought this was going to be some generic Idol x Fan story but it took an absolute turn when they not only swapped bodies but then the whole history lesson came up and I learned a lot. The characters were easy to predict but they were unique and had their own perks that moved them away from the cliche trope. My favorite part though was the wedding scene towards the end. I felt so much respect for the sister after that! Not like I didn't like her before, but that empowering speech she gave at their wedding to protect her brother really got me! I'd definitely recommend this it was a good read.
A Shoulder to Cry On
I liked this story more than I thought I would. I had started this before dropping it and then got back into it. I all honesty I loved it. The art style drew me in and made me want to finish it. I hate that I was so short; I would have loved a longer story and maybe even more antagonists that would complicate the story even more. But overall I liked the story, the plot, and especially the characters. How could I not? They were written in such a complexity I'd never seen before in characters of BL. I recommend and would reread.
Hotel Phryne
I liked this story! It was so suspenseful and reading each chapter constantly put me in some sort of mood. I loved both characters and the overall plot. Each part of Hyung's personality made into a single person and then one of them sacrificing himself to save everyone else just got me and I just loved it. I gave off that kind of Danganronpa vibe from start to finish and I think that if the story was ended up being horror it definitely could pass as one.
Kitty Boy
This comic really refreshed me! I'm so glad I found it. I honestly really enjoyed the story and how the characters interacted. Though I wish that our main heroine didn't immediately go from 'I don't like you like that Rusty.' To find out it was him controlling the robot and then all of a sudden she falls in love with him. That part just didn't make any sense to me though the build-up to the ending was good. I really liked how things just reverted and every character grew.
The Best Wolf in My Life
I honestly can help but like this series. I mean who wouldn't? It's so well put together and I love the build-up of romance that was visible. The main character gave actual reasons to not like the childhood best friend in that way and I love the plot altogether. There was romance and comedy and the scenes didn't jump out of anywhere. I love this author and hope to see more of their work in the future.
Can't take my eyes off you