I See Your Money
I actually like this comic. It came to me when I saw an ad on youtube for it and I was desperate to find and read it. Not only is the plot good but the characters feel solid to me. The one's poor, one's rich trope always annoyed me but with the special ability added, it changed things for the better. And the plot fixed itself. I'd definitely reread.
White Angels Have No Wings
This was, in many ways, hard to read. You'd go in thinking that it's not going to be that bad, but then it smacks you with all of this traumatic stuff all at once. Our main character dragged into it, whilst multiple side characters get their fair share of the absolute craziness that is the 'White Angels' Series. It puts to use every sort of toxic relationship you can think of and uses them in an appropriate manner. This really scares me to how manipulative and toxic the characters were around each other. Overall this is a comic you can learn from and I really enjoy reading it.
Let's Go, ASMR!
This was a really cute and refreshing story. A short read that will make you feel nice and give you confidence. I really like how wholesome the characters were and how sweet and simple the plot was made out to be.
Back to School: All Grown Up
I don't have much to say about this book. I'm pretty happy that it got a sequel that tied up all the loose ends and brought the story to its final closing point.
The Devil's Boy
I binged this book in two days and I loved it. The art style and plot were so good and very interesting. I loved all the characters even the bad ones and personally found the story entertaining to read. The main character becoming stronger from some kind of ability was an overused trope but this story really redeemed itself with it. I love the main and assisting characters. The story actually reminds me a lot of The Seven Deadly Sins and I am the Grim Reaper. The main character is a demon, which is usually portrayed as the bad guy. And the antagonists that try to stop him are angels, who are constantly seen as the good guys.
I started this book and dropped it, before picking it up again. It was honestly the cutest thing I've read in my life. The relatable characters and the plot were all up to date. They put the characters in funny situations while also showing us the problems, strengths, and weaknesses. This is one of those refreshing books to read.
I'm Yours, Blood and Soul
This was a pretty good book. Although I really dislike the fact that it was short. It had a lot of potential to be longer and have more antagonists and story. But other than that it was actually pretty good. It was despair-inducing and you can't help but sympathize with every character and the pain they went through.
I honestly can't help but like this series. I binged the whole story in a day and I absolutely fell in love with it. I loved the characters and the entire plot was so good! The build-up to the climax was amazing and the climax its self was so good I don't even have words to describe how good it was. The characters were amazing and you had to love them. I mean, how could you not? They were so likable and every motive had a meaning regardless of if the person was an antagonist and a protagonist. I would definitely read this again and would recommend it to people. I hate how long it took me to get into this but I'm so glad I found it and finished it.
Oh! My Assistant Webtoon
This was so cute.
Unstoppable Siblings