Approximal Guide
It's reincarnation and guide verse, what more do you want? I like the more realistic military style. It's cool to see MC immediately go tell somebody when he realises he's in someone else's body. Not planning on telling his close partner that he's not dead isn't great but keeping secrets and running away is basically a requirement in the romance genre it seems and his reasons at least make sense since he doesn't totally want to leave him out to dry.
Becoming A Family With The Duke and His Dear Son
It has potential but their motivations don't really make sense right now. FL could just tell him she wants to marry for love instead of acting Sus about it and ML is kind of weird for not immediately accepting the information if he didn't want the marriage anyway?
4 Week Lovers
I'd rate it higher if it wasn't for everybody in this webtoon being a piece of shit and facing 0 consequences? The cousin that watched dojun fall out the window and was more worried about saving his own ass than so much as calling an ambulance, the random creep deciding to stab dojun BC jaehee was mean to him one time, the disgusting brother hiring thugs to threaten jaehee and kidnapping dojun for no fucking reason? They try to make the thug likeable somehow but he's literally a criminal that threatens and beats for a living and he's fine doing terrible things to innocent people if it helps him get in to that evil brothers pants. He only changes his mind when the brother stabs him in the back and runs off. What even is this. Also did they forget to resolve the memory loss arc at some point they just stop bringing it up...
The Delusional Hunter in Another
Waiting for MC to stop being completely useless even if he's weak. People keep walking all over him and he kinda just lets them since he doesn't have power and wouldn't know enough about human society to do anything.
Regressing As The Reincarnated Bastard Of The Sword Clan
Solid all rounder. What it lacks in action variety it makes up for with worldbuilding and so on. EDIT: Dropped. becomes kinda generic, are you really gonna do the dragon waifu claimed as "reward" trope?
Raffine’s Plan: Save My Favorite Character
It was great until the time skip but it's really dropping in quality now. She hasn't done anything for multiple chapters now yet it all falls in to place and she doesn't care about Zerkan anymore which is the one thing that made this unique. Is she just gonna go for the same running away/getting a divorce trope as everyone else and ignore that he has actual feelings for her that she went out of her way to nurture? EDIT: Dropped. She spent like half the ML's life leading him on and now that she doesn't need him anymore she's just decided to go back on her promise to get married. My girl you flirted with him and made sure he swore himself to you and now you're just gonna throw him out like trash? No thanks. It's right after he comes back from a WAR too.
Juvenile Law
They messed up the upload with chapters from another manhwa and deleted everybody's comments so my old one is gone. I really wish there was more emotional pay off with the old woman and her son after the first couple chapters but the fights are still great.
The Redemption of Earl Nottingham
I like it but it sort of feels melodramatic. They love each other but won't date for stupid reasons and even when they talk it doesn't really feel like they understand each other. I'd put this down as Josei but on mangago that's a de facto smut tag so I'm adding shoujo too just in case.
Lucky Credit
Tagged as shounen ai because I'm not sure if there's smut outside of the manta version. Really great story, quite slow burn but we're starting to see the pay off with MC's tough exterior staring to melt as his attachment to ML becomes clearer. I like the touch of supernatural to keep things from getting stale while staying relatively grounded.
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