The Villainess is Done Trying
This is too good. Pretty realistic FL deciding to just give up on the people making her out to be a villainess and staying in her mansion while commissioning entertainment. The progress of her relationship with ML felt very natural. The plot's really started to pick up I can't wait to find out what's up with Darcy and where this goes.
I Was the Real Owner of Elheim
I'm not sure what the relationship status of our main couple is but I like it. They're not being emotionally constipated and avoiding each other for no reason but just casually getting closer like actual people. They're very cute together. The other characters look interesting so far. Michael is very very hot and makes me feral. The translation isn't that bad but there were a few moments where I was confused which might be from that, overall the plot has been good though.
One room TA
Some of these chapters had me losing it with the absurdity. There aren't that many romantic scenes because of all the shenanigans but the cute couple moments we do get are great. I'm putting this down as shounen ai for now but it's bordering on yaoi with this one part so I might change it.
I Became the Lousy Side Top
I have a lot of feelings about this manhwa. So many I'm not sure where to begin. It's not anywhere near a masterpiece, there's plenty of issues, yet I couldn't stop reading because the whole thing felt weirdly nostalgic. Brought me back to when I first got in to BL and read those trashy stories with drawn out drama and toxic relationships, all the typical clichés. It's just far enough to not quite be the same as them but still somewhat reminiscent. The main couple playing self sacrificial hot potato to save the other from the crazy 2nd ML, the stupid redemption arc that didn't redeem anything, the old friend/ex coming back to also be a creep, even the loose ends and plot holes feel similar. The concept was really interesting and I wouldn't say it didn't go anywhere but I'm not quite happy with what it did do. Still, I don't know if it'd feel the same if those issues were fixed. All I can say is if you're expecting a story about MC using knowledge of the OG novel to change the future that's not what you're getting, it's more like isekai > cooking show > slice of life > k-drama > soap opera. Then it wraps back around to average BL.
Who Can Define Popularity?
Guess I forgot to rate this. I think it was fine?
Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor
Good plot and interesting characters. Interested to see more about magic and what Ian's status as a mage will contribute to. Can be quite brutal at times but there's some surprisingly wholesome moments too?
Insanely Talented Player
Not much to complain about here it's good all around. I like the occasional snippets of how dungeons affect real world politics/society. MC is just the right ratio of dgaf and serious when needed. The towers all having a story instead of just being an empty place with monsters helps keep things fresh.
You're A Vampire In The Sun
Not bad but pretty forgettable.
Please Pay Attention To Me
It's kinda fucked up but they're both toxic so it works. I have a soft spot for codependency.
Even if the Villain's Daughter Regresses