Her Summon
I forgot to rate it because I didn't read it on this site... I'm so disappointed in myself. Basically this is the best thing since sliced bread and you should read it. EDIT: Wanted to add that the ending was lovely but a side story chapter would be nice. I like seeing a bit of what happens after everything is done and dusted, even if it's obvious what that's gonna look like. To clarify, we do get to see what happens ultimately with Yutuba's irl life and whatnot, but they drop a lil something in the last couple panels and then don't go any further with it.
An Uncomfortable Truth
Really good but so sad I can't keep reading... I was not prepared for the wild ride I was in for.
The Last Human
The more you read, the more it sucks you in. And for whatever reason the MC and his male friend are really shippable? You'd think this was a BL if you saw the right scenes out of context.
Star x Fanboy
My new favourite BL, and possibly my favourite webtoon. It's adorable, doesn't include the overdone evil ex or anything creepy. I honestly have nothing to complain about (other than wishing it would last forever lol). If only text could portray the amount of love I feel towards this series...
I Am The Sorcerer King Webtoon
Pretty interesting. Some parts can feel slow but there's still enough action to keep you invested and the MC's "power ups" can get hype. EDIT: Later parts really didn't feel all that interesting for me, MC largely lost his ambition and the side characters who I found boring (particularly pink hair girl) took up too much screen time.
Shall We Go Surfing?
Short and sweet. I think an extra chapter or two really would've helped tie things up but it's great for what it is. Basically just tooth rotting fluff.
Goja Dang!
I feel like we're missing a few chapters off the end there but it's really good. Top notch comedy and beatiful art. They don't actually get together within the story so there's not even a kiss though.
What's your name?
Like most short stories, it's really well done but doesn't really conclude anything with it's ending. It's like going to a fancy restaruant that gives you tiny portions of some outstanding food but you leave hungry because it was too expensive for seconds...
More plot heavy than your usual BL, and I must say it's a breath of fresh air. I'm tired of the "I'm not gay, nobody can know I'm gay" story. If you're like me and don't want to read porn it's pretty easy to skip. Also no light sabers instead of dicks! Just some careful camerawork.
Delivery Boy Debacle