axima's manga / #Supernatural(161)

Regressing With the King's Power

Ongoing | Ahn So-seol, Seong Hyun, Redice Studio | 2023 released

I don't like the downsides to his powers, idk why the cousin is even in this story, and I'm desperately hoping the girl will gtfo instead of starting some romance harem bs. The rest is very good though so I'm interested in seeing how it'll turn out. EDIT: girl is the biggest bitchy cunt I've ever seen. How dare he protect himself with abilities he didn't even understand yet and against bullies that were trying to kill him. Of course it's his responsibility to make sure tormentors don't happen to get hurt while she does fuck all to help the victim. And of course the forced fucking kiss in the middle of the fight, I saw it coming from a mile away. "I can't beat her so I'll knock her out with a poisoned kiss/surprise her with a kiss so she lets her guard down" no who asked for that.

Auto-Hunting With Clones

Ongoing | Chassi , Opal , 차씨 , 오팔 , 제이알매니지먼트 | 2019 released

Good but I'd appreciate if he treated his clones nicer and they stopped setting up this weird romantic atmosphere around a high school girl... EDIT: The plot thickens.

Count 0

Complete | YUMA Satoru | 2000 released

The porn tended to feel random and tacked on but they do actually use it for something with the plot eventually which is aleady way better than what you usually get. The story is fairly interesting, they really get all the use they can out of the lie count system instead of letting it fade in to the background as soon as they start dating. Considering how short it is I'm surprised they started dating in like chapter 2 but it works well that way. The ML is super cute I just wanna hug and protecc when I see him

Samurai Lover

Complete | Shoco | 2000 released

A little rushed but not terrible. The ML feels flawed but is pretty endearing when you get to know him. The sex is honestly really unecessary and kinda icky feeling even though they come up with an excuse for why they "have" to do it. Like it's technically consent but idk. I wish they explained the time travel a little bit more, can bro never bathe again without time traveling?? Unless it's exclusively the one pond and bathtub but then he's stuck having to buy a new one or taking showers only lmao.

Kimi to Ishin Denshin!

Complete | YAMANO Deko | 2017 released

Really not much. The progression of MC's feelings doesn't make much sense it feels pretty random. The thing with the brother never really gets tied up which bothers me, he was basically harassing ML and you don't even confront him about it? The mind reading doesn't end up being used for a lot even though it's there. The last chapter is all about sex and frankly just unecessary, It's not interesting, adds nothing of note to the story other than just being weird, and the actual sex scene probably isn't even long enough for people to get off on it?

The Cook Of A Perished World

Ongoing | Mild Coffee | 2022 released

Them being soldiers instead of randos is interesting. The cooking thing is pretty cool, although I'd like to see a bit more of his other skills and the monster cooking from the prologue. EDIT: Not exactly action heavy but very fun nonetheless. It's more of a people drama.

The Fox in My Bed

Complete | Tenma Kei,Kisai Entertainment | 2000 released

Don't read, it's pretty bad. If you don't mind spoilers you might find out why in the incoming rant. Ok so the start seems decent, Kyoji kinda treats Nagisa like trash but that's not super new for these kinds of stories. I would've preferred if they could pick between angst and fluff instead of swinging between them but whatever. Next up I'll have to cover all the loose plot threads because one of these is so insane I have no idea how the fuck it happened. For the smaller ones we have: the bracelet nagisa insisted is super important and had kyoji wear one ep, only for us to never see it again. I thought it was a tracker so he could tell when kyoji's in danger but no he just follows him around to protect him?? I don't think kyoji even keeps wearing it after that one time. Also, the whole brother dead ex thing. They keep teasing him having something going on with his dead gf's brother but never actually elaborate. They just redo the first meeting like 5 times and call it a day. Why would they be having a "first" meeting so often? Of course because Ren wipes his memories each time. The only way you would know is if you paid close attention to the fact that the friend doesn't recognise him and the one time Ren has some random lightning around him and says something about having to do it. I honestly can't tell if they were aiming for a romance angle which is kinda ick considering their past relations or just setting up some drama where they talk about the girl but nothing ever happens. I'm sure there's more but you get the idea, and there's still a plot hole section left to go. So last we're gonna bring up the elephant in the room. THE FRIEND. Oh god, the friend. I have to assume he's been silently retconned half way through because this just does not make sense. Did the author think people would just forget? He was a grade A creepy fucking stalker, he was stealing kyoji's shit, taking his used cup to lick the straw like a pervert, and getting touchy without consent. Yeah he literally grabbed him, refused to let go, and kissed him while kyoji was telling him no. Why isn't this guy in jail? And you wanna know the best part? After that last altercation they just keep acting like they're friends, they ignore everything that went down, no justice gets served. Not even in a "I forgive you" way which would suck too but they literally just never speak a word of it. I have to assume this fucker still has kyoji's bottle and other crap in his house. On top of all that guess what? Nagisa knew pretty much all of this, he knew something was up and kept warning nagisa, but HE ENDS UP THE ONE GETTING SCOLDED. No apology, no nothing. He was dead fucking right and yet he was the one facing consequences for daring to try and keep kyoji away from his dangerous stalker. And then later on the stalker is just randomly like "yeah I moved on haha lol". It makes my blood boil. He doesn't even become a good friend later on he still clearly isn't over it no matter what he says, always shitting on nagisa and talking about how special kyoji is. Then near the end he gives some shit advice to nagisa about listening to kyoji's feelings even though nagisa DID ask and was getting shut down. But no the story immediately decides he's right and nagisa thinks about how he shouldn't have pushed him when he never actually did. How did this make it past the first draft? I know 5 year olds that can write a plot more consistent than this. I've already talked about a bunch of things that simply don't make sense but now I'm gonna cover the entire magic system because it's some bs. Basically more tails is meant to = more mana, except nagisa doesn't have any. Why? Fuck knows. Never elaborated on he's just built different. This wouldn't be such a big deal if it was a genetic thing and historically the people with more tails had more power but no as far as I can tell the tails are literally a physical manifestation of your power. This is because Ren with one tail has less magic, depsite both of his parents having a lot of tails. Initially I thought nagisa was just shit at using magic because of how incosistent the wording is, sometimes it's mana, sometimes it's magic, but no he supposedly doesn't have enough for ANY spell. So less than a one tail, he might as well be human. This might sound nitpicky but there's a reason I explained that, and that's because it's vital to how the entire plot is structured. This single fact is what drives the conflict in this story. The main roadblock to their relationship is the lack of reliable travel between worlds, nagisa needs ren to open the portal for him, and ren only having one tail needs 3 weeks to be able to do this. Now fact of the matter is ren opens this damn portal all the time and it only matters when the author decides to make it but we can just assume that's down to weird time skips. So yeah there's no reason nagisa shouldn't be able to come and go as he pleases. On top of that the reason why Nagisa is meant to be the successor for the throne is his tails but he can't use magic anyway so isn't ren the better option? Like how is he any less embarassing as a king he got bullied for this shit so clearly people know. Then there's the war that breaks out in which they make nagisa come back to help and then refuse to let him fight because the crown prince needs to stay safe to take over the throne. Fam, why even bring him here then? He would've been safer in the human world. He's got no magic so it's not like he could protect the sick mom and even if he could she's gone to the human world and been fine, she coulda gone to visit him and be safer. There's this rule that humans that go to the fox realm can't go back to the human world but they never really say why. I assumed it was some secrecy thing but it doesn't really seem like they allow humans period so why even have a rule for something that's not supposed to happen? Certainly not because they want to hide their existence from humans, memory erasing magic is a thing and even a one tail can use it so they can just wipe the memories of the fox world and bring them back whenever they feel like it. Why not let kyoji visit before deciding he wants to stay there? The king overturns this rule anyway so it's not like it was that important, and I doubt nagisa is so stupid he never heard of this super important sacred rule, and yet he was walking around outside with his ears and tail and didn't even know why that got him some stares. So much stupid shit in this story, from the way the nagisa fox reveal to kyoji went to everything else. I could sit here for hours and explain why none of this adds up. So yeah please save yourself the time. If you're that curious about the trainwreck I'd rather get DM's asking me what happened instead of letting another poor innocent soul start this expecting something halfway decent. In the end I still gave 3 stars because I can't bring myself to completely hate it, but it squandered so much potential it hurts.

Reincarnator (Manhwa)

Ongoing | | 2022 released

I kept getting deja vu while reading this. I wonder did I drop it before or something. Sadly last chap he started going solo with the one annoying pretty girl, I hope they're not trying to set up a romance. Every time she does the logical thing anyone would've done he's like "ah yes she's adjusting so well" and I hate it but at least he's not simping. He's a bit too nice for my taste but only in the sense that he wants a large amount of people to survive, personally he's happy to chop off legs and shit if it's deemed necessary. I was hoping the one tired boy would be on good terms with MC but it doesn't seem likely. I feel weird tagging this isekai but it technically is another world. EDIT: I'm not in to red zone arc, hoping we move on soon.

Everyone Regressed Except Me

Ongoing | Writing | 2022 released

I was gonna give this a 5 but the loli ruined it. It's kinda dumb that everybody has it out for MC like he's the only player who was strong before regression but what about the other 20 that entered the final dungeon too?? Like why is it fine for all of them to get even stronger than before by stealing MC's shit if it's equality you're after? And anyway 1000s of weaker players getting random op stuff that used to be mcs is still a downgrade to having one really strong person that knows how to take full advantage of it. The way other characters keep literally being given cheats just so they can catch up to MC is irritating af idk who thought this would be fun, and I mean literal cheats like the monsters themselves are helping the loli BC apparently it's fine for anyone other than MC to be OP. As for why I hate her, she gets everything handed to her, and her personality sucks. I know shes older because regression but wtf is this weird crush situation? Not to mention her thinking she's the shit when really she might as well be useless, even though MC flip flops between pointing out that she's weak and acting like her abilities really do something. Last chap her only job was to stay outside the gate but of course noooo she knows better so she went in after MC. I'm sure she'll ride his coattails here too and think she's so amazing and helpful. Her showing up decreased the difficulty of the gate because again literal cheats but this is just straight up worse because now MC can't level up by killing the high level monsters, he has to sit on his ass with a couple goblins for 3 hours instead.

How to Tame the Merciless Villain

Ongoing | Peroche,Mooji | 2022 released

An MC who's aware that running away isn't really a good option, how are these still rare? She's far from a genius but at least she got the basics down. ML is very cute but I sorta feel like he's gonna end up going down the yandere path at some point. Please I just want one LI that stays cute, not a secret psycho. I'm putting it down as supernatural and not fantasy because it seems like everything else is normal and it's just a few people with magic.