Not for the Faint of Heart
Somehow I didn't put anything down here the first time but this is the stuff I'm on this site for. 10/10 would go through an emotional rollercoaster again. A season 2 is seriously in need though, open endings are just not my thing and well... It's so good who wouldn't want more?
Spring Snow (Odongtong) Webtoon
For what it does it's great, but the ending is just too depressing...
One Reason Why He Hates Me
I wish there was a spin off where we get to see Amor and that other guy get together!
My Darling Signed In
Literally one of the best shounen ai I've ever read. Now that they finished season 2 it's been elevated from really good to godly. Just read it people, and don't give up because of the rocky start.
Peach Love
It wasn't good in the sense I usually think of when looking at BL, but that isn't a bad thing. It has an actual plot going on and while the relationship is important it's not at the centre all the time. By the end things got pretty deep. I didn't think I'd enjoy this kind of style as much as I did.
My Starry Sky
I dug the angst because I'm a whore for that stuff but I lost interest after season 1. The ending was nice although I wish there was a little more so it didn't feel so sudden.
As You Wish (Seoho)