This latest arc has really been a wtf moment from start to finish. MC grew negative braincells and ML is paying the price. He basically unilaterally decided they'd broken up while ML had no clue why he's getting ghosted since the only thing of note that happened is he said he can't eat homecooked food right now due to his manager watching the groups diet. Then, when he realizes he fucked up he continues to do nothing as ML leaves a sobbing mess. Afterwards he's like "I should've done something" y'think mate?! Go to his house or some shit, leaving it longer isn't gonna fix anything! Even if the relationships done for he deserves an explanation. EDIT: I wonder if it has anything to do with that hiatus, maybe the old author got killed and they got a stand-in to finish the series lmao. EDIT 2: Latest chapter ended the series, it explained Heemin's side of things more.
On my own