I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Male Lead
Please, Forget About Vivian
look the deal is that the ML needs therapy and has to hide a bunch of stuff so the MC thinks he loves his actual sister-in-law, not knowing that he wants to have her adopt his dead bro's kid so her weak ass doesn't have to deal with preggo. She bites off more that she can chew and everyone thinks everyone is cray. the end. The author magics all the problems away at the end. no shits given
Ways to Break Up with the Male Lead
A High School Girl Raises a Corporate Slave
The Reason Why The Twin Lady Crossdresses
Heroine falls for piece of shit dude because she realizes her ptsd doesn't make him a bad person but fails to realizes that his actions make him bad person
The S-Class Guide as Sweet as Honey
if. you. don't. take. the. time. to. build. a. relationship. you. didn't. earn. any. trust. you. emotionally. blackmailing. piece. of trash.
Your Majesty Is Mine