Guiding Hazard
c49 _____ c49 he isssss cute very cute, i love eunsung c48 YEAAAAAAAH CALL HIS NAME: SEO EUNSUNG c47 taegun u might be dead meat LOL c45 hehehehheeh taegun c44 d’awwwwwww eunsung ahhhhhh. Also VERY GOOD IKEMEN SHOT OF EUNSUNG HERE c43 eunsung aaaaah T T ur past… we finally see it c38 nooooo taegunnn dont so eunsung like this T T c35 FUCK U BASTARD YOU’LL NEVER HURT OUR HONEYS c33 honeyy,, he’s not angry at you. He’s angry at that bastard named kang. c32 im scared. Dirtbag kang almost had him c31 dirty bastard stay AWAY FROM OUR TAEGUN c30 im glad eunsung is quick to catch on c29.5 much love for guide eunsung and eunsung’s developed appearance hehe. I WOULD BUY AN EUNSUNG DOLL. c29 T T eunsung’s trauma…. c28 DAYUMMMM eunsung enjoying this frfr c27 LMFAOOOOO keep on babbling lee taegun c26 <3 theyre sooooo cuteeeeee haha taegun u dont even know what ure doing to eunsung LOLololol c25 hey hey hey lil hubbbyy don’t get snappy with eunsung!! I know its hard and traumatic but he’s literally greener than green. ALSO HAHA “I THINK I BROKE A RIB, JK” i love eunsung! Yesssss let hubby soothe you lil hubby!!! c24 LIL HUBBY HAS TRAUMA NOOOOoooOoOo don’t make eunsung’s efforts go backwards T- T c23 HAHAHA EUNSUNG SO CUTEEEEEEE c21 HOT JOT FIRE TORNADO!!! He broke his head board- c20 WOAH THIS CHAPTER IS SUPER HOT SEXY FIRE!!!!! Also eunsung went dark mode for a second HAHAHAHA c19 THIS CHAPTER IS HOT SEXY FIRE c11 LMFAOOO POOCH, NOT HIS WING-WING DING-DONG LOOOOOL c5 omg im in love with them. A GENTLE TOP?!?! c2 LOL THE WHOLE BUILDING KNOWS NOW, Lee taegun and seo eunsung c1 they both have top capabilities!!! The top guide is unusualllll!!! But im down hehe. Blonde hair red eyes!!!! Good luck mc
Angel Buddy
Hana wo Tadoreba Kimi no Yubisaki
Reincarnation Idol & Idol Freak Night
c6 ______ c6 出たあああ!!![GIRL IN BL MANGA] SCENE! c5 keitaa… LOL the bomb got dropped on him. But I wonder, is Tasuku for real? c3 AWWWWW THEY REMEMBER BOTH OF EM T- T <3!! Ft. Dogeza
Inma-sama ni Hallelujah
c6 ______ c6 aww hes cute as an angel with blonde hair c5 AWWW LUCIF’S IN LOVE
Codename Anastasia
c34 ______ c32 daaaaamn zhenya, unfort!! Haha c31 MAYBE THATS WHERE ANASTASIA HAS BEEN ALL ALONG??? HELLO TAEKJOO WYD?? c28 damn, he came on his face wtf, yeah zhenya, IDK IF HE’S GONNA LEAVE U ALIVE AFTER THIS… c27 LOOOL zhenya tryna fuck YOU thru HER LOL its the closest to them fucking that we will get for now c26 “when will they have seeeeex” lolololol c23 yap. He’s looking at you, even in the cover!!!!! c20 so he IS with HQ,, he’s just also russian and also in touch with these guys over there running the weapon c17 okay so zhenya isn’t psikh, but he’s OBVIOUSLY someone important and CLEARLY sketchy,, definitely don’t think he’s the guy from HQ… c10 hm?? Is zhenya psikh???
c68 _______ c68 SHINJE NOOO T- T c67 shinje ty for the assist… Why HAVENT U BEEN SHOWING UP IN RECENT CHAPTERS T T?? I miss his face. c64 shinje T T… our yugeon has been through it… c62 him and shinje T T! The sketches are cute. c61 ooo! The murim sketch! c59 … YO!! U CAnnoT bE doInG this!! They’re trauma bonding c58 DAMN, his trauma… its so bad c57 ?!?! The brother got eaten? And the other staff? Also cute cat moments :)! c56 jeeeeeeeezus they bonding(?)(?)(?), but wtf is happening with his brother…? c55 jeeeeeeesus they had sex and not guidance c53 ん??平気なんだ??? Are You ZeriOuS?(super american accent) c52 NOOO DON’T STAB SHINJE T- T c40 oh no… he searched woo shinje up… he’s curioussssss he’s falling, rip yugeon c12 bruh he got slapped by his dck
Royal Servant