Into the light once again
c65 _____ c65 awwwww the kidssss T- T so wholesome c62 lumi-kun you look GREAT, very different but great c61 awwww drunk aisha c59 YSIS I LOVE YOU also pls tell abt black magic and the devil marianne c58 UGH MARIANNE I SWEAR, LEAVE HER ALONE YOU BIIIIIITCH c56 lumiiiiiiiiiiiii c54 mom’s dress is so pretttttyyy c53 hE kNOws LUMINAS pls sav her c51 ysis…… please please dont get hurt we love you so so much c50 get blesssed by the king
I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
c107 _____ c107 PEREZZZZ what a delightful surpriseeeee <3 HIIIIII!!! c106 GOO TIAAAA FIGHT THEMMM LEAVE THEM CRYING THE HAUGHTY 12 YR OLD BRATS DESERVE IT c102 fishBATE chan caught! Clervy why are u so shocked?? Whats weongggg c95 Bate-chan is cuuuuuute i love himmm!! Also Frentia showing off that she bought the building hehe ♡♡ c78 CLERVIAN ♡♡
A Divorced Evil Lady Bakes Cakes
c65 _____ c65 bruh. c61 fking serena again… c54 thank you brownie!! c42 caaaaaalixx i missed u c38 SHE HAS DIVINE POWERRRR c37 Ainz looks GREAT HERE GOSH c36 YEAAAH TELL HIM OFF ERIN! Ty calix :) c35 what theyre doing raymond… is nonya fuckin bizz c33 lol the ainz copium at the end c32 ainz my guy where have u been if ure trying to secure the bag, you neeeed ur moment…! c27 CALIX BROWNIE POINTS GET! c26 HIS ESTATE???? CALIX OMG c24 CALIX!!!! c20 OOhhh????! Calix male lead?! Me like him c19 omg the cat cake is so cute c17 DUDE, calix man u got me good c12 dumB biTch wym how r u inferior u literally suck
Hey, Little Duke, Just Trust this Sister!
c34 ____ c30 LOL flee asking kade if he’s a mythical creature too c25 BAHAHA SHE GOES WOW YOU HAVE REALLY PRETTY EYES (i agree kade is very pretty) c24 chloe’s dad is so fluffy hehe c20 kade fighting!!! I know you may be second male lead but i’m cheering for you!!! c14 on tapas c1 aww i feel for the female lead
Born As the Daughter of the Wicked Woman
c79 _____ c79 lololol carolina and lenox…??! c50 ragnar……… surely he’s a drawgon and its fiiione? c46 art change………. Im j not used to it…. Eeeeeh the vibes have changed c42 urk burdensome maria… c35 hey duke, about rescuing the crown prince… we got it covered no worries!! c29 reread for official scans c29 teenmanhua trans now sad
The Heroine Had an Affair with My Fiance
c40 _______ c40 eh… why is the pin talking… ALSO RAY URE GORG c38 rader pls… ure so hot… PLS MY IMAGE OF U HOW CAN U J CRUMBLE TO MONEY LIKE THAT LOLOL c34 yes… KYUUUte!!! c29 SUSPICIOUS NECKLACE!!! THROW IT OUT! c28 aint no way he called her cereal, get outta here man! c27 TEARY-EYED IKEMEN. TEARY-EYED IKEMEN!!!!!! c25 becozzzz he labssss yuuuuuu c14 AWW HES SO CUTE, SO HES THE ONE ON THE COVER!! THE LIL DRAGON c12 hehe cerberus loves u c8 duval, u idiot of a man. Reading better scans c5 YESSS PUT THEM IN THEIR PLACES, LET’S GO “guy from temple” PRINCEEEE! c4 crown prince is HOT , but also these translations SUCK after the first chapter. c2 green hair guild master is hottttt c1 whaaaaaaaa gurl???
The Dungeon’s Time-Bound S-Rank Beauty
c63 ______ c63 3/4 CLEAR ~! Yian…. Let’s go…! c58 KABEDON! OH. WOA- WOW TWICE?? THEY DID IT TWICE WAIT AAAAH WOAH?? c57 yian…. c51 oh— DAMN? She has an L grade skill c49 hey!!! Wrong manga!!! Read on Tapas c48 D’AWWWWWWWWW c39 TRIANGLE. But she doesnt… yk… she loves all yall.. c37 jaeheon nooooo c32 not the fxxking hentai anime advertising at the bottom LOL. c29 LMAOOOO LOSING STAMINA J FOR SLEEPING W HIS HEAD TOWARDS THE CHURCS DIRECTION?? Crazy hahahaha c28 read on Tapas c22 urk— and he’s a priest…… but i love friends to loversss esp childhood(?) friends, high school AAAAHHHHH c20 by his side soon, lolol jaeheon c13 ah fxxk i thought i was team jaeheon… BUT YIAN IN HIS WHITE COAT AND GENTLENESS IS SO STRONG!!!!! c8 fr. Did nobody else rly not fking know c6 awwwww jaeheon’s bkstry c3 ?? Is it jaehoon or jaeheon.. cprologue wwwwwwoooow jaehoon… hot.
Preference for the Possessor