c68 c68 SHINJE NOOO T- T c67 shinje ty for the assist… Why HAVENT U BEEN SHOWING UP IN RECENT CHAPTERS T T?? I miss his face. c64 shinje T T… our yugeon has been through it… c62 him and shinje T T! The sketches are cute. c61 ooo! The murim sketch! c59 … YO!! U CAnnoT bE doInG this!! They’re trauma bonding c58 DAMN, his trauma… its so bad c57 ?!?! The brother got eaten? And the other staff? Also cute cat moments :)! c56 jeeeeeeeezus they bonding(?)(?)(?), but wtf is happening with his brother…? c55 jeeeeeeesus they had sex and not guidance c53 ん??平気なんだ??? Are You ZeriOuS?(super american accent) c52 NOOO DON’T STAB SHINJE T- T c40 oh no… he searched woo shinje up… he’s curioussssss he’s falling, rip yugeon c12 bruh he got slapped by his dck
B-Class Guide
c56 finale c55 yaaay cuddlesss & confessions c52 jaeha-ya…. You told him to fail c46 good reference and pose taking shirt off c40 caught btwn a rock and a hard cock OHOOOOOHOHOHOHO!! SECTION CHIEF U IN FOR A LONG RIDE WITH PUPPY KUROO LIKE ESPER DO JIYOON
Guiding Hazard