This Is An Obvious Fraudulent Marriage Webtoon
The S-Classes That I Raised
c100 _______ c100 yesss water droplet and volleyball, help us! c98 loooool electric type for water c94 Sobsss yoohyun isn’t recoverable..????? c91 yoohyun :’((( so desperate to save his hyunggg my heart hurtz,, i also forgot that yoohyun is technically not the real one in this timeline bc of the world being loaded with new info instead of reset c88 LMAO DANCING WITH HYUNJAE MID BATTLE c85 hehe, hyunjae you like?? Our yoojin is best isn’t he c83 ahhh <3 hyunjae (jupiter guildmaster) you’re SO HOT HERE c80 awwwww peace haha c77 AWWWW YOOJIN YOOHYUN CHILDHOOD also dang his parents what the heck c76 yoohyun + peace (in a low voice) ALLIANCE!! c65 oh boy…. c64 oh jupiter…. Dont be silly now c61 hehehehe jupiter guild masterrrr c47 GAP MOE, NICE! Guild master of jupiter is so so so so so cool omg oml danger c45 peaceeee get bettr c43 AAAAAAAH OMG SUCH A SENTIMENTAL CHAPTER MYEONGWOO IT’S ALRIGHT c42 AWWWWWWWWW T-T KNIFE SHARPENER MAN, DONT CRY WE LOVE YOU c38 rip inky but omg op tf oooo this one is a good one c33 yes make moon unni join guild pls i love this dynamic
Rengoku no Ashe
The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra
The Tragedy of a Villainess
c100 ______ c98 vvvvVvvvVvvvvVVVICTORY! c97 noo….. No… rouchie :( rouchieeeee c96 wait wuuuut house keliden all died???? What?? Oh theyre alive haha. Callis was lyin c93 T T??? Like Lina is jailed but i cant even celebrate bc WHAT HAPPENED TO ROUCHE?? c92 get him rouchey. c91 fuckin bitch and man whore cass c90 seria,,, dont give her anything c87 blonde seria p cool and thank you tuban for informing us!! c85 ohhhh that’s his baby c82 YICKY EW EW!! LINA GET PURIFIED U BIIUUITCH c81 thank god it was resolved, BUT WTF?? HELLO LINA?? Ur child is um… not quite right… c80 Lina… you dirty little wench… shut your traaaaaaaaaaaap c79 a merrrrrrmaidddd <3 c78 hmm…. ??? c77 AWWWW HE LIKES BIBI HAHA. Child of god or not, i want to strangle Lina. c76 thank GOD (haha, get it?? bc its the child of god, lolol) that it wasn’t any of their children. c75 fucking bitch. Take that lina. I hope u dont know who’s child it is. c74 … I’m sorrry whaaaaaaat?????? Marry who now?? c73 YAAAAAAhhhh!! Go rouche go! c72 ofc u do callis. Eyerolling. Stupid boy, how are u planning to do that and expect to get back with seria?? c70 awwwwww so sweeeeeet c68 callis…. U chose lina over her. YOU CHOSE LINA OVER HER. And now???? You have the face to say that you thought there was something left??? Like hello? c66 fr just let her be happy c65 oh rouche T- T the amount of pain he must be in, pls pls pls seria dont do this to him anymore i cant bear it, let’s tell him everythingggg c62 NOW she should realize right?! That something is CLEARLY wrong with Lina! Good job rouche hehe ty for sticking with us! c60 so she finally realizes! Or so i hope, that LINA may not be the original lina and she may know… extra! c56 YESSSS TELL HIM, SHARE UR WORRIES WITH HIMMMMM YESSSSS c53 oh ho? Black stuff is leaking out, seria LOOK c51 FINALLY, she admitted that he’s her husband. Also steamy hot tub scene, no literally just a steamy hot tub scene c46 nissus, at least someone still has a heart in this family!!!! Also father, its a MORE THAN A LITTLE BIT TOO LATE TO ADDRESS THE TRAUMA ISSUE not to mention blaming seria for not telling???? Like they would’ve believed her?? Rouche, let’s take her back to the home she loves. c45 get u a man like rouche who would go to war for you (LIKE MY MAN PRINCE CALLISTO/KALISTO FROM PENELOPE’S STORY) c44 HAHA, Now THIS is why i like rouche!!! Callis on the other hand??? Would try to appease, care abt him image, can he even do that to her relatives BLAH BLAH BLAH c43 OH ROUCHE ROUCHE ROUCHE HOW DEARLY WE’VE MISSED YOU, how good it is to be in ur arms c41 Is callis’s state of mind lina’s handiwork?? Or is he truly going insane? c40 eyeroll, callis u have no RIGHT TO BE JEALOUS OR DEFEND HER WHEN YOU WERE ALL OVER LINA DESPITE NUMEROUS PLEADS FROM SERIA. c39 they’re ALL TERRIBLE I HATE THEM ALL, geez rouche i’m requesting assistance on seria’s behalf c38 bruh he got offended that it was worse than a coachmen’s room but not that it was dusty and unkept?? c34 YEAH CALLIS, ROUCHE ISSSS GENUINELY FOND OF SERIA AND LOYAL UNLIKE UR ASS c32 oooooh she’ll be gone for a year?! HEAT. Also, don’t worry about rouche, seria!! Unless he’s under some trance, there’s no way he would suddenly realize his love for that wench! c31 shut the f up lina, srsly wym u did nothing wrong come ON NOW c30 what is the WENCH LINA UP TO NOW?? c27 FOR FULL CHAPTERS POST-CHAPTER 26, 27-29 on here are incomplete c26 THEY’RE SAVEDDDDS c25 moooooooon? c23 NOOOOOO MARTA NO DIE PLS c22 oh suzette u scared us. c21 BRO SUZETTE?? c17 haha lenon is such a cutie c15 hic hic WHATEVER CALLIS, THIS IS BUT A MARGIN OF THE PAIN YOU’VE CAUSED AND YOU STILL DARE TO BEG? c13 yeah yeah yeah Lina try and make up lies u dumb whore c11 bruh how does she (lina) manage to irk EVERY CHAPTER??? EVEN MIELLE WASNT THIS BAD c10 SUCK IT CALLIS, HOW ON EARTH DARE YOU CRITICIZE HER WHEN YOU WERE THE ONE WHO CREATED THIS SITUATION YOU UNGRATEFUL RAT BASTARD. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTEDDDDD ON LINA. On a side note, thank you archduke, bless you c8 YES YOUR GRACE, PLEASE SUPPORT HER. Also fuck u lina c7 callis, you are HOPELESSS YOU MF, also go prince preach you have a WELL FITTED HEAD ON UR SHOULDERS THANK GOD. c6 CALLIS IDC ABOUT YOU, YOU’RE ALREADY TRASH. c4 yeah curious “typical protagobist” MY ASS SHE’S JUST A GREEDY BITCH c3 UGH SO WHAT IF URE ENVIOUS HANDS OFF BITCH. HANDSSS OFFF
How To Survive As A Player
c52 ________ c52 oh dicks censored, WHOA JEEZ MERRY CHRISTMAS?? UM?? I got blindsided HAHAH c51 awwww the chibis at the bottom are so cuteeee (meanwhjle FWOP, SQUELCH) YOOO DICKS NOT CENSORED c50 AHUUUEEEEE T T <3 c49 bro the white veil is also celestials or j have wings?? Oh :( they manipulated the grand duke’s answer… c45 i j know this is going to get more tragic and not more happi :( c42 sehyun T T ure scaring themmm c40 OH, GAEL!!! *faints*. c39 angsttt, also what is going on with the leagues…? Interference…? Noise…? c35 aww, myuahn c31 ?!? c30 s1 end…?!?!!!!!! AT 30?? Well… i guess okay… least it returns sept 28… c27 brother thats disgusting HE’S RELATED TO U, HOLY SHIT MAN, U NEED SOME HOLY WATER, NO HOLY FIRE. c22 PAIN. c17 owieeee im hurting @ part where vassals are crying c14 so much angst,,,, and for whattt but idm… c9 T T…. c6 be nice to ussss!!!!!! c3 an angellllll! A celestial!!! c1 ID WANT TO BE A VAMPIREEE OR ELFFF
I am the strongest awakeners, recognized by all of the world’s cheat masters
c27 ________ c27 URK, the FUCKING PAIN. WHY NOT J LET THEM BE HAPPYYYY MAN., also midori, GET THEM. The satosugu in this one is strong man c26 makoto, open ur eyessss ur buddy midori is here :’(( c25 fuck man.. CMON!!!!! WE’RE ONLY CHAPTER 25!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!! c23 MASTERS PLEASE. c22 cmon on why does the flame sword guy have to die… pls dont die c21 FUCK MAN I KNEW IT. c20 m-makoto…? c18 like when ppl get an opportunity you didnt, why is it always “i h8 them for getting the opportunity!!” And not “i shouldve done better”???? c17 makoto kinda hot c11 i like akane’s outfit, giving magical girl c10 i’d want peaceful sleep though… c7 dragon’s claw… WAIT A PINK DINOsaur???? LOLOLOL c2 welcome to the land of the strong, i like mr swordsman
How to Get My Husband on My Side