Rika ~ pearblossom's manga / #Cool MC(214)

Cooking Wizard

Ongoing | Ppili ppala,Purple lemon | 2019 released
2023-01-19 05:31 marked


I’m Not That Kind of Talent

Ongoing | | 2019 released
2023-01-26 08:03 marked

c29 ____ c29 deon is surrounded by nutjobs c26 his majesty, the emperor kinda hot c24 so the emperor knowsss, he’s not oblivious to the split personality c22 yaaaay at least someone knows about his split personalityyyy c18 ohhh he killed his fam, honestly they wrre terribl c17 ah, the alter ego came from stress and anxiety :’( pls protect him alter deon hart c11 his alter ego is opppp, if you can call it that c3 LOL drunk habits…. I seee

Bizarre restaurant

Ongoing | | 2019 released
2023-01-20 06:33 marked

c70 ___ c70 yoo seungwoo… ure kinda hot and vry cool in this chapter… :) “leader of singles” MAYB SOON I BELIEVE IN U(?) c67 lololoLoLoLoL delicious food running on its own two legs c65 awwwwww how heartwarmingggg c62 treeeee doping, op op c50 how to set a flag 101. c47 i-………. c43 daddy president. c39 AWWW THE POOR SLIME’S BACKSTORY T- T c38 protect slimeeeee!! c36 hehe aww youngshik slime nim is so cuteee c35 his own planet!!!!! Lets gooooo!!! Also pudding slimeee <3… NOOO PUDDING SLIME… oh? Pudding slime v.2? c34 LVL UP!! c30 damn so mc is in godhood?! c28 yo, he asked for it, now he’s gonna be in for training hell

There Is No Place for Fakes

Ongoing | 오앤,Oaen,Logo | 2023 released

c73 ____ c73 my babyyy ….. T T AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! GIRL IF U DONT WANT HIM ILL TAKE HIM BUT HE ONLY WANTS U JEHWJWKNSSSBEIWJANXNXJXJSKWKKSSK c72 OHHHHHH T T MY POOR BABY BOYYYYY NOOOOOOOO NASAR D: NOOOOOO MY BABY YOURE ENOUGH YOURE MORE THAN ENOUGHHHHHHHH WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH NASAR I LOVE YOU c71 ohhhhhhh lexion *HEART EYES*! NASAR HOOOOOOO OHHHHH NASAR!!! ure so cool. c70 BAHHAHAHAHAHA NASAR!! That’s why you’re one of my favorite men nasar. c69 hehe thank you jeremiahhhh HI NASAR c68 HEHEHEHHE LEXION <3, WTF NOT THE dragon egg LMAO father pls. Yessssss bday party, slay. Also ellensia looking like a fucking drenched towel was the frosting on the cake, the twinkle to my jingle, the joy to my world. c67 I CANT BELIEVE THEY MADE THE “DUMB” ONE (cadin) DRINK IT WTF. But her soul issssss different!!!! They don’t knkw the concept bc they’re all from this world.. Alsooooo hiii lexion :)!! What dod u do w the boat lexion… damn ure do hotttt. LOL also ellensia rly did need that intelligence potion man… if this is her post intelligence potion… man she mustve been hella dum dum c66 ofc… it was ellensia… c65 HEHEHEHE GOODBYE ROSEANNE!! HEHEHEHE! c64 HAHAHAHAHAA GUIN GUIN MATING SEASON… also im glad melinda is our friendd c63 HEHEHEHEHEEH NASAR IS THE IDEAL LADIES. MEN LISTENING UP OR PACK IT UP. Also… roseanne how delusional do you have to be… c62 slap the fucking shit outta her, YEAH. Also… gooooo ur majesty!!! c61 finally the confirmation phil needed. YES THAT IS A DIFFERENT ELLENSIA. Also… why does stupid redhead still have the ring??? Also ellensia shoved redhead, this should be enough to get it through her head no?? Alsoooo what does taspel mean :^( ?? Im curious c59 your highness, emperor i believe there is a different formula needed for philomel!! c54 hehe aww cadin is cute a lil fluffy! NOT THEM ROASTING THE SHIT OUTTA HIM BRO. c53 jeeez i thought jeremiah was gonna die or something phil! That stupid bastard what was his name?? might’ve well have just died. c52 heheeee~ <3 lexionnnn~~! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡! OH KyAaaaaaaaaa Nasarrrrr ~ (*≧∀≦*) c51 LEXIONNNNN SHEEEEESH THE END PANEL c49 uhm lugin… you’re doing a terrible job actually c48 hehe jeremia’s maaaaddd! c46 HOLLLLLLLLY HELL NASAR <3 c45 itsss okayyy nasar T -T c44 HA elincia u didnt expect that did u now?! c43 confrontation- scary c40 lexionnnnn <3!!!! c38 phillllll dont leave without nasarrrrr!!! c37 confirmed someone did transmigrate into her body!!! Also love you lord nasar abryden! c36 so someone did transmigrate into elincia’s body… she wasn’t wicked from the start c33 kekeke take tht nanny and ur stupid princess elincia!!!!!! c32 YESSS PHIL, NASAR, THINKKKK OF NASAR MY POOR BOY, PLS GIVE HIM THE TIME OF DAY HE AND COUNTESS DELESS CARE ABOUT UUU EVEN IF NO ONE ELSE DOES c30 elincia… YOU WENCH c28 GOSH NASAR IS SOOO FINEEE!! Your majesty PLEASE reassure philomel PLEASS, also your majesty you look quite unwell i hope he’s okay c27 oh Nasar…. I LOVE YOU DEARLY c25 that WENCH HOW DARE SHE TREAT OUR GIRL LIKE THISSSSSSS c24 ?! Who’s hopeless! It better be elincia and not phil c23 her biological father is different from my head image…. c22 ELINCIA IS SUSSSSSSSS c21 alllll the men are sufferinggggg nyooo D: phil, miss, they NEED u c20 nasar nooooooo he looks like hes dyingggg my poor baybeee, also elincia kinda sus….?? ALSO FATHER YOU’VE CHANGED, WE LOVE YOU c19 she gonnn, the flash back scenes made me cryyy

Preference for the Possessor

Ongoing | Lee rin-b | 2019 released
2023-02-07 08:11 marked

c47 ______ c45 TOWER CLIMBING LOL c42 reading official scans nowz c41 honestly bring back the old scans :(


Ongoing | Soon | 2019 released
2023-02-07 14:15 marked

c65 _______ c55 WHAT A SMART SERVANT!! BINGO c52 yesss isaiah uncover da truth! c50 oh no who to root for rion or isaiah c49 AND YUP THERE WE GO AMARYLLIS ISSSS UNHOLY c45 YUP THERE WE GO CONFIRMED, she’s green with envy ig u could say haha c43 FUCKKK AMARYLLIS IS THE DARK c40 god they just dont know when to fuck OFF c39 thank “god” for isaiah HAHA get it caus hes a priest c37 isaiahhhhhh :D also would tag this holy fuck priest but hes kinda young c35 ooh isaiah knows

I became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family

Ongoing | Baekri yeon | 2022 released

c36 ______ c36 BAHAHAHAHAHA THE FOOTNOTESSS c35 hints about her past life!! Appearance of ya yul c34 SOMETHING SEEMS OMINOUSSSSS c33 FATHER U MUST REMAIN STEADYYY and return unharmed!! c27 seo ga yak ALLY YESSSSSS c24 YEAAAAAAAH NAMGUNG WAN UNCLE c6 oh praise the heavens, LORD HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL c2 FATHER IS SO HOT.

My Little Brother Is The Academy’s Hotshot

Ongoing | | 2022 released
2023-03-05 02:39 marked
Tags: Cool MC

c23 ________ c23 ugh thank god his older brother could potentially be alive yesssss c22 THE ICE SPIRIT KING KNOWS OF REGRESSORS?? c21 yeaaah i like mc he’s not the super perfect type but he’s likeable

Concentration of Malice

Complete | Lachik,Paldu | 2019 released

c97 _______ c98 is a reupload, better quality c96 hehe blaineeeee !! I have to admit although prince van is my type looks wise i definitely think blaine is more suited for bertha. Plus i appreciate van’s former personality,,, rather than this rather forward rushing persona c95 jesus van i didnt know tht u focked too, and getting married?? He going fast bc he doesn’t want her to choose someone else c91 OOOH WOW PRINCE VAN GOT SENT TO THE PAST BEFORE BLAINE AND VERTA MARRIED!!! c89 princeeee van brandt nooo T- T rip one sided love, congrats blaine and verta for marriage!!! DIE CARTER FINALLY c86 OW JESUS HER LEG c85 uhm excuse me?! His sister?! CARTER YOU FIEND OML I CAN’T EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HIM AS A CHARACTER. Anyways hii helena c83 BLAINE YOU DEVILISH MANNN OMG bahahaha c81 nooo she only thinks she likes himmmmm c80 yessss blaine you’ve only ever been a darlingg! c77 yeaaaaaaah i like blaine with her but hubby blonde is my fave c75 another mouse caught in the trap c74 mother! Dont let us down…. Plsss c71 yaaaay their original faces!! ALSO GODDAMN BLAINE WHAT A BEAST, CALM THYSELF A SLIGHT c67 DAMN BLAINE GETS FIRST c39 SHE HUGGED BLAINE SHADE HEHE c32 PRINCE VAN YOU SLYYYY LITTLE PUPPY HEHE HAHAHAHA c26 butler, i must say, SHE HAS A POINT c25 boing boing boing boing c22 HAHA I AM THE WITNESS BITCCCCH c14 jacard jacard jacard! That is not the right way to court the one you like….. c12 AWWWWWW POOR PUPPY!!!!! HAHAHA c10 SLAYYYY RISA CUT HIS DICK OFFFF c6 oop- the art changed here lol, her eyes here> c3 hUH, also art?????? Promo> c1 aYOOOOOO BUTLER?!