Mori No Hashikko No Chibi Majo-San
c1 _______ c1 >:( why not let her try to save ur and her husband???? Also don’t think it warrants a 7.3, moreso a 8.2
The Foreign Object was Me
c26 _________ c25 KILL THE BAD GUY AND HEAL HIM AND THEN WE GO BEAT UP MORE BAD GUYS!! c24 ya diana is bad c15 TELL HIM BELZE!! c15 ugh like ig at least she apologized? But like rly lady?? c13 read on lua scan c11 fiiiiiinaly we escaped c10 Edwin T T <3 c6 holy CRAP! The other ppl j need to shut the HELL up!
Darling, Why Do You Regret It?
c28 _______ c28 hm?? Idk what changed in this chapter but it kinda fell off hard c27 urk… poor enoch valeig… c23 should i leave a kiss on ur hand as well… kLOLOLOL c22 EHEHEHEEHEHHE DUKE ENOCH c20 valeig! How cunning :) c19 LOLOLOL VALEIG c16 DEAREST PRINCE U RLY SHOULDA STOPPED HERRRRRRR. Ily prince c11 oh, the male lead has appeared! BLESS THAT DUKE DILOV ISNT ML c9 LMFAO SLAY MOTHER c8 he’s he’s he’s beautiful…!!! He better be ML! And not turd bag over there… c7 honey honey honey… why are you calling us honey???? c6 lolol his majesty is laughing at him c5 ?????? Why is he clinging on
I Was Told To Die
c3 ______ c3 waiting for better scans c1 those bitches. Also… pls tell me long hair guy got revenge/is on her side…
Actually, I was the Real One
c130 _________ c130 hehehhehe happy happy happy c127 heheheehhe erezzzzzz so dreamyy c121 bro… THAT WAS PRACTICALLY A CONFESSION OF HIS LOVE IAJSKLAKXJZJJWNEF FUKKKK c119 b r u h. LIKE WE KNOW BRAINWASHING IS THE POWER, How come we’re j letting this happen??????? c109 to be honest, im a romantic, so like, i woulda been on his side no matter what and if he betrays me, well hey at least it was a hot guy who booted me off the earth man, and a hot guy i looooved man c108 oh her highness the princess is on team erez for sure… EREZ T T c106 fffffuckkkk T T im sorry erez… I WOULDA BEEN OK WITH IT JUST SO YOU KNOW. But also damn. Joseph coming to comfort straight away, my fucking goat hopping the balcony, so hot too T T… c105 Yeah, DEMONICALLY HOTTTTT c104 sir joseph… T T… OH HO, EREZ!!!!! c103 SIR JOSEPH!!!! YOU’RE TUGGING ON MY HEARSTRINGS c102 menacing??? Sir joseph?? Try to?? Impossible! You’re asking a puppy dog to look like a bear… c98 p-poor sir joseph… WAAAAAAHHH THE SECOND LEAD SYNDROME T T c97 like ik him being controlled and chained up is bad BUT HOLY FUCK YOUR GRACE YOGA FUCKING HOT TIED UP LIKE THAT. The second Claude c96 HAHAHAHHA THEIR BROMANCE c90 YYAAAAY THE REVEAL YEA EREZ TELLLLL US c89 hehe erez… c87 HEY, EREZ! U JINXED IT!!!! c86 EREZ PROTECT HERRRRRR, also side note art has reached wmmp level c84 lololol cosette ur “charms” wont work on erez c83 father, u are utter TRASH AT COMMUNICATING U BLOCK HEAD c71 JOSEPH HOPE CHAPTER!!!! c70 joseeeeeeeph!!! Go go! Also shut up COSETTE, DONT U DARE TOUCH FATHER c61 JOSEPHHHH U KEK KNIGHT>>>>> c22 YES GOOD ART KEEP GOING c16 the art is developing
On The Way To Meet Mom
c5 _____ c5 soz cute T T c4 rider is p nice, and kinda hot, love the hair mate ;) c2 bro wait hold on, HOLD ON MAN, HOLD ON. YOU- WAIT BRO.
Proposal scandal
c4 ________ c4 DEEEEEEEP BREATH. OOOOOO PONYTAIL DARK HAIR IKEMENNNN YUM. Im actually glad this is short, all the art is so pretttyyyyy!! Wtf art style change for their other work… THE DARK HAIR IKEMEN NOOOOOO!!! Nari and claude, cute would ship c3 oh-? OH?! OH DAMN GOLDEN BOY WOAH c1 lolol poor handsome fool claude ;) ANOTHER CLAUDE
The Phantom Princess
c7 __________ c7 NOOOOO BUT WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING!!!! WAIT WHAT THE END??????? HUH c6 hehehhehehehhee c5 oh! She cut straight to the chase! And he’s horny asf, nxt chapter, WE SAIL. c4 whaaaaa you sonova- DON’T U WANT HERRRR? c2 d-damn son w-wait a minute! LOL poor lucian. Theyre both rly rly pretty thooo
Dao of the Bizarre Immortal
c c
Please Don’t Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store!