Coffee & Cat
very interesting and cute!!
Yajima-kun no sezonku friend
This was so cute. Even though the plot wasthe usual cliche the storyflow wasn't so bad and I enjoyed reading it. So fluffy and adorable! Love the ouple!:
Voice of Love
I absolutely love the story, it was interesting and the relationship of the main character is simply adorable and beautiful. And best side girl friend character ever!!
Silver Diamond
gosh this is just so awesome. it reminded me alot of akatsuki no yona. the artand the pacing of the story. i wanted to seethem kiss for once but i guess their love for each otheris the type that doesn'y need to be sexual but rather just be inside them. an adventure manga with lots of bishounen. friendShips in this manga be like BROMANCE that i absolutely love this manga BANZAI FOR THE AUTHOR
Becoming the Librarian’s Pet
Oh my gosh the sex scenes are hot as hell its been a while since I found something that made me all drooling haha
Welcome to the Intimate Night
Oh my gosh I love it it has every scenes I need. The short plot is also soon good . If only it had more chapters
Outsider Communication
This was so cute and nice I like the vibe
Cupid ni Rakurai
I knew ao was uke but still kifa wanted to see shingi be uke whoops
Spring Snow (Odongtong) Webtoon