Neko to Kiss
A fun romantic comedy revolving around Wada Erina, a high school girl who absolutely adores cats, and her classmate, Nekoyama Akira, who is unsociable and always wears a mask. Erina is usually nicknamed "Queen" by her classmates due to her cool appearance but when she talks about cats, she gets extremely excited. One day, a cat visits her lawn. Lured by it’s cuteness, she gets excited and kisses the cat, and then...?!
Kaiden - A mysterious ability user who hides inside the body of a street cat. He is later picked up by Jiwoo after being injured after a fight with another ability user. He has a stubborn and bossy personality. Jiwoo - an energetic and talkative high school boy who loves cats. He is very kind and also seem to have a special ability. - WOULD RE READ AGAIN AND AGAIN
Where The Shooting Star Falls, Wait There.