Shingeki no Kyojin - The Lost Prince (Doujinshi)
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update ch. 14: i am c o n f u s e d. does the 'school/class president' like hyeongho or not? like...twisted like thing. how come he is angry at what that gangsae some stupid did? *sigh* update ch.16: nope. no. nonononono the class pres guy doesn't have any twisted 'like' feelings. he just wants to ruin hyeongho and namsoo >( update ch.29: i would care less if someone k*ll s the supposed 'students' here that have been crossing the line since day one with hyeongoh update ch.30: chapter title says 'start' what else is gonna start -.-" update ch.40: there's what, 20 more chapters? and i am already deadt with the psycho stuff going on with namsoo. not that i am against what he did to the bullies, though. update ch.59: i am crying. this is too much oh god
According to a reviewer - like killing stalking but way better
Sei no Gekiyaku
Psychological y want to read for the art Frikken I hate this (it made me cryy a lot, watching the movie but ofc that had changes, but still) whhhhhyyyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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