Totally Captivated dj - Mr Sangchuls Diary
If You Hate Me So
update ch. 6: these people hate each other yet do the do. leave it to BL to not make any sense lol update ch. 10: breh this is ra p e update ch. 15: at least he apologized and is ?reflecting on it and accepting what he did ...and they both like each other. lesson learnt: obsessive people may r a pe you because of possessiveness. update ch. 18: OOO HERE COMES THE POSSESSIVE DIALOGUE WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE update ch. 18.5: *stares* "everything." LMAO I CANNOT AHAHAHAHA update ch. 19: we are getting season two with the jinhan hyung and the title is 'if you love me so' season one was 'if you hate me so' and it ended good. this season with that name..i wonder how bad things will be Update: it wasn't bad at all
Totally Captivated