Dai Dark
This manga, set in an interesting outer space setting with magic, follows the young man whose bones can grant wishes. This curse means that although he seemly cannot die, many are out to kill him. Despite this being a gory concept, the manga in itself is rather funny and the art is quite cool. Plot wise, there is a lot going on on top of the protag's curse: evil cult that rules the majority of the universe; the centre of the universe and were it was made and searing for the one who gave the curse in order to break it. So give it go, I liked it :)
Cosmic Censorship
On chapter 5 rn Super interesting concept - curious on how a rando girl plays into all of this tho Also, pissed at the costume design for Fuuka. She's wayyy too cool to get an over-sexualised outfit like that; come on, she was literally in her underwear, while the guys get uber-scifi, kick-ass outfits?? So freaking unfair.
Niwa Ni Wa Niwa Niwatori Ga Ita