Tiger & Bunny Dj - Sora Mo Keburu Yoru
*2014 style
Tiger & Bunny dj - Atarashii Hibi
Not gonna lie, though Kotetsu was gonna bottom on this one too. Dude was so adorable and lovable. Kyaa~ *Had bit of a bittersweet moment(slight trauma remainder) but didn’t really kick me in the feels that hard, so the mood wasn’t drastically changed
Tiger & Bunny dj - Only You
Soft Smut~
Tiger & Bunny dj - Just a Little Longer
T-T me funaron con el final, al chile si me esperansé a que cambiara de parecer y decidiera quedarse o pensar en una alternativa. Odie que me hicieran reír con el panel extra, nada sobre la situación ameritaba risa aunque lo pusieran como final bittersweet. Me dan ganas de ponerle 3, pero no puedo. No se siente bien. ):
Tiger & Bunny Dj - Share The Doubt
Tiger & Bunny Dj - Gme.
Hallow Tree - Old Man Canyon suspiciously started playing when I opened this. It fit like a glove. *gave it a 4 cause I still feel a bit uneasy when they make Kotetsu act a tiny bit too girlish*
Tiger & Bunny dj - It Feels Like XXXX...
Got a bit uncomfortable when he mentioned he thought he was being paternal by sleeping with him, ngl. I hope it was mistranslated, some lines WERE a bit confusing. The art style was different and took a different view on them but it was greatly done. I thought Kotetsu was hot at the end.
Tiger & Bunny - Banken Hiroimashita (Doujinshi)