i actually quite enjoyed this by itself, a lot of people perferred the first story but idk i think i liked this one more this one did in fact almost make me cry (of course)
Kuchizuke Wa Niji No Ue De
this is so underrated wtf, with the 'you're my own personal sunshine' too its just wakafnlkgnaen basically - (this is me assuming their roles as it aint shown) the sun follows the uke everywhere and makes it aLWAYS HOT, the rain follows the seme everywhere :( , seme likes running hiking exercise (cant do that shit in the rain lmao) and the uke prefers to stay indoors, the two of them meet and the seme forces the uke to join the hiking club (? i think) he goes to <3 and from there LOVE BLOOMS
Our Addictive Carnal Games
idek man its sequel to that blackmail one
this was soooo beautiful omg the ex boyfriend was still a dick for even getting involved with those kinds of people in the first place especially w no explanation for nanase :((
Virgin Pink Scandal